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作者 標題 [情報] 首架Honda Jet噴射客機在聖誕節交機客戶
時間 Wed Dec 30 19:08:27 2015
今年聖誕節,Honda Jet小型噴射客機交機給首位客戶,Honda跨足航空事業,歷經18年的努力,現在總算開花結果。
(圖) Honda Jet首次交機,也是客戶的聖誕大禮,官方表示首位客戶並不是F1的Jenson Button。
http://i.imgur.com/sUJIOWa.jpg (source: Autoblog)
(圖) Honda企業Logo有雙大翅膀,現在真的飛上青天了
http://i.imgur.com/mMMmLZC.jpg (source: hdwallpaper.nu)
(圖) 藤野道格,Honda Jet的設計師,也是Honda Aircraft社長兼CEO。
(source: Mark Wagner http://goo.gl/oJTU5x)
HondaJet HA-420 七人座小型客機,長12.99公尺,翼展寬度12.17公尺。
在同級飛機當中,Honda Jet的極速最快,比同級對手快10%,省油性也比競爭對手高出17%,引擎也具備Honda環保省油風格。
(圖) Honda Aircraft的員工大合照
http://i.imgur.com/zz7M8Yi.jpg (source: ainonline.com)
(圖) HondaJet HA-420
http://i.imgur.com/f4WaVuu.jpg (source: Wikipedia)
Honda的口號「The Power of Dreams」,事業領域涵蓋機車、汽車、ATV、水下引擎、割草機,現在又多了噴射客機。
[影片] Honda Jet起飛畫面
[Full HD] Honda Jet taxi and takeoff in GVA / LSGG - YouTube
The first time I see this little plane ! Beautiful one. The flight was about 40 minutes, not bad ^^. Enjoy and please, subscribe, comment and share ;) Visit ...
The first time I see this little plane ! Beautiful one. The flight was about 40 minutes, not bad ^^. Enjoy and please, subscribe, comment and share ;) Visit ...

[影片] Honda Jet降落畫面
[FullHD] *RARE* Honda HA-420 "HondaJet" landing at Geneva/GVA/LSGG - YouTube 1st visit of the HondaJet at Geneva ! What a route this little BizJet did from from May 7th! (Route in the description) This very strange aircraft came for t...

[影片] Honda Jet啟動引擎,跟車子一樣也是按「Start」按鈕啟動,從影片2分54秒處開始看
Honda Jet Aircraft | The Edge | CNBC International - YouTube
Honda Jet Aircraft is the new business jet from Honda. CNBC's Kaori Enjoli speaks to Honda to find out more about the new airplane. Subscribe to CNBC Interna...
Honda Jet Aircraft is the new business jet from Honda. CNBC's Kaori Enjoli speaks to Honda to find out more about the new airplane. Subscribe to CNBC Interna...

One lucky customer got the first HondaJet for Christmas
One lucky customer got the first HondaJet for Christmas
Honda officially began deliveries of the new HA-420 HondaJet on Christmas Eve when the first customer took possession at the factory in Greensboro, NC. ...
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※ 編輯: bearland (, 12/30/2015 20:17:46
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※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 161
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