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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-09-11 12:01:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 double21 (我不是小屁兒)
標題 [新聞] 微軟將在接下來的手機產品去除Nokia品牌
時間 Thu Sep 11 10:44:45 2014


We've been wondering how Microsoft would coordinate Nokia and
Lumia branding after purchasing the phone maker earlier this year.
Well, according to an internal document obtained by GeekOnGadgets,
we'll see changes take place soon. For starters, Nokia will be
dropped from upcoming gadgets, but the Lumia moniker will remain.
The report states that the Lumia 830 and 730 will be the last two
handsets to feature Nokia's livery. What's more, it seems Windows
Phone stands to be trimmed down to just Windows, bringing the mobile
and desktop operating systems under the same designation.
The decision to omit "Phone" isn't too much of a surprise though,
as the recent HTC One (M8) for Windows already did just that.
1. 消息來源稱:微軟將在手機上保留Lumia但是去掉Nokia品牌...
2. Windows phone將會只剩下Windows品牌以統一(模糊)手機與桌機的之間的差別



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1410403489.A.7E3.html
victoryss:  G__________________________G1F 09/11 10:45
aggressorX: 微軟:買下來摧毀,潮爽der2F 09/11 10:45
arrenwu: 如果不是合約的關係,大概老早去掉了3F 09/11 10:45
IDaHoo: 補刀4F 09/11 10:46
jimmily: Nokia崩潰XDDDDDDDDD5F 09/11 10:46
mecca: 台鹽:6F 09/11 10:46
owenkuo: 看看 sony ericsson ( ′-`)y-~7F 09/11 10:46
cheakmo: 3310應該會漲翻天變收藏品8F 09/11 10:47
※ 編輯: double21 (, 09/11/2014 10:48:02
mahoro: 喜歡和市場對著幹的垃圾公司趕快倒吧9F 09/11 10:47
syura945: 很好  以後沒理由用wp手機了10F 09/11 10:47
superqoo0709: 謝謝你 331011F 09/11 10:47
ryan0222: nokia:不離不棄.......12F 09/11 10:48
accin: XDD 以前還有耐用跟料好神機品牌加持 現在勒13F 09/11 10:49
asaka080529: 露米婭我老婆14F 09/11 10:49
i7851: 疾呼PC無恥壟斷,隨身系統卻要人家打不贏就加入15F 09/11 10:50
uf1276: 反正還是賣不好 app少到可憐16F 09/11 10:56
wlwillwell: 因為NOKIA本身還在吧,微軟只是買手機和服務部門17F 09/11 10:57
Rocks5566: 索尼易利信那個是合資 跟微軟買下nokia手機部門不一樣18F 09/11 11:02
ChenWay: Nokia手機部門上次才被裁員1.2W人次19F 09/11 11:03
volksppt: nokia有機會復活了20F 09/11 11:08
pigzer: 離開wp的時間到了。21F 09/11 11:12
flamedevil: Nokia快來安豬阿22F 09/11 11:16
bruce511239: 快轉安卓 我絕對會買單 就是因為WP我才忍痛不買23F 09/11 11:17
bruce511239: 外型規格我都很滿意 但習慣安卓了 拜託快轉
ckhojkemu: 來安桌吧 芒果好難用25F 09/11 11:21
superbatman: 拜託快放生NOKIA26F 09/11 11:23
skywingyang: meeca大台鹽那個叫綠迷雅27F 09/11 11:25
GPX2000: 反正還是不會買28F 09/11 11:29
Khadgar: 說實在的,Microsoft如果把MS丟掉,直接改叫Nokia可能還好29F 09/11 12:00
Khadgar: 至少我覺得Nokia Win 9感覺會比 Microsoft Win 9來的穩

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