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看板 WindowsPhone
作者 標題 [討論] 微軟對250美元以下產品 大降W8.1授權費叼
時間 Sat Feb 22 20:06:34 2014
Microsoft Said to Cut Windows Price 70% to Counter Rivals
Microsoft Corp. is cutting the price of Windows 8.1 by 70 percent
for makers of low-cost computers and tablets as they try to fend off
cheaper rivals like Google Inc.’s Chromebooks, people familiar with
the program said.
Manufacturers will be charged $15 to license Windows 8.1 and preinstall
it on devices that retail for less than $250, instead of the usual fee
of $50, said the people, who asked not to be named because the details
aren’t public. The discount will apply to any products that meet the
price limit, with no restrictions on the size or type of device, the
people said.
Stronger competition from Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Google cut revenue last
quarter at Microsoft’s devices and consumer licensing division, which
includes Windows software, as the computer industry posted its biggest
annual decline on record. By offering incentives for PC makers to sell
cheaper models, Microsoft may be able to increase its share of the
growing $80 billion tablet market and stave off Chromebooks, notebooks
that run Google’s operating system.
Microsoft, which named Satya Nadella as chief executive officer earlier
this month, is seeking to speed up development and introduction of new
devices. It won’t require products that use the cheaper licensing to
complete logo certification, a process that verifies hardware
compatibility, one of the people said. Devices aren’t required to be
touch-screen compatible, they said.
Julia Kelly-Echeverio, a spokeswoman for Microsoft, declined to comment
Slower Adoption
Microsoft said earlier this month that it has sold more than 200 million
licenses of Windows 8 since the program went on sale in October 2012, a
slower rate of adoption than the previous Windows 7.
While the regular Windows list price was $50, some of the largest global
computer makers paid closer to $30 after incentives such as marketing
funds provided by Microsoft, the people said. Products that receive
discounted license fees won’t be eligible for such marketing support
and incentives, one of the people said.
Global computer shipments fell a record 10 percent last year and are
forecast to continue to decline this year as tablets and smartphones
lure consumers away from traditional desktop and notebook designs,
according to data from market research firm IDC. Tablet sales volume --
dominated by Apple and Google, whose operating systems account for 95
percent of that market -- will climb an average 16 percent through to
根據彭博社匿名消息來源,微軟打算降低給予 PC 製造商的 Windows 8.1
授權費用,從原先的 50 美元降至 15 美元,來增加 Windows PC 產品在
非 Windows 平台入門筆電、平板電腦強敵環伺下的競爭力。
授權費用,從原先的 50 美元降至 15 美元,來增加 Windows PC 產品在
非 Windows 平台入門筆電、平板電腦強敵環伺下的競爭力。
產品定價必須低於 250 美元,同時若是已經得到微軟提供的市場行銷補貼
(授權金降為 30 美元),該產品也不適用於這一波的授權優惠,然而產
250 美元以下皆符合資格;除此之外,也有消息指出新任執行長
Satya Nadella 不打算強制要求這些採用授權優惠的便宜入門產品進行硬體
至於為何微軟要釋出這樣的優惠,大部分人認為這樣的策略是為了讓 PC
至於為何微軟要釋出這樣的優惠,大部分人認為這樣的策略是為了讓 PC
製造商在面對低價 Android 平板時,能夠保持一些競爭力,但也有消息指
出,由於 Windows 8.1 並不如預期一般受到消費者青睞,讓部分 PC 製造
商考慮投入 Chromebook 產品開發,來測試一下低階筆電消費市場的水溫,
因此微軟才會出此下策,讓 PC 廠回心轉意;另外微軟此舉也被認為是將來
讓 Windows Phone 及 Windows RT 作業系統邁向零售權金的第一步。
商考慮投入 Chromebook 產品開發,來測試一下低階筆電消費市場的水溫,
因此微軟才會出此下策,讓 PC 廠回心轉意;另外微軟此舉也被認為是將來
讓 Windows Phone 及 Windows RT 作業系統邁向零售權金的第一步。
Microsoft Said to Cut Windows Price 70% to Counter Rivals - Bloomberg Microsoft Said to Cut Windows Price 70% to Counter Rivals ...
微軟將針對 250 美元以下入門產品大降 W8.1 授權費用 | 癮科技
(圖片引用來源:Shutterstock)根據彭博社匿名消息來源,微軟打算降低給予 PC 製造商的 Windows 8.1 授權費用,從原先的 50 美元降至 15 美元,來增加 Windows P... ...
迎戰各家平板 chromebook
下半年可能會看到更多低價筆電 平板 觸控筆電
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※ 編輯: notmuchmoney 來自: (02/22 20:15)
推 :那有沒有可能讓office 2013降低授權費???1F 02/22 21:14
推 :WP還不零授權金喔= =?2F 02/22 21:41
推 :WP要不要授權金關使用者屁事?3F 02/22 21:50
→ :耶耶,快點取消硬體相容認證,要被搞死啦!!4F 02/22 21:51
→ :ATOM系列的Office不就用送的了 這個價錢好像比之前說得再5F 02/22 22:04
→ :降更低了 intel & MS都在拼命殺 當年小筆電的風潮可能在
→ :起嗎?
→ :降更低了 intel & MS都在拼命殺 當年小筆電的風潮可能在
→ :起嗎?
推 :RT大概要掰了8F 02/22 23:19
推 :RT慢走不送9F 02/22 23:21
推 :win9 快上市了嗎10F 02/22 23:34
推 :ATOM的Office沒有用送的吧?一堆還是要另外加錢的11F 02/23 03:16
→ :至於NetBook不可能再起了 這是瞄準ATOM平板的措施
→ :至於NetBook不可能再起了 這是瞄準ATOM平板的措施
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63
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