※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-10 03:23:42
看板 joke
作者 標題 [XD] 好友互整 義大利攤子篇
時間 Sun Jun 9 17:43:12 2013
四個好友互整計畫 - 義大利攤子篇 - YouTube
No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to TRU TV and this video is just a TRANSLATED vers...
No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to TRU TV and this video is just a TRANSLATED vers...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :頭推~先推在看!1F 06/09 17:43
推 :XD2F 06/09 17:46
推 :笑慘了3F 06/09 17:47
推 :XD4F 06/09 17:50
推 :XD5F 06/09 17:50
Impractical Jokers - Eat and Run - YouTube
The guys dare each other to go up to people who are eating lunch and eat food off their plates without saying a word. Check out new episodes of Impractical J...
The guys dare each other to go up to people who are eating lunch and eat food off their plates without saying a word. Check out new episodes of Impractical J...

推 :很好笑阿XD7F 06/09 18:07
推 :推推推8F 06/09 18:13
推 :先推再看9F 06/09 18:13
推 :我一直在意他們戴著手套卻直接觸碰非食物10F 06/09 18:15
推 :超北爛11F 06/09 18:20
推 :笑慘了12F 06/09 18:27
推 :必推13F 06/09 18:32
推 :先推再看 再推再看 看完再推14F 06/09 18:33
推 :好想看更多!!!!15F 06/09 18:33
推 :XDDD16F 06/09 18:34
推 :推17F 06/09 18:35
推 :一定要繼續翻譯喔 我已經訂閱了你的youtube18F 06/09 18:37
推 :試吃好白爛19F 06/09 18:39
推 :放到麵包那邊我大笑XDDD20F 06/09 18:41
推 :那個妹不錯正耶21F 06/09 18:42
推 :這太北攔了XD22F 06/09 18:43
推 :訂閱+24F 06/09 18:49
推 :XD 太好笑了25F 06/09 18:58
推 :超好笑26F 06/09 19:01
推 :麵包那邊超好笑XDDDDDDD27F 06/09 19:01
推 :推推推~~ :D 謝謝翻譯28F 06/09 19:01
推 :洗腳吃東西那個太好笑了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD29F 06/09 19:02
推 :主要是那個女生反應太有趣
推 :主要是那個女生反應太有趣
推 :洗腳超噁XDDDDD 哈哈哈哈哈31F 06/09 19:07
推 :XDDDDD32F 06/09 19:08
推 :試吃麵包笑死我啦!33F 06/09 19:09
Impractical Jokers - Prank at the Dentist's Office - YouTube
Watch as the Impractical Jokers invade the dentist's office. Actual Friends. Actual Dares. Actually Funny. All-new season of IMPRACTICAL JOKERS Thursdays at ...
Watch as the Impractical Jokers invade the dentist's office. Actual Friends. Actual Dares. Actually Funny. All-new season of IMPRACTICAL JOKERS Thursdays at ...

推 :為什麼那些店家都敢給他們這樣玩啊XDDDD35F 06/09 19:14
推 :未看先推36F 06/09 19:14
推 :太哭爸了XD37F 06/09 19:21
推 :哈哈XD38F 06/09 19:26
推 :超好笑的阿XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD40F 06/09 19:41
推 :牙醫我笑翻了41F 06/09 19:43
推 :XD42F 06/09 19:43
推 :牙醫太誇張了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD43F 06/09 19:56
推 :牙醫在哪@@?44F 06/09 20:03
Impractical Jokers - Prank at the Dentist's Office - YouTube
Watch as the Impractical Jokers invade the dentist's office. Actual Friends. Actual Dares. Actually Funny. All-new season of IMPRACTICAL JOKERS Thursdays at ...
Watch as the Impractical Jokers invade the dentist's office. Actual Friends. Actual Dares. Actually Funny. All-new season of IMPRACTICAL JOKERS Thursdays at ...

推 :XD46F 06/09 20:11
推 :3Q ^^47F 06/09 20:12
推 :牙醫忍不住大笑48F 06/09 20:18
推 :女客人好漂亮!49F 06/09 20:20
推 :XDDD50F 06/09 20:22
推 :笑死了XD51F 06/09 20:31
推 :第二個客人好帥!!52F 06/09 20:34
推 :牙醫 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD53F 06/09 20:35
Impractical Jokers - Defending Against Bullies - YouTube
Joe and Murr give some expert self defense instruction when dealing with bullies. Check out new episodes of Impractical Jokers on truTV. Plus, watch full-len...
Joe and Murr give some expert self defense instruction when dealing with bullies. Check out new episodes of Impractical Jokers on truTV. Plus, watch full-len...

