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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 羅塞塔的彗星真的在最新的圖像"炸毀"
時間 Wed Feb 11 02:05:56 2015
※ 例如universitytoday
Rosetta's Comet Really "Blows Up" in Latest Images
by Jason Major on February 9, 2015
First off: no, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is not about to explode
or disintegrate. But as it steadily gets nearer to the Sun the comet's jets
are getting more and more active and they're putting on quite a show for the
orbiting Rosetta spacecraft! Click the image for a jeterrific hi-res version.
The images above were captured by Rosetta's NavCam on Jan. 31 and Feb. 3
from a distance of about 28 km (17 miles). Each is a mosaic of four separate
NavCam acquisitions and they have been adjusted and tinted in Photoshop by
yours truly to further enhance the jets' visibility. (You can view the
original image mosaics and source frames here and here.)
These dramatic views are just a hint at what's in store; 67P's activity
will only be increasing in the coming weeks and months and, this weekend,
Rosetta will be swooping down for an extreme close pass over its surface!
This Saturday, Feb. 14, Rosetta will be performing a very close pass of
the comet's nucleus, soaring over the Imhotep region at an altitude of only
6 km (3.7 miles) at 12:41 UTC. This will allow the spacecraft to closely
image the comet's surface, as well as investigate the behavior of its jets
and how they interact with its developing coma.
再過3天,這個禮拜六,2月14日12:41 UTC的時候,
"The upcoming close flyby will allow unique scientific observations,
providing us with high-resolution measurements of the surface over a range
of wavelengths and giving us the opportunity to sample - taste or sniff -
the very innermost parts of the comet's atmosphere," said Rosetta project
scientist Matt Taylor.
Read more about Rosetta's Valentine's Day close pass here and watch an
animation of how it will be executed below.
Source: ESA
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Rosetta’s Comet Really “Blows Up” in Latest Images
First off: no, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is not about to explode or disintegrate. But as it steadily gets nearer to the Sun the comet’s jets are ge ...
5.備註: 翻譯若有誤 請更正,謝謝!
(1) 再過3天,這個禮拜六,2月14日12:41 UTC 的時候 你在幹嘛?
(2) coma怎麼翻譯呀?
(3) 很神奇喔,你有看過那彗星(會移動)的雲嗎? 有大開眼界嗎?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1KsaY7-7 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1423591559.A.F87.html
※ 編輯: fun5566 (, 02/11/2015 02:07:56
推 : 印和闐1F 02/11 02:07
推 : \印和闐/ \印和闐/ \印和闐/2F 02/11 02:08
推 : 看完想吃彗星炒飯3F 02/11 02:10
推 : 保潔你怎麼看?4F 02/11 02:11
推 : WHAT?5F 02/11 02:21
推 : 先前有稍微關注羅賽塔任務,但你這標題真心看不懂....6F 02/11 02:24
→ : 你不會是丟GOOGLE翻的吧..
→ : 你不會是丟GOOGLE翻的吧..
推 : coma是慧核周圍那一圈霧霧的冰和塵埃8F 02/11 02:28
→ : 標題是說67P有噴發現象
→ : 標題是說67P有噴發現象
→ : 我是說他翻的......根本像是丟翻譯軟體的~_~10F 02/11 02:30
→ : 所以羅賽塔的情人節任務是要觀察慧核噴發的情形,以及11F 02/11 02:32
→ : 探討噴發物和慧核周圍塵埃的行成有沒有關係 ^.<
→ : 探討噴發物和慧核周圍塵埃的行成有沒有關係 ^.<
推 : 在外面光看標題 還以為彗星爆炸了 嚇到= =13F 02/11 02:35
推 : coma: the "halo" made primarily out of ice and dust14F 02/11 02:38
→ : that gives the comet its fuzzy appearance.
→ : http://goo.gl/uZB1QY
→ : that gives the comet its fuzzy appearance.
→ : http://goo.gl/uZB1QY
Rosetta spacecraft captures comet's developing coma
On its way to rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the ESA's Rosetta mission has captured the first images of its target's developing coma – the... ...
推 : 慧髮17F 02/11 03:30
→ teras …
推 : 看成炸蝦19F 02/11 08:43
推 : 印和闐地區??? 這不是人名嗎?20F 02/11 09:30
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