※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-18 18:02:31
看板 joke
作者 標題 [猜謎] 小馮到底憑什麼劈腿?
時間 Fri Feb 15 21:04:30 2019
Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-G950F.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SPhZWdp (joke)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1550235872.A.9F3.html
→ : 這個梗有夠爛 爛到我還沒咬它就融化了1F 02/15 21:13
推 : Now I know what's it mean…
推 : Now I know what's it mean…
推 : So you just spent 20 minutes figuring that out? Dude3F 02/15 22:20
→ : get a life ( )
→ : get a life ( )
推 : (LOL)5F 02/15 23:08
→ : my english good so i know you say what6F 02/16 01:21
→ : Upstairs you English not good no lie please7F 02/16 01:24
→ : dont matter what im golden city five8F 02/16 04:37
→ : upstair you are honest
→ : upstair you are honest
→ : why you all english so bad10F 02/16 05:50
推 : This is a book.11F 02/16 07:22
→ : penisland12F 02/16 07:50
推 : IKEA13F 02/16 08:11
推 : Costco14F 02/16 08:39
推 : ni ma tsau pan15F 02/16 08:41
推 : www.綠油油.com.tw16F 02/16 08:44
推 : this is a book17F 02/16 08:45
→ : Hi how are you?Im fine thank you.18F 02/16 08:46
推 : How do you do19F 02/16 08:49
推 : Coffee tea or me20F 02/16 08:50
推 : 沒心or selfish?21F 02/16 08:58
推 : 你以為是my phone ,結果是 our phone QQ22F 02/16 08:59
推 : may show gun more23F 02/16 09:00
推 : it's is my life24F 02/16 09:02
推 : fine this joke l got what's your mean25F 02/16 09:08
→ : How to turn this on26F 02/16 09:08
噓 : You guys all sucked! Shut your mouth up and get the h27F 02/16 09:12
→ : ell out of here!
→ : ell out of here!
推 : mother father fucking together29F 02/16 09:27
噓 : 一堆破英文30F 02/16 09:31
推 : I will be back31F 02/16 09:37
噓 : 無聊32F 02/16 09:42
噓 :33F 02/16 09:56
→ : 我都唸 Costco34F 02/16 10:14
推 : 歡迎光臨my馮35F 02/16 10:21
推 : 笑點在推文 英文真爛36F 02/16 10:45
推 : 笑點在推文 英文真爛
→ : 抱歉 推到兩次
推 : 笑點在推文 英文真爛
→ : 抱歉 推到兩次
噓 : 滾39F 02/16 10:56
推 : it's is my life 這三小啦40F 02/16 11:03
→ : Good41F 02/16 11:30
推 : 還不錯笑啊 推文幹嘛留英文42F 02/16 11:45
噓 : 反詐騙43F 02/16 12:10
推 : coz she no heart la44F 02/16 12:37
推 : I don’t cars45F 02/16 12:51
推 : 哈哈哈哈哈哈46F 02/16 13:03
推 : 真的笑點在英文推文47F 02/16 13:35
推 : 英文推文超好笑XD48F 02/16 13:44
推 : all your englishs is bed49F 02/16 13:49
→ lkkgotyy …
→ : upstairs don't self fat51F 02/16 14:34
推 : Look three small52F 02/16 14:36
→ : no ask why we talk english Korea fish say two langua53F 02/16 14:36
→ : ge can bring money
→ : ge can bring money
推 : push article is so haha55F 02/16 14:48
→ : congratulation! you find haha point56F 02/16 14:51
噓 : where is da haha point57F 02/16 15:28
推 : So where is the fking laugh point58F 02/16 15:29
噓 : I don’t know what are they talking about59F 02/16 15:46
推 : 啊哈哈我看到韓國魚60F 02/16 15:47
推 : haha英文好重要61F 02/16 16:01
推 : Goob jod62F 02/16 16:12
推 : I dot scare63F 02/16 16:44
噓 : I dot car64F 02/16 16:48
推 : exctellen!cine!65F 02/16 16:48
推 : nobaby cars66F 02/16 17:14
推 : Down stair is big dick67F 02/16 18:00
推 : thank you, yes i am. super big dick. Girl call it KFC68F 02/16 18:05
推 : may sure gun more69F 02/16 18:22
推 : Push letters are hadicapped70F 02/16 18:27
推 : KFC LIKE SHIT DADA71F 02/16 19:31
噓 : wtf72F 02/16 20:34
→ : originally post say a no funny joke but push article73F 02/16 21:07
→ : change it good me remember Korea fish say two langu
→ : age bring money
→ : change it good me remember Korea fish say two langu
→ : age bring money
推 : What the hell XD?76F 02/16 22:07
→ : Why do you guys start chating with English?
→ : Is this some kind of Santanic ritual ?
→ : Why do you guys start chating with English?
→ : Is this some kind of Santanic ritual ?
推 : wu phone79F 02/16 22:09
→ : upstairs,you know too much80F 02/16 22:09
推 : who care81F 02/16 23:10
推 : ssssssssssssss82F 02/16 23:11
推 : wth... i thought i was using reddit-.-83F 02/16 23:46
推 : who car?84F 02/16 23:52
噓 : ikea85F 02/16 23:55
推 : i dot car86F 02/17 00:18
推 : I’m five thank you!87F 02/17 00:53
推 : me find tank youth n ju88F 02/17 00:57
噓 : 傷眼睛89F 02/17 01:31
推 : welcome my phone90F 02/17 01:32
推 : you gays say three small, my english is bed, I s91F 02/17 02:17
→ : ee don't know.
→ : ee don't know.
推 : I r winner93F 02/17 08:27
推 : Mfw ptt turns into redditfags94F 02/17 11:24
推 : we are Google Translate Department95F 02/17 11:31
推 : how do you turn this on96F 02/17 14:39
推 : do you know the wae?97F 02/17 14:59
推 : wtf,comments are hilarious98F 02/17 15:14
推 : I can't understand the haha point...99F 02/17 15:49
推 : Downstair will suck dick of shiaw wei100F 02/17 16:24
→ : upstairs,take off your pants!101F 02/17 16:35
推 : my english is wall102F 02/17 16:54
→ : Are you Trump?103F 02/17 16:56
推 : Basaker is best.104F 02/17 17:26
推 : 韓國瑜說會雙語便可發大財,看到這句笑死105F 02/17 17:48
→ : gan ning niang106F 02/17 20:00
推 : this erasers is good for wearing107F 02/17 20:26
推 : you all stroke my laught point108F 02/17 21:15
推 : joke fart da chine109F 02/17 21:42
推 : ha are you, gift me fine thanks you.110F 02/17 21:46
推 : I'm fine thank you and you111F 02/17 22:15
噓 : 推文自嗨112F 02/17 23:46
推 : 幹你娘說中文 一堆不會說的硬湊幹113F 02/18 00:29
→ : No we are not self high and we are good at English s114F 02/18 00:37
→ : o upstairs and up upstairs can shut the fuck up
→ : o upstairs and up upstairs can shut the fuck up
噓 : 一樓帶壞所有人的英文116F 02/18 08:29
→ : No, I’m fine,thank you,and you?117F 02/18 08:36
推 : 推文一堆不懂中文硬要說英文118F 02/18 10:11
※ 看板: Joke 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 819