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看板 movie
作者 psooolder (楓葉飛落)
標題 [討論] 你最愛的【迪士尼電影動畫長片主題曲】?
時間 Sun Feb 22 22:12:46 2015



  1991年   美女與野獸   Beauty and the Beast - Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson

Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson - Beauty and the Beast - YouTube
The lead song to the Classic Disney animated film "Beauty and the Beast".


  1992年   阿拉丁       A Whole New World - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle

A Whole New World - Aladdin - Inglês (English) - YouTube
Cantado por Peabo Bryson e Regina Belle Performed by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle


  1994年   獅子王       Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John

Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (High Quality) - YouTube Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Lion King Soundtrack by Elton John) Lvi Kral - Muze nam noc lasku dat -Lyrics- There's a calm surrender To the ru...


  1995年   風中奇緣     Colour of the wind - Vanessa williams


  1997年   大力士       Go The Distance - Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton - Go The Distance [Hercules] - YouTube
Music Video "Go The Distance - Michael Bolton" from Hercules movie


  1998年   花木蘭       Reflection - Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera - Reflection - YouTube
  Christina Aguilera - Reflection album: Mulan Soundtrack (C) 1998 Disney Look at me You...


  1999年   泰山         You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins


  2013年   冰雪奇緣     Let It Go - Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato - Let It Go (from "Frozen") [Official] - YouTube
Download DEMI here:  DEMI: World Tour, tickets on sale now: Listen to the full DEMI album here: htt...


  我個人最愛是      阿拉丁    A Whole New World

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stevexbucky: 獅子王1F 02/22 22:13
eddie7788: 讓他走2F 02/22 22:18
icejk: 我都比較喜歡電影裡的版本 不是流行版的..3F 02/22 22:20
hanne: 我愛風中奇緣的電影版4F 02/22 22:20
ks970685: reflection lea salonga的版本5F 02/22 22:20
daniel1344: Reflection!!!!!!!!!!6F 02/22 22:21
joan33235: 泰山跟獅子王7F 02/22 22:23
qoo60606: 都愛XD8F 02/22 22:25
debb0128: I won't I'm in love - 大力士9F 02/22 22:28
debb0128: I'm won't say I'm in love
tenniset: 誰會聽流行版啊?11F 02/22 22:36
tenniset: 鐘樓怪人的歌也很不錯. 可惜太小眾.
tlala: 都好喜歡耶~ 怎麼辦 但最愛獅子王~~ 童年的回憶13F 02/22 22:41
daniel1344: 泰山我比較愛Strangers Like Me 這首14F 02/22 22:43
Hercules-I Won't Say I'm In Love HD - YouTube
I Won't Say I'm In Love from Disney's Hercules HD © Disney

debb0128: Hercules - I won't say I'm in love (Eng.)16F 02/22 22:45
debb0128: http://youtu.be/A9QjBHRiZfE
Hercules - I Won't Say I'm in Love Chinese Mandarin (Subs + Translation) HD - YouTube This is a very literal translation, to preserve its original meaning in chinese. Romanized to the closest sound, not Pinyin. Format: Mandarin Mandarin sound ...

RachelMcAdam: 花木蘭還是make man out of you比較讚,熱血18F 02/22 22:45
ILoveElsa: 流行版…19F 02/22 22:46
RachelMcAdam: 迪士尼的鐘樓怪人和音樂劇版本比起來就弱很多20F 02/22 22:46
debb0128: 大力士 - 我已經愛上他 (台配)21F 02/22 22:46
RachelMcAdam: 不過整體素質最佳的應該是獅子王無誤22F 02/22 22:47
debb0128: 花木蘭…我比較推Be a man那首@@”23F 02/22 22:47
glady1217: 小美人魚 part of your world24F 02/22 22:49
a40091010: 其實青蛙不錯看25F 02/22 22:50
RachelMcAdam: 魔髮奇緣兩首主題曲也很棒,常常被遺忘 QQ26F 02/22 22:50
debb0128: 樓主應該要找的是Let it go的電影版吧?27F 02/22 22:50
debb0128: http://youtu.be/L0MK7qz13bU
FROZEN - Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney HD - YouTube
Sing-along with Idina Menzel in this full sequence from Disney's Frozen. Walt Disney Animation Studios, the studio behind "Tangled" and "Wreck-It Ralph," pre...

