※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-10-05 12:27:19
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作者 標題 [情報] Mercedes CEO發下豪語2025超越Tesla
時間 Wed Oct 5 02:30:35 2016
Mercedes CEO says Tesla is the leader in EVs right now, but new ‘EQ’ brand will be #1 by 2025 | Electrek
You can’t blame to Germans for not having a long-term vision. In interviews at the 2016 Paris Motor Show after unveiling Mercedes’ new all-electric ‘E ...
Mercedes CEO says Tesla is the leader in EVs right now, but new ‘EQ’ brand
will be #1 by 2025
You can’t blame to Germans for not having a long-term vision. In interviews
at the 2016 Paris Motor Show after unveiling Mercedes’ new all-electric ‘EQ
’ brand, Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche admitted that Tesla is currently the
leader in electric vehicles, but he plans for his company to catch up to
Tesla and become the new leader by 2025.
When asked by a Bloomberg reporter whether or not Tesla is the main
competitor for Mercedes ‘EQ’, Zetsche said:
“At that point in time, obviously yes. We have set for ourselves a target 5
years ago where we are tracking behind to become the number 1 premium car
manufacturer by 2020, but it looks like we are awful close right now already.
Now we are setting a new target to ourselves and that’s to be the leader in
electric premium vehicles as well – latest by 2025.”
That’s certainly a bold statement for a 9-year prediction. In comparison,
Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that anything more than 5 years is an eternity for
him and that’s why all of Tesla’s recently announced vehicle programs,
including the all-electric ‘Tesla Semi’ truck, which will compete with
Daimler’s own truck division, are all planned within the next 5 years.
What the electric vehicle market, or the car market for that matter, will
look like in 2025 is very hard to predict – especially when you consider
what has been going on in electrification and self-driving technology in the
past few years.
Nonetheless, it certainly exciting to see more competition in electric
vehicles, even though it’s in the premium segment.
The ‘Generation EQ’ all-electric SUV unveiled by Mercedes last week will be
the first all-electric vehicle built by Mercedes from the ground-up since the
electric Mercedes B-Class had a Tesla powertrain. 3 more vehicles, two sedans
and another SUV, are expected within the next few years and a total of 10
electric vehicles are expected under the new ‘EQ’ unit by 2025.
Mercedes CEO說目前Tesla是電動車的龍頭沒錯
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1475605837.A.A1A.html
推 : 幹掉合作夥伴???1F 10/05 04:10
→ : 2025大家早忘了2F 10/05 06:45
推 : 不是股東嗎?XD3F 10/05 06:50
→ : 你忘記說自動駕駛了4F 10/05 07:50
推 : 十年努力以Benz來說不是不可能,或許只是說話稍微保守5F 10/05 07:53
→ : 一些
→ : 一些
推 : 以賓士那樣保守要跟新創特斯拉比7F 10/05 08:17
→ : 賓士放話要衝的話 特斯拉是要警惕沒錯8F 10/05 08:29
推 : 先蓋個電池廠吧 特斯拉自己都有電池廠9F 10/05 08:38
噓 : 換殼繼續賣10F 10/05 08:42
→ : 推出一些較平價款式才能當龍頭11F 10/05 08:53
推 : 很合理12F 10/05 08:59
推 : 大家都會跟tesla買電池吧 Tesla不是說超級工廠會外銷電13F 10/05 09:00
→ : 池 之後成本低到別人覺得不足以自己蓋還要花時間
→ : 池 之後成本低到別人覺得不足以自己蓋還要花時間
噓 : 加油...Zzz15F 10/05 10:02
→ : MB大概預估Tesla會碰到產能和資金問題XD16F 10/05 10:30
→ : 2025那年把方向機斷貨不賣tesla就贏了17F 10/05 10:36
推 : 電池技術是關鍵 人家廠都蓋了 你八字沒一撇 怎麼超越18F 10/05 10:40
→ : 其實說嗆聲也不一定 就是共同把餅做大 就像手機一樣19F 10/05 11:14
→ : 一天到晚有人要嗆聲說超越iphone 但其實很多手機品牌
→ : 自己也同時是蘋果供應鏈之一 也沒聽說過誰要斷蘋果的
→ : 貨…
→ : 一天到晚有人要嗆聲說超越iphone 但其實很多手機品牌
→ : 自己也同時是蘋果供應鏈之一 也沒聽說過誰要斷蘋果的
→ : 貨…
推 : Tesla把電池系統技術做好,但電池芯本還是很貴啊23F 10/05 11:16
→ : 而且tesla缺乏MB的豪華車經驗與品牌 所以才說tesla也24F 10/05 11:16
→ : 是要小心面對 畢竟MB一定是有某種程度的把握才會公開
→ : 嗆聲
→ : 是要小心面對 畢竟MB一定是有某種程度的把握才會公開
→ : 嗆聲
→ : 車輛產業本來就偏保守 畢竟出事跟人命有關的27F 10/05 11:16
→ : 話說Tesla之前連AEB都搞砸了
→ : 話說Tesla之前連AEB都搞砸了
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70
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