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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-06-05 20:24:51
看板 movie
作者 thanos (thanos)
標題 [新聞] 雪歌妮薇佛談到續拍《異形5》可能性
時間 Wed Jun  4 10:26:44 2014


Sigourney Weaver On "Alien 5" Possibilities

Sigourney Weaver談到續拍《異形5》可能性

1997's "Alien Resurrection" essentially closed out the "Alien" franchise
story wise, leaving various questions hanging in the air. Ridley Scott's
"Prometheus" answered (however vaguely) a few of those questions, as will its
upcoming sequel no doubt.

一些無解的謎團,Ridley Scott的《普羅米修斯》解釋了部分的謎團(雖然還是很模糊),

Still, fans of the series have long been keen on a straight up fifth "Alien"
and Sigourney Weaver getting one last outing as Ellen Ripley. As time has
gone on though, that possibility has essentially gone from slim to none.

異形系列的粉絲仍在引頸期盼著能續拍《異形5》,他們也期待Sigourney Weaver能在
《異形5》繼續飾演Ellen Ripley這個角色,但隨著時間的推移,這種可能性基本上已經

There's always hopeful optimism though, and Weaver herself appeared at the
Los Angeles Times Hero Complex Film Festival over the weekend where she said
she could also imagine a further sequel in the franchise being made:


"I feel after going to a couple of these Comic Cons and meeting so many fans
who are so passionate about the series, passionate about Ripley — that
there's more story to tell; but I don't know how to do that.


I don't think Alien belongs on Earth popping out of a haystack, which is
where I was afraid it was going to go. I feel it should take place in the far
reaches of the universe where no one in their right mind would go.


There are very few filmmakers that I can think of that I would want to
entrust this to. But I can think of a couple... I feel there's a longing in
certain groups of fans when I meet them for the story to be finished because
we really left it up in the air and I feel a bit badly about that because I
was part of that decision making process.


I didn't want to make four and five in a bundle. I think it's hard to make
these films all in a big lump. You need time to sort of let things resonate
so I can imagine a situation where we could at least finish telling her story.
I think that would be very satisfying at least to me — although I haven't
done anything about it; but I can understand why that could happen and I
certainly know young filmmakers who are interested in doing that. So we'll
just have to see what happens."


Despite Weaver's desire, those in charge of the "Alien" franchise are more
interested in pursuing other directions such as the "Prometheus" sequel which
seems to be headed further away from its "Alien" connections.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1401848808.A.57A.html
thanos:異形、終極戰士、AVP漫畫都重開機了 重拍也是遲早的吧1F 06/04 10:45
tenniset:There are very few filmmakers.她願意託付的製作人很少.2F 06/04 10:47
pponywong:In the pipe, five-by-five3F 06/04 10:57
Emerson158:既然回地球了 那五集交給吳宇森吧4F 06/04 11:07
hsiehhsing:有終極戰士三?????????????????????5F 06/04 11:08

http://ppt.cc/V~w- 漫畫都要重開機了 應該有機會
PREDATOR, ALIENS, AvP and PROMETHEUS Debut Covers Released - Comic Vine
Each franchise is getting an all-new series this year and now you can get a look at the cover for each #1 issue! ...


Emerson158:想看雷普利拿雙槍 飛鴿子的鏡頭6F 06/04 11:08
dchris:續集會解釋一點謎團然後再給你更多謎團,續續集會再解釋(略7F 06/04 11:10
ianna:天啊,當完異形媽要當異形奶奶?8F 06/04 11:16
KRSmp:浴血任務四:異形五9F 06/04 11:20
hacker725x:這幾年一直炒冷飯,應該有部屬於新世代的恐怖經典,拍10F 06/04 11:37
alinwang:都忘了異形有那些謎團?有高手能指出嗎?11F 06/04 11:39
hacker725x:絕命異次元電影版吧!但一定尺度R18就是了12F 06/04 11:39
h04110411:快來吧!!13F 06/04 11:41
Nappa:我也想不出謎團14F 06/04 12:06
alien818:雪歌妮薇佛耶~~ 撒花15F 06/04 12:07
Tristanoskar:可以摻在一起嗎?想看雪姨打爆大衛816F 06/04 12:21
chigo520:這年頭這麼愛重開 重開不就沒問題了17F 06/04 12:30
Nappa:對耶  可以學蜘蛛人18F 06/04 12:47
catalase:異型只有一二集,其他都糞作。19F 06/04 12:52
pttdouble:適合當年青異形女主角:魔形飢餓女20F 06/04 12:52
Babyshambles:現在流行重開機21F 06/04 12:58
laechan:在阿凡達被賜死了不然會很期待阿凡達二22F 06/04 13:21
kobe1204:耶~ 殺異形的始祖要出現了23F 06/04 13:29
newman302:支持重開機的<異形>,話說之前+針頭男+不是要重開機,24F 06/04 14:20
newman302:有人知道後續嗎? 針頭男也是我童年恐怖片的一大經典阿
※ 編輯: thanos (, 06/04/2014 15:01:37
d200190:解釋一點謎團(X) 讓你腦補一些解釋(O)26F 06/04 15:06
neverlight:該重拍的是第三集27F 06/04 15:29
tedann:之前的射擊遊戲 異形:殖民地戰隊有把第二集和第三集串在一28F 06/04 15:30
tedann:起  而且第二集麥克賓演的陸戰隊隊長沒有死 第三集逃生艙死
neverlight:第一集揉好麵團 第二集烤好了餅 第三集拿去沾屎30F 06/04 15:32
tedann:的是另一個倒楣鬼 詳情就看遊戲劇情吧XD 不過結局是爛尾31F 06/04 15:32
neverlight:第四集把屎擦掉重新熱一熱沾咖哩醬吃下去32F 06/04 15:33
Carmelo:雷普莉跟惡靈古堡的愛莉絲根本是一樣的存在33F 06/04 15:43
Xenomorph:給異形看的恐怖片 快逃啊35F 06/04 15:53
LostAnarchy:樓上異形36F 06/04 16:06
notea:XD 還蠻喜歡看第四集的37F 06/04 16:45
twsoriano:拍星海爭霸吧~~38F 06/04 17:09
kranoawi:好想看異形5阿!!!!!!39F 06/04 18:00
belleaya:活佛40F 06/04 19:02
Midori5566:直接重開機吧!有包袱不好拍啊41F 06/04 19:25
AustinPowers:異形4差不多已經是外傳了...原本的Ripley第3集就死了42F 06/04 19:49
muskox:我想看地球異形大戰呀!快拍異形5啊!43F 06/05 00:35
KRSmp: Xenomorph:給異形看的恐怖片 快逃啊     XDDD44F 06/05 00:45
owenkuo:送給小嬰兒最好的滿月禮物45F 06/05 02:17
srx080578:樓上超屌的47F 06/05 11:17
f127doggpig:貼圖很好笑XDDDDDD48F 06/05 11:52

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