RachelMcAdam: when will my life begin, see the light29F 02/22 22:50
RachelMcAdam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8igBn80TARw
Disney's Tangled/Rapunzel - "When Will My Life Begin?" - Music Scene (1080p HD) - YouTube *The video belongs to their rightful owners, I just upload them. All goes to Walt Disney Pictures.* "When Will My Life Begin?" by Mandy Moore AKA Rapunzel in...

phoebe920270: colour of the wind!!!31F 02/22 22:51
debb0128: Mermaid的Part of your world和under the sea也不錯32F 02/22 22:51
RachelMcAdam: 如果皮克斯也能算,還有勇敢傳說的touch the sky33F 02/22 22:52
RachelMcAdam: 旋律很棒的凱爾特民族風,歌詞把蘇格蘭高地寫得很美
starryeyedgl: Prince Ali35F 02/22 22:53
Brave soundtrack "Julie Fowlis - Touch The Sky" - YouTube
Brave soundtrack "Julie Fowlis - Touch The Sky" video HD Şarkı Sözleri : When cold wind is a' calling, and the sky is clear and bright Misty mountains sing a...

starryeyedgl: 但非主題曲 只是插曲~37F 02/22 22:54
sgin: 風中奇緣和阿拉丁我都很喜歡說38F 02/22 22:54
debb0128: 水管上最近流傳了Idina唱的touch of ice這首歌,不知道39F 02/22 22:56
yst33: 推花木蘭be a man40F 02/22 22:56
debb0128: 會不會搭上Frozen Fever....41F 02/22 22:56
ioci: under the sea 小美人魚42F 02/22 23:01
yhchen2: 獅子王43F 02/22 23:03
cam: 德語版迪士尼鐘樓怪人音樂劇好聽!不同歌手的關係吧44F 02/22 23:07
bluemei: 小美人魚 kiss the girl45F 02/22 23:07
kaiao: 風中奇緣 獅子王跟阿拉丁都很好聽46F 02/22 23:08
doris1016: Let it go47F 02/22 23:11
kukuso: 小時候 風中奇緣   現在 Let it go~~48F 02/22 23:14
wel1721: 風中奇緣的片尾someday 很有惆悵的感覺49F 02/22 23:30
d54880: 喜歡Reflection和Let it go50F 02/22 23:38
charlie01: 91~99首首經典 那時還是Disney近乎壟斷的年代51F 02/22 23:39
ZhuangYoude: 大愛花木蘭阿 聽了很揪心52F 02/22 23:39
charlie01: 不論動畫或音樂應該都是大量現在還是PTT主力的七年級53F 02/22 23:40
charlie01: 的珍貴回憶
karalove: 我喜歡小美人魚的part of your world和cinderella的ten55F 02/22 23:44
karalove: minutes ago
karalove: 啊~Cinderella動畫裡好像沒有這首= =
goodday13: a whole new world~58F 02/22 23:48
OdaTakeda: 阿拉丁那首真是神曲59F 02/22 23:50
goodbey35: 我最喜歡阿拉丁-A WHOLE NEW WORLD60F 02/22 23:51
lmf770410: 阿拉丁是童年回憶....QQ61F 02/22 23:55
sleepyrat: 小美人魚part of your world、under the see62F 02/22 23:56
lmf770410: 風中奇緣那首國中還有拿來當課程來唱63F 02/22 23:56
sleepyrat: 阿拉丁a whole new world+164F 02/22 23:56
sleepyrat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK4HNNhQ0e4
The Little Mermaid Part Of Your World HD 1080p - YouTube
From the brand new blu ray 1080p Enjoy

