※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-23 21:23:18
看板 joke
作者 標題 [影片] 用NPC語音打電話troll人
時間 Thu Jul 18 17:30:13 2013
是英文請包涵 不知道有沒有人翻譯
Septimus Searches for an Elder Scroll - Skyrim Prank Call - YouTube Hermaeus Mora decides to reward Septimus Signus' service to him by informing Septimus of several libraries that possess an Elder Scroll...too bad they think ...

Gary Calls People Named Gary - Fallout 3 Prank Call - YouTube GAAARYY Gary Soundboard: More Soundboards: Prank call done with the v...

Dr. Michael Kaufmann Calls Hospitals - Silent Hill Prank Call - YouTube Dr. Michael Kaufmann informs the staff at the hospital where he works that something's gone seriously wrong.... Soundboard:

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◆ From:
推 :這個好笑!推!1F 07/18 17:36
推 :XD2F 07/18 17:40
推 :這個有夠白癡的阿XDDD3F 07/18 17:41
推 :對話超流暢的,不是SET的也太強了吧4F 07/18 17:48
推 :XDDDDDDD5F 07/18 17:51
推 :好智障XDXD6F 07/18 17:54
推 :感覺很有趣 可惜看懂英文 跪求大大翻譯7F 07/18 17:54
推 :上古卷軸超靠北的XDDDDDDDDD8F 07/18 17:55
Rex Power Colt Calls Xbox - Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Prank Call - YouTube Rex is having some issues with his Xbox so he calls Xbox customer support only to be repeatedly annoyed by the console acting up. Rex Power Colt Soudboard: h...

推 :3個都很好笑 沉默之丘跟護士玩超可愛10F 07/18 18:03
推 :XD12F 07/18 18:04
推 :有點缺德但是我嘴角還是失守了13F 07/18 18:06
推 :knock knock14F 07/18 18:09
推 :幹超缺德的啦wwww15F 07/18 18:10
推 :好壞 XD 感謝有字幕 不然聽不懂16F 07/18 18:12
推 :超好笑 哈17F 07/18 18:16
Mister Lopez Calls a Suicide Hotline - Fallout 3 Prank Call - YouTube Mister Lopez has some serious personal issues, but he has decided to seek help from the Suicide Hotline. Prank call done with the voice of the video game cha...

→ :第一個接電話的女專員也太不專業了吧19F 07/18 18:21
推 :上古卷軸我笑到肚子痛 好久沒這樣了wwwwwwwwwwwwwww20F 07/18 18:28
→ uhmeiouramu …
Skyrim Guard Calls Taverns - Skyrim Prank Call - YouTube
A Skyrim Guard calls up some taverns figuring he'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead. Prank call done with the voice of a guard fro...
A Skyrim Guard calls up some taverns figuring he'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead. Prank call done with the voice of a guard fro...

→ :一樣是skyrim 不過是守衛23F 07/18 18:32
推 :Indeed超機車的呀XDDDDD24F 07/18 18:32
推 :幹 有夠基掰的 哈25F 07/18 18:36
推 :超好笑..XD26F 07/18 18:36
推 :七龍珠超好笑的27F 07/18 18:38
→ :話說,什麼是told me otherwise 0.028F 07/18 18:38
推 :GARY!GARY?GARY!!!!!29F 07/18 18:39
推 :超白目的哈哈哈哈哈30F 07/18 18:39
推 :超好笑XD31F 07/18 18:41
推 :GARY超煩的XDDD32F 07/18 18:42
推 :因第~~33F 07/18 18:45
→ :My lord told me otherwise
→ :My lord told me otherwise
推 :不是Mora嗎XD35F 07/18 18:50
推 :XDDDDDDD36F 07/18 18:50
推 :英文太爛好淒慘啊= =37F 07/18 18:57
推 :Gary Gary Gary38F 07/18 19:00
推 :超北爛XDD40F 07/18 19:05
推 :國王說的和你說的不同 (卷軸在這裡)41F 07/18 19:06
推 :上古那個笑哭出來XDD 怎會有人這麼無聊又缺德啦XDDD42F 07/18 19:06
推 :在國外被prank call鬧過 那感覺會比被人當狗看還不如43F 07/18 19:08
推 :屆轉44F 07/18 19:08
※ maxliao:轉錄至看板 SilentHill 07/18 19:09→ :in~~DEEEEED45F 07/18 19:10
推 :哭杯啦xdddddd46F 07/18 19:11
推 :knock knock.. Who's there?? Fuck~ 這句笑噴了XDDDD47F 07/18 19:11
推 :幹 快笑死XDDDDDDDDDDD48F 07/18 19:12
推 :GARY~GARY~GARY49F 07/18 19:14
推 :Gary? Gary! Gary~50F 07/18 19:26
推 :陰蒂的!!51F 07/18 19:27
推 :上古捲軸超哭爸的XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD52F 07/18 19:28
→ :有人可以翻譯嗎?英文不好53F 07/18 19:44
推 :上古卷軸超好笑 Indeed接的真剛好...54F 07/18 19:44
推 :INDEED~55F 07/18 19:53
推 :幹 我快笑死了56F 07/18 19:55
推 :很好笑 不過打到生命線會不會太超過了57F 07/18 19:55
推 :真的很機掰哈哈哈哈58F 07/18 19:58
推 :笑炸 接的好順59F 07/18 19:58
推 :預計會先起一股翻譯Prank Call流行60F 07/18 19:59
→ :相關影片連出去 以電玩人物為主題的好像不多61F 07/18 20:00
推 :沉默之丘護士聲音好好聽XD62F 07/18 20:18
推 :上古太好笑了~~~indeed~~63F 07/18 20:19
Cicero Terrifies a Babysitter (She Cries) - Skyrim Prank Call - YouTube Late one night, a babysitter receives a frightening call.... Prank call done with the voice of the video game character, Cicero, from The Elder Scrolls V: Sk...

