※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-28 22:12:22
看板 movie
作者 標題 [新聞] 侏儸紀公園4將登場的恐龍
時間 Mon May 26 21:14:37 2014
With Jurassic World continuing to film in Hawaii, some photos of set pieces
continue to leak online. One of the more recent discoveries have come from a
picture of a map, for the Jurassic World Lagoon, one of the main sections to
the new Jurassic World theme park. Remember - in this film, there is a fully
functioning park, unlike the previous installments which featured prototypes.
Below are a list of confirmed Dinosaurs and attractions which will be
featured in the new park on Isla Nublar. Obviously, the following contains
spoilers, so if you wish to avoid spoilers, I suggest you click away and not
read any further.
1.Tyrannosaurus Rex (obviously) 暴龍
That's right, the Tyrant King is back. In Jurassic World the Rex(es) will be
housed in a location called the "T-Rex Kingdom" according to the map
discovered on-set. We also know that at least one T-Rex will be used by Chris
Pratt's character, as a means to combat a more formidable enemy - the
Diabolus Rex which we announced earlier this week.
我們還知道至少一隻暴龍還可能被Chris Pratt(劇中男主角)利用來對付一隻更強大的
2.Velociraptors 迅猛龍
Let's face it, you can't have a Jurassic Park movie without Raptors. They go
hand-in-hand with the Rex. Yes, the Velociraptors will make a return in Colin
Trevorrow's Jurassic World and like at least one of the Rexes, a group of
them will be trained by Chris Pratt's character. However, readers should not
jump to conclusions and think these Raptors will be playing fetch with any of
the locals - no, these Raptors will be trained to respond to certain cues or
calls, as if their pack leader were issuing an order. It's a similar
mentality, and one that will prove to be crucial later on in the film.
會被Chris Pratt抓來訓練。然而,觀眾別妄下定論,認為牠們就像狗一樣丟東西讓牠們
3.Triceratops 三角龍
Yeah, like that one - only less sick. The Triceratops in Jurassic World will
be housed in an enclosure known as "Triceratops Territory". Just because
these ceratopsids are herbivores, doesn't mean they can't cause trouble. Just
look at what happened when they broke free in The Lost World...
4.Gallimimus 似雞龍
Yes, the Galli...Galli...Gallimimus will be returning also! T-rex doesn't
want to be fed, it wants to hunt, remember? The Gallimimus will have a wide
range to run around in as spectators admire how they move like a flock of
birds, in the "Gallimimus Valley".
5.Pachycephalosaurus 厚頭龍
Friar Tuck will also be making a comeback in Jurassic World! The hard-hitting
Pachycephalosaurus will be featured in an enclosure known as the "Pachy
Arena". The name speaks for itself.
6.Mosasaurus 滄龍
A new addition to the park, is Mosasaurus - a predatory marine reptile from
the Cretaceous period which ressembled more of a flippered Crocodile, only
much larger. The Mosasaurus will be featured in its own attraction, located
at the "Mosasaurus Feeding Show", again a title which speaks for itself.
7.Diabolus Rex 惡魔暴龍
The Diabolus Rex is a new and terrifying creature. It is literally mankind's
arrogance and blatant disrespect for nature personified. This genetic
abomination is a T-Rex spliced with the DNA from a Velociraptor, Snake and
Cuttlefish; giving this new super predator the means to camouflage with its
surroundings, be as destructive as a fully grown Tyrannosaurus Rex and as
stealthy and cunning as a Raptor. The Diabolus Rex, or "D-Rex" for short, is
the primary antagonist throughout the film and will prove to be more than a
match for both Man... and Dinosaur.
Other Jurassic World attractions include: "Cretaceous Cruise", "Innovation
Centre", "Creation Lab", "Underwater Observatory", "The Aviary", "The Egg
Spinner", "Bamboo Forest", "Gentle Giants Petting Zoo", "Botanical Gardens",
"Gyrosphere", "Water Park" and of course, a Golf Course.
Transportation will include buggies, jeeps, a Gondola Lift and a Monorail.
