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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 歐巴馬:你是同性戀? 民:當我做愛時是
時間 Sun Jul 13 23:27:46 2014
新聞來源:Buzz Feed Politics
President Obama: "Are You Gay?" Guy: “Only When I’m Having Sex!”
總統Obama: 你是同性戀? 民眾:當我做愛的時候是
Daniel Rugg Webb, a 32-year-old cashier at Franklin Barbecue in Austin,
Texas, had been hearing the rumor all day on Thursday: President Obama was
stopping by. He and his co-workers didn’t give much credence to the idea—
that is, until eight secret service agents, and then some, walked into the
restaurant in the afternoon.
Daniel Rugg Webb,32歲,在德州奧斯丁的富蘭克林烤肉店擔任收銀員,週四時一整天
“[They] frisked everybody, which was kind of my favorite part,” Webb
recalled in an interview with BuzzFeed Saturday night. “Then he just showed
Webb, who is also a comedian and retired musician, wasn’t about to miss his
opportunity to say whatever he wanted to a sitting president. So, after he
had introduced himself and the president was signing a reportedly $300 bill,
he slammed his hand on the counter.
“Equal rights for gay people!” he exclaimed.
Obama reacted without missing a beat. “Are you gay?”
Taken aback by the directness of the question, he said, Webb responded, “
Only when I’m having sex!”
"你是同志嗎?" Obama毫無落拍的應對。
面對猝不及防的直接問題,他回: "當我做愛的時候我是!"
The president laughed, then, realizing there was a group of children near the
two, said, “Not in front of the kids!”
The two men bumped fists and that was that.
“As a comedian, it was cool to have a moment where I was making a sitting
president laugh — over something that might be considered inappropriate is a
bonus,” Webb said of the experience.
He said he had been hoping to get in a joke about Texas Governor Rick Perry,
who he described as “famously anti-gay.”
他說他一直都希望能夠對德州州長Rick Perry開一個玩笑,
While Webb said he appreciates Obama’s social progressiveness, he expressed
hope that the president will close the gap between his own relative
forward-thinking on gay rights, and his general quietness on the anti-gay
views of many state leaders before he leaves office.
“It would be interesting if he could call some people out for it. People can
use a lot of things—religion, freedom of speech—to be anti-gay, but I need
people to understand you can call people out for civil rights things,” Webb
“We are an anti-gay state. We are a state with a whole bunch of hungry
children and sick old people, and [Rick Perry is] grandstanding on things
that will get him a better election,” Webb said. “And it’s glaringly
obvious. He’s kind of primitive in his social beliefs. I would like to see
Rick Perry negatively influenced by any kind of attention. Even Obama
laughing at something as, hopefully, acceptable as sexuality can show the
"我們是個反對同志的州,我們有一堆吃不飽的孩子已急患病的老人,然後Rick Perry
他自己信念不放的原始人,我想要看見Rick Perry有一天大眾能夠關注他的舉止,進而
他自己信念不放的原始人,我想要看見Rick Perry有一天大眾能夠關注他的舉止,進而
President Obama: "Are You Gay?" Guy: “Only When I’m Having Sex!”
*bumps fist* .. ...
*bumps fist* .. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1405265269.A.6E5.html
→ :醒來時已經在醫院1F 07/13 23:28
※ 編輯: Jassss (, 07/13/2014 23:30:01推 :在台灣的話....你連靠近的機會都沒有2F 07/13 23:29
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推 :那警察以後在馬冏來之前會先把桌子翻掉8F 07/13 23:31
→ : 三秒合體9F 07/13 23:31
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→ :台灣馬也滿幽默的啊,一個便當吃不飽 你有吃第二個嗎?ㄏ11F 07/13 23:32
推 :肛肛好12F 07/13 23:33
→ :台灣馬的雙手也跟著拍了桌子 然後桌子就爛掉了13F 07/13 23:34
推 :馬:在面對小刀跟席主席 我是14F 07/13 23:35
→ :在台灣餐館會被拒馬圍個三層15F 07/13 23:36
→ :689看到美國警察沒有拍拍肩 要怎樣自圓其說呢?16F 07/13 23:39
→ :意思是在其他時候與他人無異17F 07/13 23:39
推 :事後還有起訴18F 07/13 23:40
推 :拍桌的當下就被左右特勤人員壓在桌上 四小時後收到法院傳票19F 07/13 23:43
噓 :什麼叫在其他時候與他人無異??? 你知道甲甲得愛滋的機率是20F 07/13 23:43
→ :一般的19倍嗎(WHO認證)
→ :一般的19倍嗎(WHO認證)
推 :現在終於有新數字,而不再執著於八成這數字了嗎XD22F 07/13 23:50
→ :馬:「我以前在留學時代也當過Gay,現在還是~」23F 07/13 23:50
推 :國外的馬比較會跑24F 07/14 00:12
推 :gay也有快樂的意思 這裡是雙關25F 07/14 00:12
推 :歐巴馬:你是GAY嗎 民:當我做愛時是 馬:我也是26F 07/14 00:37
推 :推mk426375 這一問一答很妙 兩邊都是雙關 就看你怎麼解釋27F 07/14 01:01
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 84
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