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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-29 08:43:54
看板 Gossiping
作者 due1014 (Backpacker)
時間 Wed Mar 29 06:26:24 2017

1.媒體來源:hungarytoday news

               IN BUDAPEST



3.完整新聞內文:2017-03-28 | BudapestPolice
Yesterday afternoon, Hungarian police, responding to a call from a neighbor
that someone was in need of help, arrived at a house in Budapest’s 2nd
District. Upon arrival, they found a number of Taiwanese men and women who
were being held there against their will.

Early reports in the Hungarian media, particularly in tabloid magazine Bors,
seemed to indicate that the women were sex slaves; this, however, is no
longer clear.

A total of 35 Taiwanese men and women were found in the house, located on Bimb
ó street in the hills of Buda, according to a press release by the Hungarian
Police. The witnesses were interviewed through a translator.

The authorities produced a video of the crime scene, which can be viewed

Tiltott szerencsejátékot folytattak - YouTube
Egy Budapest II., Bimbó úti házban alakították ki az illegális fogadóirodát.


Following a search of the house, police determined that an illegal gambling
operation was being run from the building. Investigators seized laptops,
 mobile phones, and tablets. They have also arrested a 35-year-old Taiwanese
citizen, on charges of unlawful imprisonment and organizing illegal gambling.

The interview of all witnesses is ongoing.

Via police.hu, borsonline.hu, and origo.hu

Image via borsonline.hu

Video via PoliceHungary YouTube Channel
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Hungarian Police Bust Illegal Taiwanese Gambling House in Budapest - Hungary Today
Hungarian police, responding to a call from a neighbor that someone was in need of help, arrived at a house in Budapest’s 2nd District. Upon arrival,  ...


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JingP: 欸欸外國媒體要附簡單翻譯 不然會被ㄊㄨㄥ1F 03/29 06:27
JingP: 桶
MissFaye: 亞裔~3F 03/29 06:27
ezlove123: 嗯,懂了。4F 03/29 06:28
wondtty: 看無,誰來翻譯一下啊?5F 03/29 06:28
PTTLawyer: 為啥要跑去匈牙利賭博?不會在公海上賭就好6F 03/29 06:28
PTTLawyer: 還是說他那條船不是巴拿馬 而是是匈牙利註冊的
w62796854w: 我書讀得少,說中文8F 03/29 06:30
JingP: 所以這35個人到底幹嘛的 一開始說是性奴 現在又不是了?9F 03/29 06:30
HausRush: 8810F 03/29 06:31
JingP: 新聞沒說他們是去賭博啊 只說警察發現他們是被迫待在那裡11F 03/29 06:32
a49061854: 只有被囚禁的樣子12F 03/29 06:34
※ 編輯: due1014 (, 03/29/2017 06:37:23
JingP: 發現原po沒貼完全文欸 最後還有一段13F 03/29 06:35
JingP: 警方逮捕了一位35歲台灣籍男性 涉嫌這起監禁及非法賭博
amethystboy: 一定又是詐騙集團 等著遣送回北京吧15F 03/29 06:39
JingP: 原po你的摘要翻譯沒有提到這35個人是違反其意願被迫囚禁的16F 03/29 06:41
※ 編輯: due1014 (, 03/29/2017 06:42:54
tyifgee: 要被送去北京啦17F 03/29 06:42
※ 編輯: due1014 (, 03/29/2017 06:46:40
JingP: 你翻譯提到賭博賣淫集團 新聞原文都沒提啊 還是有別篇新聞18F 03/29 06:48
JingP: 有寫?小心不要超譯唷
※ 編輯: due1014 (, 03/29/2017 06:53:34
Kobelephants: 台灣之光20F 03/29 06:53
g8330330: being held there against their will.  sex slave21F 03/29 06:53
g8330330: 被騙去控制的吧
JingP: 是說後面寫no longer clear 所以可能又不一定是性奴惹23F 03/29 06:56
※ 編輯: due1014 (, 03/29/2017 06:58:32
JingP: 原po辛苦了 很少發這種外國新聞齁 沒料到很麻煩吧24F 03/29 06:58
due1014: 我快暈了我~25F 03/29 06:59
JingP: 修改的很努力啦 拍拍26F 03/29 07:01
JingP: 你從哪撈到匈牙利的新聞啊 也是蠻強的
BoBoooM: 在匈牙利就很明顯是就詐騙的桶子28F 03/29 07:02
rebai: 亂講是華人29F 03/29 07:04
wsx26997785: 詐騙、運毒   又追加了一個賭博30F 03/29 07:22
linchard111: 說個笑話,台灣31F 03/29 07:35
davild54849: 都送去中國槍斃32F 03/29 07:44
aqrt66558: a number of Taiwanese men and women who33F 03/29 08:29
aqrt66558: were being held there against their will.
qwejoezxc33: 台灣之光35F 03/29 08:39
qwejoezxc33: 看到黃皮的先開三槍

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