※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-10-23 16:07:12
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 她就是英國人最喜愛的龐德女郎?
時間 Fri Oct 23 13:55:18 2015
So this is the nation’s favourite Bond Girl
As Bond fans gear up for the release of the 24th Bond film
Spectre, Cineworld have asked their members to make the ultimate
decision – who is your favourite Bond girl?
Pussy Galore or Honey Ryder?
Pussy Galore(按:金手指中的龐德女郎)或Honey Ryder?(第七號情報員中的
圖: http://goo.gl/ZpcrvW
Vesper Lynd or Strawberry Fields?
是Vesper Lynd(皇家夜總會龐德女郎)或Strawberry Fields(量子危機
Well, surprisingly the overwhelming majority decided that their
favourite Bond girl was in fact, Dame Judi Dench’s M, snatching
26 per cent of the 3000 participants.
令人驚訝的是,Dame Judi Dench飾演的M獲得壓倒性勝利
So not a Bond girl at all.
The head of MI6, M has appeared in all 24 James Bond films
although Judi Dench was the first and only female actor to take on
the role.
And although many say Judi’s M should be considered a Bond girl,
traditionally they are love interests and/or sidekicks who Bond
inevitably falls into bed with.
Casino Royale’s Vesper Lynd came second with 13 per cent. One of
the few woman that James is thought to have genuinely fallen in
love with, she was a double agent and played brilliantly by Ursula
Andress in the 1967 Bond film and again in 2006 by Eva Green.
Vesper Lynd獲得百分之十三的票數成為第二名,她是少數龐德深深愛上的女
Ursula Andress以及在2006年由Eva Green飾演。
Other Bond girls named include Halle Berry’s Jinx from Die
Another Day and Gemma Arterton’s Strawberry Fields.
由Halle Berry在誰與爭鋒飾演的Jinx以及Gemma Arterton在量子危機中飾演
的Strawberry Fields也榜上有名
See the full list below:
1 Dame Judi Dench as M 26%
2 Eva Green as Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale 13%
3 Halle Berry as Jinx in Die Another Day 10%
4 Gemma Arterton as Strawberry Fields in Quantum of Solace 10%
5 Naomie Harris as Moneypenny in Skyfall 8%
6 Honor Blackman as Pussy Galore in Goldfinger 5%
7 Rosamund Pink as Miranda Frost in Die Another Day 4%
8 Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder in Dr No 4%
9 Denise Richards at Dr Christmas Jones in The World Is Not Enough
10 Jane Seymour as Solitaire in Live and Let Die 2%
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
James Bond: Find out which Bond girl is the nation's favourite | Metro News
As Bond fans gear up for the release of the 24th Bond film Spectre, Cineworld have asked their members to make the ultimate decision - who is your favourite Bond... ...
還我Eva Green啦!!!!五樓是不是太愛M了,去假冒英國人洗票給M啦.....
#1LxZu9oG (Hate) Re: [震怒] 肝0糧obov
→ : 我跟大家講為什摸好不好09/08 09:57
→ : 因為水果行 不賣垃圾 董嗎 不賣垃圾
→ : 因為水果行 不賣垃圾 董嗎 不賣垃圾
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※ 編輯: p90ep90e (, 10/23/2015 13:57:59
→ : 慘不忍睹1F 10/23 13:56
推 : 那個旗袍擋的真是太過份了!!2F 10/23 13:57
推 : 我比較喜歡From Russia那個3F 10/23 13:57
Daniela Bianchi來了 http://goo.gl/7SWvL8![[圖]](http://cdn.celebrity.money/wp-content/uploads/profiles/2015-08-04/Daniela_Bianchi_Net_Worth.jpeg)
→ : 喔不是旗袍,啊算了不重要4F 10/23 13:58
我還在想什麼旗袍,我老婆來了 http://goo.gl/YI6klx![[圖]](http://41.media.tumblr.com/0ce3d6b04ddce6cdc2c97eb655c51094/tumblr_nr3izmSA2h1tzjz2jo2_1280.jpg)
推 : Eva green 我的 別搶5F 10/23 13:58
推 : 有人會選楊紫瓊嗎6F 10/23 13:58
推 : Eva Green >///<7F 10/23 13:58
推 : 荷莉貝瑞第三名?!?!8F 10/23 13:59
推 : 伊娃 沒有其他9F 10/23 14:00
推 : Eva Green!!!!!10F 10/23 14:02
推 : 珍西摩爾才是最美的11F 10/23 14:03
正 http://goo.gl/fdvEWv![[圖]](http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7322/2593/1600/Jane%20Seymour%202.jpg)
推 : Judi Dench根本老戲精 只要一出場 別人都淪為配角12F 10/23 14:03
※ 編輯: p90ep90e (, 10/23/2015 14:09:38推 : rosamund "Pike" 吧?13F 10/23 14:06
看完控制後...推 : 蘇菲瑪索 也是超正阿 不輸其他人吧14F 10/23 14:06
→ : 包租婆呢?記得有當過?15F 10/23 14:07
→ : 蘇菲瑪索也很讚 可惜老了16F 10/23 14:09
推 : 想幹死 EVA GREEN17F 10/23 14:11
※ 編輯: p90ep90e (, 10/23/2015 14:16:32推 : Eva臉臭的很 但是在英國恐怖故事崩潰的很心疼18F 10/23 14:13
推 : Daniela Bianchi好漂亮!!19F 10/23 14:20
推 : EVA我的,你們別搶!!20F 10/23 14:21
→ : Eva真的很正21F 10/23 14:22
→ : Pussy?22F 10/23 14:26
推 : eva!!! 但是m夫人才是龐德女郎XDDDDD23F 10/23 14:43
→ : 大英帝國的瓦力XD24F 10/23 14:43
推 : 黃金眼那位25F 10/23 14:44
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