※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-11-10 15:58:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 墨西哥示威者一把火燒了總統府大門
時間 Mon Nov 10 15:13:58 2014
http://ppt.cc/Xv-r 路透報導
Mexico Protesters Set Presidential Palace On Fire
(Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Sunday condemned violent protests over the apparent massacre of 43 students after demonstrators set fire to the door of his ceremonial palace in Mexico City on Saturday night.
Tens of thousands o... ...
http://ppt.cc/WrTC 英國衛報報導
Protesters set fire to Mexican palace as anger over missing students grows | World news | theguardian.com
Attack on building in Mexico City caps day of protest at the apparent massacre of 43 students ...
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2259856/thumbs/o-MEXICO-FIRE-570.jpg?1 火燒圖
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2259860/thumbs/o-MEXICO-570.jpg?6 上萬示威抗議者
Mexico Protesters Set Presidential Palace On Fire
Posted: 11/09/2014 2:31 pm EST Updated: 11/09/2014 6:59 pm EST
(Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Sunday condemned violent
protests over the apparent massacre of 43 students after demonstrators set
fire to the door of his ceremonial palace in Mexico City on Saturday night.
Tens of thousands of Mexicans have taken to the streets to protest the
government's handling of the case of the missing students, and last night
protesters in central Mexico City set fire to the door of the National Palace.
"It's unacceptable that someone should try to use this tragedy to justify
violence," Pena Nieto told reporters at the airport in Anchorage, Alaska
where he was en route to China. "You can't demand justice while acting with
The students were abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in
September. Though the government said on Friday it looked as though the
students had been killed, then incinerated by gangsters working with the
police, it stopped short of confirming their deaths for lack of definitive
mexico fire
A man sets fire at the door of Mexican Government Palace during a spontaneous
demonstration after Mexico's government announced on Friday that evidence
suggests that 43 missing students were murdered and their charred remains
tipped in a rubbish dump and a river in Guerrero, Mexico, on November 08,
2014 in Mexico City, Mexico. (Photo by Miguel Tovar/LatinContent/Getty Images)
Pena Nieto's trip to China has infuriated protesters and relatives of the
students, who believe he cares more about Mexico's business interests than
trying to deal with the gang violence that has ravaged much of the country
for years.
The trip to China has faced problems since before it began.
On Thursday night, Mexico abruptly canceled a $3.75 billion contract to build
a high-speed train line that it had awarded to a Chinese-led consortium after
opposition lawmakers accused the government of rigging the process.
The group led by the China Railway Construction Corp were the sole bidders
for the project and lawmakers said the government had acted to help the
consortium and its Mexican partners, some of which have close ties to the
president and the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI.
The government denied the accusations.
Grupo Higa was one of the Mexican partners in the rail consortium and on
Sunday a local news site noted that a subsidiary of the company, Ingenieria
Inmobiliaria del Centro, had built a $7 million seven-bedroom house for Pena
Nieto and his family just before he became president.
The house, which features marble floors and underground parking, has never
been disclosed in financial records that Pena Nieto has made public and it is
in fact still owned by the Grupo Higa subsidiary, the report from Aristegui
Noticias said.
Thousands of people protest against Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto
during a spontaneous demonstration after Mexico's government announced on
friday that evidence suggests that 43 missing students were murdered and
their charred remains tipped in a rubbish dump and a river in Guerrero,
Mexico, on November 08, 2014 in Mexico City, Mexico. (Photo by Miguel
Tovar/LatinContent/Getty Images)
However, the president's office said in a statement on Sunday that the house
was acquired in 2012 from Ingenieria Inmobiliaria del Centro by Pena Nieto's
wife, actress Angelica Rivera, and that she spoke openly about the property
last year.
Separately, China on Sunday said it believed China Railway Construction Corp
had followed Mexico's bidding rules and requirements and it hopes Chinese
companies will continue to participate in Mexican infrastructure projects.
Another protest took place on Sunday, which included people who had walked
more than 100 miles to Mexico City from Iguala, Guerrero, where the missing
students were abducted. The protest congregated peacefully in the central
Zocalo square.