推 :牙醫我笑到流眼淚了56F 06/09 20:44
推 :推57F 06/09 20:48
推 :X1笑死xD58F 06/09 20:51
推 :XD59F 06/09 20:51
推 :很好笑阿哈哈哈哈哈60F 06/09 21:06
推 :牙醫我快笑死61F 06/09 21:12
推 :牙醫笑到快抽筋!!!63F 06/09 21:16
推 :幹 在圖書館笑出來被隔壁的瞪64F 06/09 21:17
推 :XDDDD65F 06/09 21:22
推 :笑聲都好賤66F 06/09 21:27
推 :按摩的女生客人好正67F 06/09 21:35
推 :推XD68F 06/09 21:39
Impractical Jokers - Porn in Coffee House Punishment - YouTube I do not own the rights to this show blah blah blah

推 :牙醫被整的一直笑場XDDDDDDDD70F 06/09 21:43
推 :幹 真的超白目啦 幹XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 笑死我哈哈!71F 06/09 21:46
推 :牙醫....我笑到喘不過氣了72F 06/09 21:50
噓 :那個處罰也太OVER了 感覺很假 哪剛好還有修女在啊74F 06/09 21:58
推 :一樣靠杯XDDDDDDDDDDD75F 06/09 22:02
推 :!!給你一個讚76F 06/09 22:22
推 :笑到流口水77F 06/09 22:30
推 :幹 害我笑的跟智障一樣78F 06/09 22:30
推 :牙醫笑到流淚XDDDD79F 06/09 22:46
推 :笑到肚子痛哈哈哈哈XDDD81F 06/09 23:06
推 :笑到不能自己了...82F 06/09 23:07
推 :咖啡店的懲罰~~~他是在哭嗎@@83F 06/09 23:09
推 :XDDD84F 06/09 23:11
推 :XDD85F 06/09 23:18
推 :XDDDD86F 06/09 23:25
推 :推87F 06/09 23:25
推 :XDD88F 06/09 23:26
推 :牙醫是真的假的啊? 沒戴口罩看起來不專業阿89F 06/09 23:26
推 :超好笑XDDD91F 06/09 23:36
推 :XDDDDDD92F 06/09 23:45
推 :牙醫太好笑了XDDDDDDDDDDD93F 06/09 23:59
推 :牙醫笑到肚子痛XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD94F 06/10 00:08
推 :XDDDDDDDD95F 06/10 00:10
推 :牙醫幹XDDDD96F 06/10 00:20
推 :牙醫笑得我好難過XDDDDDDDDDD97F 06/10 00:25
推 :洗腳那個笑得我肚子好痛....98F 06/10 00:26
推 :推,要繼續下去喔100F 06/10 00:27
推 :牙醫的那個真的太北爛了啦XDDDD103F 06/10 00:47
推 :推~104F 06/10 00:55
推 :推105F 06/10 00:58
推 :牙醫的超白爛106F 06/10 01:00
推 :牙醫太好笑了107F 06/10 01:05
推 :都很好笑XDD(除了食物那個..) 咖啡廳處罰有點over109F 06/10 01:10
推 :推110F 06/10 01:20
推 ::)))))))111F 06/10 01:22
推 :很假可是很好笑~112F 06/10 01:23
推 :笑翻113F 06/10 01:24
推 :牙醫自己都笑場了XDDDDDDDDD114F 06/10 01:56
→ :等等補推 太好笑惹115F 06/10 02:06
推 :太好笑了!116F 06/10 02:06
推 :求牙醫翻譯~~~雖然沒翻譯就已經笑翻了~~~XDDDD117F 06/10 02:15
推 :大推119F 06/10 02:24
推 :XDDDD120F 06/10 02:34
推 :我愛這系列阿XDD 讓你爆!121F 06/10 02:35
推 :多一點他們的啦,拜託翻譯高手122F 06/10 02:41
推 :笑歪123F 06/10 03:00
推 :整個 爆笑... XDDDDDD124F 06/10 03:04
四個好友互整計畫 - 速食店篇 #1 - YouTube
No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to TRU TV and this video is just a TRANSLATED vers...
No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to TRU TV and this video is just a TRANSLATED vers...

推 :XDDDD126F 06/10 03:09
Impractical Jokers - Social Networking and You - YouTube
Follow me on Twitter: I do not own the rights to this TV show. The public display of this video is merely for entertainment ...
Follow me on Twitter: I do not own the rights to this TV show. The public display of this video is merely for entertainment ...
