看板 JeSuisDavy
作者 標題 [轉寄]Salvation in beautiful truth
時間 2011年05月02日 Mon. PM 07:07:08
※ 本文轉寄自 davy50707.bbs@ptt.cc
看板 FCBarcelona
作者 標題 Salvation in beautiful truth
時間 Mon May 2 09:21:33 2011
Salvation in beautiful truth
By Eamonn Sweeney
Sunday May 01 2011
The great American literary critic Lionel Trilling once wrote that "we shall
all do better, meet with kindlier judgements, if Tolstoy rather than
Dostoevsky is right about the world." If you've read the two lads you'll know
what he meant.
美國著名的文學評論家 Lionel Trilling曾經寫過一段話:"如果Tolstoy對世界的描述
If you haven't I suppose the best way to boil it down is to say that Tolstoy
had some faith in human nature and Dostoevsky had very little. My apologies
for this unforgivably reductive summation of two of the greatest writers in
history but I do have a column to write.
That Trilling quote popped into my mind after watching the Barcelona-Real
Madrid game last Wednesday night. Because football will do better and meet
with kindlier judgements, ifLionel Messi rather than Jose Mourinho is right
about the game. In how they think football should be played, what should be
expected from it and what the game means, Barca's star player and Real's
manager, if I may continue the 19th century novel theme, are as starkly
opposed as kindly Dr Henry Jekyll and his hideous alter ego Edward Hyde.
位巴薩球星與皇馬監督就像是Dr Henry Jekyll與他那可憎的黑暗面Edward Hyde那般對立
Mourinho's vision of football is unremittingly grim and almost completely
cynical. In his eyes there is no petty advantage too small not to be
zealously sought for, no trick too mean to be ruled out, no joy to be had out
of the game apart from a winning result. His monomaniacal pragmatism makes
him the footballing equivalent of Dickens's obsessively utilitarian
schoolteacher Thomas Gradgrind in Hard Times. He is Don Revie with a foreign
Thomas Gradgrind。他是個操著外國口音的Don Revie。
The nattering nabob of negativity showed his true colours as far back as
January 2005 when he accused Alex Ferguson of influencing referee Neale Barry
at half-time in a Carling Cup semi-final between Chelsea and Manchester
United. "In the second half it was whistle and whistle, fault and fault,
cheat and cheat." A month later he lied that Frank Rijkaard, then Barcelona's
assistant manager, had been seen coming out of referee Anders Frisk's
dressing room at half-time during a Champions League tie between Chelsea and
Barcelona at the Nou Camp. The following year he was accusing Stephen Hunt of
deliberately injuring Peter Cech. The year after that he claimed "it is not
possible for penalties to be awarded against Manchester United and it is not
possible for penalties to be awarded to Chelsea," while berating Cristiano
Ronaldo as a liar. And he has continued on in this vein.
,他控告Alex Ferguson在中場休息時間的舉動影響了裁判Neale Barry的判決。"下半場
唬爛說巴薩的助理監督Frank Rijkaard在中場休息時間從裁判Anders Frisk的休息室走出
來。隔年,他控告Stephen Hunt蓄意傷害Peter Cech。又一年後,當他訓斥著Cristiano
Alex Ferguson is also prone to the odd verbal outburst but the big difference
between the men is that Ferguson's sides always play attractive football
while Mourinho has produced one highly effective but stupendously dull outfit
after another. There was something utterly predictable and infinitely
depressing about his attempts to get a rise out of Josep Guardiola in the
run-up to the semi-final. He succeeded to the extent of provoking the
normally gentlemanly Barcelona boss into losing his cool at a pre-match press
conference, something hailed as a psychological masterstroke by gullible
Alex Ferguson也是個常打奇怪口水戰的傢伙,然而他們最大的不同點在於,Ferguson踢
半決賽可以預見他一些極度沉悶無聊去招惹Josep Guardiola的企圖。他成功地在某種程
On the field, however, the poverty of Mourinho's approach has never been as
cruelly exposed as it was on Wednesday. Playing at home in a Champions League
semi-final, Real started without a single out-and-out front man on the pitch
and three world-class strikers, Karim Benzema, Gonzalo Higuain and Emanuel
Adebayor, on the bench. From the get-go their performance was steeped in fear
as they retreated en masse and allowed Barcelona to monopolise possession.
At one juncture in the first period we were treated to the bizarre sight of
the visitors knocking the ball around unopposed just inside their own half
while Madrid stayed deep as though employing a footballing version of the old
Muhammad Ali rope-a-dope tactics. It was something you'd never have expected
to see in the Bernabeu.
Had Barcelona also been happy to play for a draw we'd have ended up with
something like the infamous West Germany-Austria tie from the 1982 World Cup.
