※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-11-19 17:24:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 下一代iPhone可能採用類HTC M8雙鏡頭
時間 Wed Nov 19 16:38:31 2014
Next generation of iPhone cameras may take DSLR-quality images | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Mark Sullivan
Apple may greatly increase the quality of the cameras in the next generation of iPhones, according to a report today. ...
Next generation of iPhone cameras may take DSLR-quality images
Apple may greatly increase the quality of the cameras in the next generation
of iPhones, according to a report today.
Daring Fireball‘s John Gruber said on his podcast that the phone’s two
camera lenses would work together to create much higher-quality photos and
On the podcast Gruber said he heard the information from “a birdie of a
birdie.” His words (courtesy The Tech Block):
“The specific thing I heard is that next year’s camera might be the biggest
camera jump ever. I don’t even know what sense this makes, but I’ve heard
that it’s some kind of weird two-lens system where the back camera uses two
lenses and it somehow takes it up into DSLR-quality imagery.”
The iPhone wouldn’t be the first phone to incorporate a dual-lens system.
HTC’s M8 phone uses such a system on its rear-facing camera.
蘋果當然不是第一個使用雙鏡頭系統的手機。HTC M8早就採用了
No telling who might supply such a system to Apple, but perhaps the best
known supplier of dual-lens technology is Corephotonics.
Corephotonics says that dual-lens systems can take care of many of the
problems inherent in single-lens photography — like motion blur, lack of
optical zoom, low light-related noise, missed focus, and optical constraints.
下一代iPhone 6s採用升級相機是很合理的策略。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1416386314.A.33C.html
→ : 雙頭龍 o'_'o1F 11/19 16:39
→ : 樓上吃飽沒?2F 11/19 16:39
推 : HTC領先IPHONE!!!3F 11/19 16:40
→ deann …
→ : hi~pttbrowser你好呀~我才剛吃完午茶~祝你天天開心 o'_'o5F 11/19 16:40
→ : 低賽兒愛的二郎神6F 11/19 16:40
→ : 果粉崩潰7F 11/19 16:41
推 : 喔 好崩潰8F 11/19 16:41
推 : 交叉授權讓蘋果直接拿到一堆創意能量 超划算9F 11/19 16:42
推 : 不過體質跟行銷能力差很大XDDD10F 11/19 16:43
→ : ˊ6才剛出就在猜7....11F 11/19 16:43
噓 : ......這種新聞還有人信喔? omg12F 11/19 16:44
→ : Apple:我來幫你發揚光大吧(拍肩)13F 11/19 16:44
→ : 每年都不知道有多少白癡在靠這種iphone幻想文騙流量14F 11/19 16:45
推 : 概念機 拜託 好嗎 加油 你好15F 11/19 16:45
→ : 地球:都是垃圾16F 11/19 16:45
推 : 白癡喔,現在還有多少人領不到6,就在講717F 11/19 16:46
推 : M7後蓋被抄之後 M8鏡頭也要被抄了18F 11/19 16:48
→ : 買HTC不就是要體驗它們的維修服務嗎?看看手機板便可知19F 11/19 16:48
→ : htc是原型機 iphone才是量產20F 11/19 16:52
推 : 行銷輸很大很大很大21F 11/19 16:52
推 : 先搞清楚 文章內的雙鏡頭的功用 是和htc不同的22F 11/19 16:54
推 : 去Google Corephotonics htc 就知道了
推 : 去Google Corephotonics htc 就知道了
推 : 不會吧,越來越像htc了,這次背蓋已經很像了24F 11/19 17:02
→ : 每一代的謠傳都很多XD25F 11/19 17:04
噓 : 還一年就在傳謠言26F 11/19 17:08
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 45