※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-06 18:05:14
看板 joke
作者 標題 [XD] 精神病院醫生跟病人
時間 Thu May 5 17:30:07 2022
>From Reddit
A Doctor and a Patient are both in a Mental Hospital : Jokes
Sitting in the Doctors Office, the Doctor struck up a conversation with the Patient: Doctor: I read here in your file that you recently saved … ...
Sitting in the Doctors Office, the Doctor struck up a conversation with the Patient: Doctor: I read here in your file that you recently saved … ...
A Doctor and a Patient are both in a Mental Hospital : Jokes
Sitting in the Doctors Office, the Doctor struck up a conversation with the Patient: Doctor: I read here in your file that you recently saved … ...
Sitting in the Doctors Office, the Doctor struck up a conversation with the Patient: Doctor: I read here in your file that you recently saved … ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YSvaYti (joke)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1651743010.A.DEC.html
※ 編輯: HisVol ( 臺灣), 05/05/2022 17:31:14
→ : 醫生:醫院裡有脫水機和烘衣機1F 05/05 17:37
推 : 好笑XDDD2F 05/05 19:00
推 : 新的XD3F 05/05 20:10
推 : 病人真誠實,可以出院了4F 05/05 20:39
推 : 醫生:不要吊衣櫃,會發霉的,要帶去頂樓攤開來才曬的乾5F 05/05 21:55
推 : 想弄乾還吊衣櫃,難怪住精神病院6F 05/05 22:16
→ : XDDDDD7F 05/05 22:28
推 : 優秀8F 05/05 22:45
推 : XD9F 05/05 22:49
推 : XDDDDDDDD10F 05/05 22:55
推 : XDD11F 05/05 23:49
推 : 醫生:???12F 05/06 00:32
推 : 出新13F 05/06 01:03
推 : XD14F 05/06 01:15
推 : 不錯15F 05/06 01:40
→ : 讚16F 05/06 02:37
推 : 推17F 05/06 04:28
推 : 病人:對耶,我都忘了,所以他晾乾了嗎?18F 05/06 06:00
推 : 乾 只有我覺得可怕嗎=口=19F 05/06 06:40
推 : XD20F 05/06 07:29
→ : 真是精神病 當然要用烘乾機或烤箱才快乾阿21F 05/06 07:33
推 : 哈 可怕到好笑~~22F 05/06 07:48
推 : 絕命精神病院23F 05/06 07:54
推 : 樓上XD25F 05/06 08:56
推 : 照片第一眼還以為是多米多羅26F 05/06 08:59
推 : 這算地獄哏嗎xd27F 05/06 10:44
推 : outlast28F 05/06 11:53
推 : 不是病人的錯,是廠商的疏失,一起控告吳良的廠商29F 05/06 12:05
推 : 怕30F 05/06 12:08
推 : 我覺得我今天網路用得夠多了…31F 05/06 13:26
推 : 這是某個海龜湯吧32F 05/06 14:05
推 : 當然要用微波爐啊 烘焙王有教33F 05/06 14:25
推 : 十字架 其實以前也是拿來曬衣服的 不信你問耶...34F 05/06 17:44
※ 看板: Joke 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 451
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