※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-20 01:01:06
看板 joke
作者 標題 [XD] 五秒短片翻譯[4]
時間 Thu Jan 19 11:31:41 2012
五秒電影:進一步認識她2 再深入一點 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:關鍵時刻 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:天堂之門 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:餵嬰兒 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:萬聖節服裝 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:地表最受歡迎男人 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :未看先推!1F 01/19 11:34
推 :不看但推!2F 01/19 11:35
推 :看完再推3F 01/19 11:36
五秒電影:天堂之門 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

推 :最後一個超白癡5F 01/19 11:42
推 :天使@Q@!!6F 01/19 11:44
→ :縮失敗了 天使5秒我一直點不停7F 01/19 11:44
推 :好吧 整個看完我只愛天使.....8F 01/19 11:46
推 :殺小孩有嚇到9F 01/19 11:49
推 :可惡 想揉10F 01/19 11:50
推 :新年倒數那個超北七,是有暗喻那男的一直早x嗎?11F 01/19 11:52
推 :天使啊!!Y12F 01/19 11:52
推 :這次的都很好笑 XD13F 01/19 11:54
推 :好哭巴哈哈14F 01/19 11:55
推 :天使太棒了!!!!!!!!15F 01/19 11:56
→ :一直按五秒你會發現她要叫警察了16F 01/19 11:56
推 :天使真是............17F 01/19 11:56
推 :我不自覺的一直按6....18F 01/19 12:00
推 :想揉20F 01/19 12:10
推 :天使XDDDD21F 01/19 12:22
推 :想請問天使 柯以柔的由來...22F 01/19 12:24
推 :可惡 想揉23F 01/19 12:41
推 :可以柔→柯以柔24F 01/19 12:42
推 :柯以柔你奶媽25F 01/19 12:42
推 :我也要揉~~~!!!26F 01/19 13:07
推 :天使~~嘻嘻~27F 01/19 13:07
推 :努力上天堂28F 01/19 13:19
※ 編輯: jasonfly07 來自: (01/19 13:25)推 :按6能幹麻??29F 01/19 13:25
推 :嘻嘻30F 01/19 13:52
推 :ㄍㄧㄥˋㄔㄚ˙31F 01/19 13:53
推 :推天使32F 01/19 14:02
推 : XD33F 01/19 14:06
推 :好酸34F 01/19 14:10
推 :哈哈哈哈35F 01/19 14:16
推 :幹 殺小孩我嚇到了= =36F 01/19 14:17
→ :我想上天堂37F 01/19 14:19
推 :萬聖節www 倒數五秒wwww38F 01/19 14:25
推 :嘻嘻39F 01/19 14:35
推 :可惡,想_40F 01/19 14:40
推 :我要好好做人努力上天堂41F 01/19 14:44
推 :萬聖節好好笑XDD42F 01/19 14:56
推 :萬聖節XDD43F 01/19 15:42
推 :天堂XDD44F 01/19 16:02
推 :XDDDDDDD45F 01/19 16:55
推 :跨年XDDD46F 01/19 17:33
推 :萬聖節太靠了啦47F 01/19 18:32
推 :萬聖節獵奇了QQ48F 01/19 18:32
推 :這系列都很好笑 XDDDDD49F 01/19 18:43
推 :XD50F 01/19 19:13
推 :天使超棒~~51F 01/19 19:35
推 :天使好糟糕喔 XD52F 01/19 20:17
推 :連按6真是太強大了~~~53F 01/19 20:53
推 :天使> <54F 01/19 21:04
推 :萬聖節是怎樣= =55F 01/19 22:16
推 :新年倒數感覺好像有暗示XDD56F 01/19 22:46