(Reporting by Elinor Comlay and Tomas Sarmiento; Editing by Dave Graham and
Chris Reese)
墨西哥漸趨混亂中 反毒戰爭才打到一半中
※註:有電視或媒體有報導者,請勿使用爆卦! 違者視為新聞篇數 超貼新聞劣退
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→ e7660239 …
→ : 砂石車撞vs火燒2F 11/10 15:15
推 : 反觀3F 11/10 15:15
推 : 強喔4F 11/10 15:15
→ : 也是鬼島!?5F 11/10 15:15
→ : 羨慕,來台灣燒吧6F 11/10 15:15
→ : 什麼材質 這麼好燒7F 11/10 15:15
→ : 已知用火8F 11/10 15:15
推 : 不敢去跟墨西哥黑幫單挑9F 11/10 15:16
推 : 我們要法治 不要暴民10F 11/10 15:16
推 : 突然希望max大大可以發言一下11F 11/10 15:16
推 : 超可怕的國度 公務員跟毒梟勾結成這樣12F 11/10 15:16
推 : 意圖使人想燒 ~~~~~~13F 11/10 15:16
推 : 以後我們也有機會燒了臺灣總督府大門(?)14F 11/10 15:16
推 : 王炳忠要出來罵你們暴民了15F 11/10 15:16
推 : 推16F 11/10 15:16
→ : 跟鬼島總統一樣噎 第一個舔共的17F 11/10 15:17
→ : 政府:學生不去販毒在這抗議幹嘛 ?18F 11/10 15:17
※ 編輯: aerymani (, 11/10/2014 15:18:47推 : 今天換成台灣的話 憲兵要被記過了19F 11/10 15:17
推 : 薩波跑去墨西哥了。20F 11/10 15:17
→ : 墨西哥也是民主國家21F 11/10 15:18
推 : 墨西哥快革命吧22F 11/10 15:19
→ : 反毒戰爭都是打給美看打假而已。抓抓大頭進監獄渡假23F 11/10 15:20
推 :24F 11/10 15:20
推 : 墨西哥足球球衣綠der 簡稱墨綠25F 11/10 15:20
推 : 果然不單純 高鐵說18家退出中國得標 哪這麼容易26F 11/10 15:20
※ 編輯: aerymani (, 11/10/2014 15:21:23→ : 他們的總統及行政部門機關,根本都黑道的人27F 11/10 15:20
→ : 聽說他們的監獄根本沒在管理,根本是黑道另一個渡假村
→ : 聽說他們的監獄根本沒在管理,根本是黑道另一個渡假村
推 : 絕命六龜葡萄好可怕29F 11/10 15:21
→ : 我怎記得這總統是因為反毒開戰才當選的30F 11/10 15:21
推 : 反觀鬼島31F 11/10 15:21
→ : 上次去抗議的學生,4x個都直接被滅口了....32F 11/10 15:22
推 : 噗~上禮拜出差匪區,新聞一直強力放送中國高鐵邁向世界~~33F 11/10 15:22
推 : 墨西哥代表色真的是綠的34F 11/10 15:22
推 : MA19:這都是被太陽花帶壞的~~~~~~>////<35F 11/10 15:22
→ : 這次發生的市長找黑道幹掉平民事件,其實很普遍....36F 11/10 15:22
→ : 換這些人被抓去火燒37F 11/10 15:23
→ : 市長要不是跟黑道合作,要不就是本身就是黑道頭頭38F 11/10 15:23
噓 : 一定沒有被拍肩膀....39F 11/10 15:23
→ : 放心好了,鬼島這裡都是用車撞的www。40F 11/10 15:24
推 : @@41F 11/10 15:27
推 : 9.2: 沒禮貌,有得吃還嫌,日子過太爽42F 11/10 15:28
推 : 整個國家都是高譚市嗎XD43F 11/10 15:30
推 : 墨國還不快跪請方仰寧護法44F 11/10 15:32
推 : 有請max大大發表45F 11/10 15:33
推 : 握手熄火好嗎46F 11/10 15:34
推 : 偽中:墨西哥民國~墨西哥民國~欠邱萬拭~47F 11/10 15:35
→ : 偽中:跟紅衫軍一樣理性,臭了嗎
→ : 偽中:跟紅衫軍一樣理性,臭了嗎
噓 : 墨西哥毒販會上PTT查IP消滅酸民嗎 哥好擔心喔49F 11/10 15:37
推 : 反觀鬼島暴民弱的要命50F 11/10 15:38
推 : 沒需哪來的供? 叫發達國家吸毒的人抓去槍斃才對51F 11/10 15:40
→ : 間接害死了多少生命自己也不知道 爽在當下就好
→ : 間接害死了多少生命自己也不知道 爽在當下就好
推 : 所以說我們的革命有夠溫柔53F 11/10 15:41
推 : 墨西哥即使知道政府被黑道把持依然超衝54F 11/10 15:43
→ : 不衝被黑道毒梟殺,衝了被黑道毒梟把持的政府殺55F 11/10 15:47
→ : 都是暴民,警察辛苦了56F 11/10 15:47
→ : 反觀台灣,示威抗議還要打掃環境不然會被說沒有水準是暴民57F 11/10 15:55
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 59