→ :嚇哭了拉XD65F 07/18 20:19
推 :~ooooooo~66F 07/18 20:38
推 :~~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~ e04光這句我就快笑死了67F 07/18 20:40
推 : 沉默之丘護士聲音好好聽XD68F 07/18 20:43
推 :跪求高手翻譯69F 07/18 20:45
推 :引第 ...70F 07/18 20:46
→ :indeed~ ~~~OOOOOOOO~~~71F 07/18 21:00
推 :上古XD72F 07/18 21:00
推 :笑不出來 有點腦73F 07/18 21:10
推 :沉默之丘也是笑翻74F 07/18 21:16
推 :INDEED!75F 07/18 21:33
推 :笑死 XDDDD76F 07/18 21:33
推 :GARY GARY GARY77F 07/18 21:34
推 :沉默之丘最好笑XD78F 07/18 21:39
推 :狂笑XDDDDDDDDD79F 07/18 21:46
→ :上古好煩啊啊啊啊
→ :上古好煩啊啊啊啊
推 :護士的耐心真的比較好...而且聲音好銷魂阿~~~82F 07/18 22:03
推 :小護士敲口愛!83F 07/18 22:08
推 :自殺那個超好笑 第二個人超認真的84F 07/18 22:10
推 :GARY! GARY! GARY!85F 07/18 22:16
推 :XDDDDDDDDD86F 07/18 22:21
推 :超好笑的拉哈哈哈 好險有字幕不然真的看不懂87F 07/18 22:33
Dexion Evicus Searches for an Elder Scroll - Skyrim Prank Call - YouTube As a Moth Priest, it is Dexion Evicus' sacred duty to study the Elder Scrolls. He calls up some of his local libraries in the hopes that they have an Elder S...

→ :↑同樣也是上古卷軸5的,從0:24開始91F 07/18 22:55
推 :上古一直聽到 陰蒂....92F 07/18 23:08
Booker Dewitt Searches for Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite Prank Call - YouTube Elizabeth has gone missing so Booker calls a Missing Persons Hotline as well as other places to try and find her. Prank call done with the voice of the video...

推 :好想看看懂上古的客服 接到這種電話的回答 XD96F 07/18 23:38
推 :哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈97F 07/18 23:48
Prank Call - Deckard Cain Calls Elderly Care - YouTube
Deckard Cain, an NPC from Diablo 2 calls elderly care...I'm not the original creator of the call itself. Since all of them appear to have been removed from y...
Deckard Cain, an NPC from Diablo 2 calls elderly care...I'm not the original creator of the call itself. Since all of them appear to have been removed from y...

推 :XDDDDDDDDDDD100F 07/18 23:58
推 :joke101F 07/19 00:04
推 :笑死我了 XDDDDD102F 07/19 00:24
推 :~OOOOOOOO~103F 07/19 00:26
推 :有看有推:)104F 07/19 00:31
推 :有點機歪耶105F 07/19 00:56
推 :有神人要來測試暗黑三嗎?106F 07/19 01:11
推 :Gary~~~107F 07/19 01:13
推 :缺德...108F 07/19 01:17
推 :超好笑XDDD109F 07/19 01:20
推 :超好笑的哈哈哈哈哈XDDDD110F 07/19 01:55
推 :好笑但缺德XDDD111F 07/19 02:01
推 :超白癡XDDD KNOCK*2 Who is there? Fuuuck;)112F 07/19 02:58
推 :中間後半居然有人可以識破耶114F 07/19 03:42
推 :indeed115F 07/19 08:01
推 :超白目XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD116F 07/19 08:34
推 :因為打太次被人聽出來了XD117F 07/19 08:50
→ :118F 07/19 10:58
推 :Gary~~~~~~~119F 07/19 11:09
推 :異塵餘生的比較好笑XDDD120F 07/19 13:55
→ :我有個點子 用「海德格~~救救我~~!」的語音打去醫院121F 07/19 14:56
推 :Gary Gary Gary~~~~122F 07/19 15:20
推 :gary!!!!!!!!!!!123F 07/19 15:44
推 :跪求翻異 Q_Q124F 07/19 16:20
Black Preacher Calls a Christian Hotline - GTA Prank Call - YouTube The Black Preacher calls a Christain Hotline to warn the heathens that THE END IS COMING! Prank call done with the voice of the video game character, Black P...

推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDD126F 07/19 21:42
推 :上古超好笑!!127F 07/19 21:55
推 :YES!This is GARY.Who is this? Speak ASSHOLE XDDDD129F 07/20 03:19
推 :Gary 那個我快笑死 XD130F 07/20 05:38
推 :真白爛 下場是怎樣啊 XD131F 07/20 06:13
推 :超靠北!!!!132F 07/20 19:14
推 :有人有聽出來是上古的錄音戳人,真厲害133F 07/20 21:06
→ :老實說有夠白目的,打幾通就算了,一直打白目到爆134F 07/21 19:27
推 :好北七136F 07/24 22:06