jiangjiang33: A whole new world +166F 02/22 23:58
sleepyrat:                                       sea67F 02/22 23:58
sleepyrat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC_mV1IpjWA
The Little Mermaid - Under the Sea - YouTube
The Little Mermaid is part of Walt Disney Record’s THE LEGACY COLLECTION. Learn more and purchase titles The Lion King, Mary Poppins, and more here:

sherrypenelo: just around the river bend呢~風中奇緣的快歌我69F 02/23 00:05
sherrypenelo: 蠻喜歡的,savages也很好聽
sherrypenelo: lion king喜歡吉娜的復仇之歌my lullaby~~
Nyrus: 阿拉丁~~~~72F 02/23 00:08
timblue0823: A whole new world!73F 02/23 00:09
timblue0823: 還有超愛l won't say it
lmf770410: 如果是論歌詞有層次,又有趣有印象的75F 02/23 00:12
lmf770410: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS5dEeMX64 花木蘭
Mulan - i'll make a man out of you - YouTube
Lovely song from the movie Mulan! People, do not forget to check this youtube video:

ice00924: 獅子王77F 02/23 00:16
JANUARZ: 風中奇緣和獅子王78F 02/23 00:41
AppleAlice: 小美人魚和阿拉丁+1 覺得有被打動到79F 02/23 00:45
n367556: 美女與野獸 獅子王80F 02/23 00:52
sellgd: 居然沒有小美人魚的 part of that world81F 02/23 00:55
sellgd: 泰山與獅子王 根本沒有百老匯風格 只是流行歌曲
GANZ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJv2Mugm2RI 小飛象的遊行83F 02/23 00:58
Pink Elephants on Parade - YouTube
Watch HD 720p with CC in Portuguese, English and Spanish.  Look out! Look out! Pink elephants on parade Here t...

debb0128: 花木蘭2的lesson one & I wanna like be other girls也84F 02/23 01:35
debb0128: 不錯
sygnuser: 獅子王  美女與野獸  經典感動無法替代86F 02/23 01:54
tallhands: 喜歡阿拉丁跟男子漢87F 02/23 01:58
hsf0318: Go The Distance 聽不膩~~~88F 02/23 02:08
dt84812dt: 阿拉丁+1,還有花木蘭89F 02/23 02:52
dt84812dt: 最難聽:冰雪奇緣
jarenhsu: 鐘樓怪人!聽十幾年了!每首歌曲都很棒!91F 02/23 03:55
jarenhsu: 獅子王真正神曲是circle of life,而非今晚感受愛!
faze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RBYmR5GesQ  男子漢93F 02/23 05:54
成龍 Jackie Chan【男子漢】Official Music Video - YouTube
男子漢(迪士尼動畫花木蘭插曲) 作詞 王景平/李勇 作曲 Matthew Wilder 大家同心作戰 讓匈奴絕望 為何這群士兵 都像個姑娘 你們笨拙散漫又扭捏 我會改變 你的前途 要成為男子漢 不認輸 紮穩你的步履 內心要堅定 開闊你的胸襟 求勝要決心 膽小又害怕心亂如麻 你驚慌 茫然無助 要成為男子漢 不認輸 ...

melrosejin: 泰山94F 02/23 07:43
debb0128: let it go 哪會難聽 囧95F 02/23 07:55
elvismary: Hakuna matata96F 02/23 07:56
howardruby: 阿拉丁97F 02/23 08:02
torukumato: 泰山與獅子王98F 02/23 11:12
mmm10896: 獅子王 之前國小放學有時候都會放99F 02/23 11:15
dearjoyce: 跟以前的經典比 frozen真的還好而已...100F 02/23 11:49
betty1384: 泰山跟獅子王101F 02/23 13:43
s958256: 泰山102F 02/23 14:20
xxx83221: 真假公主安納塔西亞 12月的迴響曲103F 02/23 16:34
mimiwu: 風之彩104F 02/23 17:30
rongyaya: 大力士>泰山>冰雪105F 02/23 18:22
SuperLiChun: 泰山106F 02/23 18:48
hsiehyuhsien: 埃及王子 神曲 when you believe107F 02/23 20:29
willgo: 獅子王108F 02/23 22:20

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