For reference, here are the original photos of Jurassic World Lagoon map:
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1401110081.A.F06.html
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/26/2014 21:16:50
幹 我也覺得快變成恐龍版的神奇寶貝了= =
附上幾張國外網友猜測的Diabolus Rex(惡魔暴龍)樣貌:
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/26/2014 21:42:52
→ :馬卡龍1F 05/26 21:20
→ :請問侏儸紀世界是侏儸紀公園續集嗎?2F 05/26 21:20
推 :通通都回來了,片名叫: 侏儸紀公園-第一戰 好了(誤)3F 05/26 21:21
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/26/2014 21:21:52推 :迅猛龍再戰十年??4F 05/26 21:21
→ :TIM現在是個英挺帥哥 可以找他回來演
→ :TIM現在是個英挺帥哥 可以找他回來演
推 :純推很萌的ID Thanos!!6F 05/26 21:30
推 :主角可以召喚他的四個外星好朋友一起打恐龍練等XDDDDDD7F 05/26 21:32
推 :神奇寶貝訓練師 VS. 特殊神奇寶貝8F 05/26 21:34
幹 我也覺得快變成恐龍版的神奇寶貝了= =
附上幾張國外網友猜測的Diabolus Rex(惡魔暴龍)樣貌:
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/26/2014 21:42:52
推 :泡泡龍9F 05/26 21:42
推 :鳩竟會是經典重現 還是...10F 05/26 21:47
推 :覺得會鳥掉...就像3那樣11F 05/26 21:48
→ :恐龍太弱..陸戰隊上去就是屠殺而已..這電影只能拍成像1那樣
→ :沒辦法突破
→ :恐龍太弱..陸戰隊上去就是屠殺而已..這電影只能拍成像1那樣
→ :沒辦法突破
推 :讚14F 05/26 21:50
推 :一二都還不賴15F 05/26 21:53
推 :還在回味哥吉拉的戰鬥英姿16F 05/26 21:54
推 :到時候應該會被酸派一隻哥吉拉來,這些恐龍就被秒殺了吧17F 05/26 21:58
推 :現在CG這麼進步 這些恐龍夠新奇嗎?18F 05/26 22:01
推 :童年又要崩壞了QQ19F 05/26 22:05
推 :招喚好色龍!!!! (嗯?20F 05/26 22:10
推 :侏儸紀恐龍遇到哥吉拉 大概就像黑暗騎士前段山山寨蝙蝠俠們21F 05/26 22:11
→ :遇到正牌蝙蝠俠那樣出現好笑對話XDDDD
→ :遇到正牌蝙蝠俠那樣出現好笑對話XDDDD
→ :這樣的話應該是酷斯拉遇到哥吉拉比較貼切XD23F 05/26 22:12
推 :...所以惡魔暴龍是亂玩基因合成的結果嗎?24F 05/26 22:14
推 :對於烏賊基因的部分...25F 05/26 22:15
推 :小說第二集 有出現變色恐龍 似乎是食肉牛龍26F 05/26 22:16
→ :時代變了,現在很多龍都有羽毛27F 05/26 22:16
推 :哥吉拉踩一下整個園區就沒了吧29F 05/26 22:16
→ :但是侏羅紀不管怎樣也是必看電影阿
→ :但是侏羅紀不管怎樣也是必看電影阿
→ :慢慢變成 BIO HAZARD了..31F 05/26 22:17
推 :弄隻基改生物暴龍 真的下次就變成拍殭屍暴龍了 佈喜歡= =32F 05/26 22:24
推 :可以改拍恐龍危機真人版阿33F 05/26 22:25
推 :這是怪獸電影吧?34F 05/26 22:26
推 :拍恐龍危機真人版或許比較有收視? 或者放哥吉拉進來??35F 05/26 22:29
推 :卡普空:抗議 他抄我家的恐龍危機36F 05/26 22:55
推 :該跟魔物獵人合作惹37F 05/26 23:09
推 :滄龍不是恐龍38F 05/26 23:20
推 :狄亞布羅暴龍?39F 05/26 23:25
推 :...結果變哥吉拉來拯救 哥吉拉:大家可以回家啦~~40F 05/26 23:26
推 :恐龍危機不錯啊 可惜後來沒出了41F 05/26 23:27
→ :上次不是有消息說有棘龍?42F 05/26 23:32
推 :太期待了!!!!!43F 05/26 23:34
→ :Diablo44F 05/27 00:18
推 :魔暴龍皮………45F 05/27 00:19
推 :居然有滄龍 XD46F 05/27 00:27
推 :蚊子到底是怎麼叮到滄龍的?勇闖大洋的蚊子,叮完立刻返回47F 05/27 08:39
→ :岸邊樹林被樹汁包住?這蚊子是蚊子界的300壯士嗎?
→ :岸邊樹林被樹汁包住?這蚊子是蚊子界的300壯士嗎?
推 :戰鬥暴龍獸 究極進化 喪屍暴龍獸49F 05/27 10:28
推 :侏羅紀公園:未來昔日50F 05/27 11:13
推 :不管評價多濫 我還是會去電影院看 因為我太愛這類的電影51F 05/27 14:23
推 :馬卡龍XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD52F 05/27 14:37
推 :我覺得再怎樣都不會難看53F 05/27 14:39
→ :害我近視的元兇就是侏羅紀 三集各看數十次 模型數千元54F 05/27 14:47
推 :推恐龍危機55F 05/27 19:26
推 :哈哈 根本恐龍危機56F 05/27 22:33
推 :好懷念恐龍危機啊!! 都不出續作...57F 05/27 23:12
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