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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-15 13:10:45
看板 Gossiping
作者 piovoso (柴犬高速螺旋)
標題 [新聞] 川普不清楚總統職務範圍 將會需要歐巴馬
時間 Tue Nov 15 10:01:44 2016

Independent 英國獨立報 http://tinyurl.com/jbo6xeh
Donald Trump 'didn't realise the scope of the presidency and will need help from Barack Obama' | The Independent President-elect Donald Trump was reportedly surprised at the breadth of the president’s responsibilities after his first meeting with Barack Obama, ac ...


Donald Trump 'didn't realise the scope of the presidency and will need help
from Barack Obama'
川普不清楚總統職務範圍 將會需要歐巴馬的協助

President-elect Donald Trump was reportedly surprised at the breadth of the
president’s responsibilities after his first meeting with Barack Obama,
according to reports.


The Republican ran a campaign as an outsider, pledging to “drain the swamp”
of alleged corruption in Washington. Unlike all other US presidents to come
before him, Mr Trump has no political or military experience.

the swamp)。有別於以往的美國總統,川普沒有任何軍事背景或政治經驗。

But in his first meeting with Mr Obama - a man he had previously called
“the worst president ever” - Mr Trump was reportedly surprised by how much
work the presidency involved.


The President-elect was “surprised by the scope” of what he would have to do
in his new job, according to inside sources cited by the Wall Street Journal.


The newspaper also reported that Mr Trump was unaware he would have to replace
the entire presidential staff upon taking office.


As a result, Mr Obama is expected to spend more time than usual guiding Mr
Trump into the role.

因此,預期歐巴馬總統將需要花比一般而言更多的時間 ,來引導川普如何擔任總統一職。

While Mr Obama has said he hoped Mr Trump’s presidency would be a success,

many Americans feel differently.


Protests continued for the fifth consecutive day against the controversial
President-elect. Demonstrations were held in New York, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Philadelphia and elsewhere.

洛杉磯, 舊金山, 費城與其他地方上演。

Organisers in Manhattan carried signs in English and Spanish bearing slogans
such as, "Hate won't make us great", and chanted, "We are here to stay."


More than 1,000 people joined that march, which started mid-afternoon and
extended into the evening.


Several hundred protesters also circled Philadelphia's City Hall on Sunday and
then marched down Market Street to Independence Mall, carrying signs and
chanting "Donald Trump has got to go!" and "This is what democracy looks like."

數百名抗議者也於上周日聚集在費城市政廳,並一路沿著Market Street遊行到獨立廣場,

In Los Angeles, several hundred people gathered outside CNN's regional
headquarters ahead of Mr Trump's first TV interview as President-elect on
60 Minutes.


Hundreds more including many families with children, marched in San Francisco
from Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach chanting "Love trumps hate!" On Saturday,
an estimated 8,000 had marched through the city's downtown area.

另外數百人,包括許多攜家帶眷的家庭,則從舊金山金門公園遊行至大洋灘(Ocean Beach)

Elsewhere in California, about 800 people marched through Sacramento and
hundreds others formed a human chain around the nearly 3.5-mile perimeter of
Oakland's Lake Merritt.


In Oregon, police said they arrested 71 people late on Saturday and early on
Sunday during anti-Trump protests downtown.


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Leeng: 不然你還以為只要按核彈按鈕ㄛ1F 11/15 10:02
※ 編輯: piovoso (, 11/15/2016 10:05:45
weijunW: 川寶的龜泌熱身中~2F 11/15 10:02
j68345517: 下一任國務卿,歐巴馬??3F 11/15 10:03
ChinaGy: 開始後悔投川P了嗎4F 11/15 10:03
Baymax5566: 總統不是只要看報紙就好了嗎5F 11/15 10:03
StevenAn: 美國是總統制,結果總統是個什麼都不知道的傻瓜6F 11/15 10:03
citydiver: 任命歐巴馬當總統專任秘書不就好了8F 11/15 10:04
StevenAn: 還好台灣是雙首長,總統裝死的時候,至少還有內閣頂著9F 11/15 10:04
ChinaGy: 總統不知道 幕僚知道就好了阿 傻傻DER10F 11/15 10:05
archon: 當老闆就是這樣,自已不會沒關係,找人來做就好,11F 11/15 10:06
newways: GG惹12F 11/15 10:06
rdadi: 川普94狂13F 11/15 10:06
archon: 別人做不好就跟他說 you're fired14F 11/15 10:06
ROTFL: 雙首長頗呵15F 11/15 10:06
soulism: 當幾千幾萬人在他面前抗議,還能不能堅持.16F 11/15 10:07
yuchianbu: 川普破產多次又能東山再起的紀錄,加上這次聰明的選舉17F 11/15 10:07
NerVGear: 結果歐巴馬續任總統(?18F 11/15 10:07
yuchianbu: 打敗所有不看好他的媒體足以說明他有這個能耐擔任總統19F 11/15 10:07
yuchianbu: 職務。說他或選他的人有岐視,自己去美國街頭看看那些
helloallen29: 川普是不是只想按核彈按鈕阿21F 11/15 10:07
yuchianbu: 打人還有放話要強暴第一夫人的反川普覺青吧!22F 11/15 10:07
funkD: 民主程序選出來的  而且也沒有人剛出生就會當總統23F 11/15 10:09
lili300: 他是當選那天才在google總統要幹啥嗎…24F 11/15 10:11
adampolo: 川普只要跟雷根一樣,當個好演員即可.頂多管管外交.25F 11/15 10:12
superfo: 不就是會哭哭就行了嗎26F 11/15 10:14
gjyankees: 笑死 87米國人27F 11/15 10:15
aleventy: 結果他真的是選好玩的XD28F 11/15 10:17
bill403777: Google: how to be a president29F 11/15 10:18
vvvi: 川普:發射核彈按鈕是那個?  輸入密碼就能按了?31F 11/15 10:19
dspswen: 下一季總統接班人 現正熱映中32F 11/15 10:19
bestteam56: 真的是沒想到自己會當選喔 錢太多選個總統好了33F 11/15 10:23
dragonsea2: 應該請教中國阿,怎麼蓋長城34F 11/15 10:25
waijr: 還好啦 反正有共和黨班底會去做內政外交35F 11/15 10:27
waijr: 小布希都能當了 川普最起碼比小布希聰明
ju1219: 這種新聞看看就好,以為共和黨沒人了喔37F 11/15 10:28
tokyoto: 美國人自己選的38F 11/15 10:32
mikepopkimo: 巴菲特,比爾蓋滋:操!那斯都能當總統,我們在幹嘛?39F 11/15 10:36
babyMclaren: 有從政經驗能理解,有當兵經驗也能說?40F 11/15 10:43
lovelebron24: 誰是接班人:白宮41F 11/15 10:47
oldTim: 現在媒體報導要先打個問號,看是否是選前醜化川普的那幾家42F 11/15 10:50
Birthday5566: 仇恨不會讓我們偉大 XDDDDD43F 11/15 10:53
popbitch: 看開票後期他的表情感覺沒心理準備會選上44F 11/15 10:57
akiue: 你需要一個黑人管家45F 11/15 10:58
Amontillako: 川普就是派CIA把台灣太陽花通通抓起來就對了46F 11/15 11:23
kiliman: 樓上顆顆 你說習近平把太陽花抓起來我還比較相信47F 11/15 11:32
usoko: 黑人管家 XDDDDDD48F 11/15 11:41

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