Mourinho's team gave the kind of display you'd have expected from, say, Stoke
City at Old Trafford or the Sam Allardyce model Bolton Wanderers at the
Trafford的Stoke City或是Emirates的Sam Allardyce model Bolton Wanderers(看不懂
There was something grotesque about seeing this anti-football being
perpetrated under the flag of Real Madrid, the greatest club in the world,
the most successful side in the history of European football, the club of Di
Stefano, Gento and Galacticos, a club whose teams have always endeavoured to
play with a certain style. Just last year Real chased Barcelona all the way
in an enthralling Primera Liga title race before losing by three points,
scoring 102 goals in 38 games, and playing terrific football under Manuel
皇馬這世界上最偉大的俱樂部、在歐洲足球上擁有最成功的歷史地位、那個Di Stefano、
,積分追緊著巴薩,最後僅僅輸掉三點,38八場賽事中得到102分,在Manuel Pellegrini
The expectation was that Mourinho would work the oracle, as he had when
steering Inter Milan to last year's extraordinary Champions League victory.
And there was also a feeling that the quality of players available to him at
Real might see the birth of a new Mourinho. Perhaps the dour football at
Chelsea and Inter resulted from the type of players the manager had available
to him.
Sadly, things haven't turned out that way. What Wednesday's match showed is
that for Mourinho negativity has attained the status of a cherished
principle. Seeing the miserable set of the man, after he'd been sent from the
dugout for protesting against Pepe's sending off, you were reminded of
mugshots of Hollywood stars booked on drink driving charges. His desolation
was total. Because if you live by the creed that nothing matters but the
result, then defeat leaves with you nothing at all to hold on to.
It was fitting that Wednesday's coup de grace was provided by Messi. On a
nasty night, he reminded all of us why we still give allegiance to this often
frustrating game. Because the little Argentinian's run right through the
heart of the Real Madrid defence embodied the spirit of football at its best.
There is probably no other player on the planet who'd have been able to score
that goal. It had nothing to do with tactics or planning.
Messi simply took a short pass from one of his team-mates and set off on his
own. In fact, none of the other Barcelona players even bothered to support
him. They just sat back as though clearing the stage for a great performer to
do his solo.
A player like Messi makes nonsense of all the guff about psychological
warfare and systems that gets talked about in the run-up to big matches. It
was impossible to defend against his run for the second goal; this was the
greatest footballer in the world proving yet again the old adage that talent
does what it can, but genius does what it must.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton的老格言:有才華的人作他能作的事,而天才作他必須作的事。
And yet there was also something oddly familiar about Messi's slalom towards
goal. Look at it again and you see that it's the kind of run most of us did
as kids, dribbling the ball in the back yard, the front garden or the top
field, commentating under our breaths, "he beats one man, beats two, beats
three, beats the 'keeper, goal." Messi's masterpiece was this run raised to
the Nth degree but it is still a recognisable cousin, a remarkable reminder
that sport at its best remains rooted in play.
We need to be reminded of that. Because there is enough grim stuff in the
news, about economic crises, terrorist attacks and natural disasters, without
making a grim thing out of sport as well. The likes of Mourinho make football
seem like just one more corporate takeover bid. Messi reminds us that, for
all the money involved, we're still talking about a kids' game. And football
is at its best when it connects us with that more innocent part of ourselves.
When the proceedings got particularly spiteful on Wednesday, Ray Houghton
bemoaned on RTE the example that this was setting for the football-loving
kids of the world. Yet, in the end, what those kids will remember is Messi's
goal. Kids are like that, they look on the positive side.
當週三那帶著惡意的過程進行時,Ray Houghton在RTE惋惜地說全世界喜歡足球的孩子都
On Thursday morning, I played the goal for my nine-year-old daughter on
YouTube. It just felt like something she should see, like a heron in flight,
a spectacular sunset or The Wizard of Oz. We watched it again and again and
again, this small still moment of beauty carved out single-handedly by a man
who is enough on his own to justify the entire enterprise of professional
football. We live for moments like that.
There are myriad moments from Messi which you'd like to pass on to the next
generation. But Mourinho? Well, try sitting your kids down in front of one of
his whingeing, bitching press conferences, and explain that this is all about
'subtle mind games' and see how long they'll stay interested.
Because in the words of John Keats, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty -- that is
all/Ye know on Earth and all ye need to know." And Messi is always on the
side of beauty.
It's the only side to be on.
