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看板 Hindi
作者 BonneCherie (BonneCherie.bbs@ptt.cc)
標題 [轉寄][新聞] 怕女兒私奔 印度立法禁未婚女子使用手機
時間 2010年11月25日 Thu. PM 02:36:01

看板 India
作者 BonneCherie (小號詩人)
標題 [新聞] 怕女兒私奔 印度立法禁未婚女子使用手機
時間 Thu Nov 25 14:33:59 2010

怕女兒私奔 印度立法禁未婚女子使用手機






Indian Village Bans Cellphones for Unmarried Women

LUCKNOW, India – A northern Indian village has banned unmarried women from
using cell phones for fear they will arrange forbidden marriages that are
often punished by death, a local official said Wednesday.

The Lank village council decided unmarried boys could use mobile phones, but
only under parental supervision, council member Satish Tyagi said. Local
women's rights group criticized the measure as backward and unfair.

Marriages between members of the same clan are forbidden under Hindu custom
in some parts of north India, where unions are traditionally arranged by
families. In conservative rural areas, families sometimes mete out extreme
punishments, including so-called honor killings, for those who violate
marriage taboos. In some cases, village councils themselves have ordered the
punishments, though police often intervene to stop them.

The Lank village council feared young men and women were secretly calling one
another to arrange forbidden elopements.

Last month, 34 couples eloped in Muzaffarnagar district, where Lank is
located in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, police said. Among the
couples who eloped, eight honor killings have been reported in the last
month, police said.

"Three girls were beheaded by the male members of their family after they
eloped" with boys from their same clan, said police assistant director
general Brij Lal in the state capital of Lucknow.

Rulings by village councils – called panchayats and comprised of village
elders selected by the community – are not legally binding in India, but are
seen as the will of the local community, and those who flout them risk being
ostracized. In Uttar Pradesh, panchayats are particularly powerful and have
declared that boys and girls of the same clan are essentially siblings.

The cell phone ban for unmarried women is part of a wider, regional effort to
curb intraclan marriage among the 3 million population of western Uttar
Pradesh, Mr. Tyagi said. The Lank council ruling, which applies to around
50,000 people, is being considered by councils in the nearby villages.

"The village council members feel that cell phones helped in elopement of
young couples," he said by cell phone from Muzaffarnagar.

The conflict is relatively new for the Indian region, where most marriages
are still arranged by the parents, sometimes without the couple meeting
before the wedding.

But young people are mingling more these days, with more women in schools and
offices and increased access to the Internet, cybercafes and social
networking sites. They are also watching more Western TV shows that focus on
independence and individuality, sociologists say.

Cell phones, meanwhile, have become so common and affordable that even city
slum dwellers, rural day laborers and children have them. Across the nation
of 1.2 billion, there were more than 670 million cell phone connections as of
August, with the number growing by nearly 20 million a month, according to
government figures.

The local women's rights group Disha said banning cell phone use over sexual
politics demonstrated the councils' archaic mindset, and warned it could put
girls at a disadvantage in other areas of life.

"These help in easy communication, which in turn help these youth to get
jobs. One cannot discriminate use of these contraptions on basis of sex,"
Disha president K.N. Tiwari said.

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※ 來源: Disp BBS 看板: Hindi 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/145-NHD
※ 編輯: BonneCherie  時間: 2010-11-25 14:41:43  來自: 61-230-198-57.dynamic.hinet.net
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