在John Keats的字句裡寫著"美是真理,真理是美麗的-這就是地球上所有我們知道也必
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◆ From:
推 :喜歡這篇1F 05/02 09:31
推 :感謝翻譯 寫的真好 T T 原來鳥叔不過就這麼一回事2F 05/02 09:31
→ :還好有MESSI的存在 讓人們才更喜歡足球 甚至是踢球的歡樂
→ :我要誘拐我母校的小學生愛上MESSI XD 因為他太厲害了
→ :Messi永遠是美的一方
→ :還好有MESSI的存在 讓人們才更喜歡足球 甚至是踢球的歡樂
→ :我要誘拐我母校的小學生愛上MESSI XD 因為他太厲害了
→ :Messi永遠是美的一方
推 :6F 05/02 09:43
推 :GJ!7F 05/02 09:50
推 :推8F 05/02 10:08
推 :不要瞧不起壺人跟博爾頓好嗎 XD9F 05/02 10:27
推 :推,這一篇寫得真好10F 05/02 10:50
推 :Messi那球應該是小布跟他配合? 另外,若PEPE在場上..我覺得11F 05/02 11:05
→ :Messi第二球應該跑到一半就被鏟倒吧=3=12F 05/02 11:06
推 :喜歡這篇!!13F 05/02 11:08
推 :喜歡這篇~ 難怪小孩子都喜歡Messi 因為Messi跟小孩子一樣14F 05/02 11:27
→ :單純的喜歡踢足球 (我想我知道我兒子喜歡Messi的原因了~)
→ :我兒子大概把Messi當自己一樣大的孩子吧...XD
→ :單純的喜歡踢足球 (我想我知道我兒子喜歡Messi的原因了~)
→ :我兒子大概把Messi當自己一樣大的孩子吧...XD
推 :沒錯!! 很幸運那場比賽能有梅西那顆進球 否則所有人的記憶只17F 05/02 12:54
→ :會是呸呸踢向DA的畫面 那會多悲哀阿 感謝梅西 又是一次能讓
→ :人回味再三的演出!!
→ :會是呸呸踢向DA的畫面 那會多悲哀阿 感謝梅西 又是一次能讓
→ :人回味再三的演出!!
推 :b穆裡尼奧看來,巴薩總是占他的便宜。為什麼呢?20F 05/02 14:29
→ :因為他的球隊總是少一人,而他卻避開了一個最關鍵的問題
→ :為什麼會少一人?
→ :縱觀穆裡尼奧帶隊和巴薩交手的歷史,戰術基本一致,
→ :無非便是踢人、絞肉,打點防反。
→ :踢得髒是戰術需要,吃牌被罰下是裁判的錯,
→ :而後又給裁判施加壓力,這就是穆裡尼奧的足球思維。
→ :總以為自己吃虧了,製造輿論博同情、引罵戰,
→ :這是穆裡尼奧唯一的戰術。
→ :在謙遜的瓜迪奧拉麵前,他只是一個張狂的人。
→ :穆裡尼奧是一個奪得過諸多錦標的教練,
→ :但不是一個可以稱之為偉大的足球教練。
→ :如果每個球隊都這麼踢的話,足球遲早被毀了。
→ :如果這是足球真諦的話,中國隊理應奪得世界盃,
→ :“功夫足球”名副其實。
→ :因為他的球隊總是少一人,而他卻避開了一個最關鍵的問題
→ :為什麼會少一人?
→ :縱觀穆裡尼奧帶隊和巴薩交手的歷史,戰術基本一致,
→ :無非便是踢人、絞肉,打點防反。
→ :踢得髒是戰術需要,吃牌被罰下是裁判的錯,
→ :而後又給裁判施加壓力,這就是穆裡尼奧的足球思維。
→ :總以為自己吃虧了,製造輿論博同情、引罵戰,
→ :這是穆裡尼奧唯一的戰術。
→ :在謙遜的瓜迪奧拉麵前,他只是一個張狂的人。
→ :穆裡尼奧是一個奪得過諸多錦標的教練,
→ :但不是一個可以稱之為偉大的足球教練。
→ :如果每個球隊都這麼踢的話,足球遲早被毀了。
→ :如果這是足球真諦的話,中國隊理應奪得世界盃,
→ :“功夫足球”名副其實。
推 :從MESSI小時候的影片 一眼就可以認出他來 因為他的動作35F 05/02 14:38
→ :從來沒有變過 只有諾坎普跟街頭足球場的差別...
→ :從來沒有變過 只有諾坎普跟街頭足球場的差別...
推 :其實摸你鳥應該要加入對岸國足XD37F 05/02 14:40
推 :籠中鳥遲早會被自己的做法反噬的38F 05/02 14:46
推 :從小就是個盤帶鬼....XD39F 05/02 14:46
推 :我對原作者唯一的意見是:拿杜斯妥也夫斯基比籠中鳥,應該40F 05/02 14:51
→ :是對前者百年來最大的侮辱...
※ 編輯: ssom 來自: (05/02 15:20)→ :是對前者百年來最大的侮辱...
推 :42F 05/02 15:28
→ :這種謾罵對方球隊戰術的文章已經太多了43F 05/02 15:37
推 :好文推!! Messi真的是很棒!44F 05/02 16:19
推 :好文啊....45F 05/02 16:24
推 :46F 05/02 17:13
推 :好文推!!47F 05/02 18:31
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