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作者 標題 [新聞] 俄:若芬蘭、瑞典加入北約 將採取報復
時間 Sat Feb 26 01:51:23 2022
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Russia warns Sweden & Finland of 'detrimental consequences' if they seek to join NATO
Even as Russia continues its audacious invasion against Ukraine, it has now threatened Sweden and Finland and warned the two countries against joining ...
REPUBLIC 印度獨立媒體,暫時沒看到別的新聞報導,除了殘體媒體
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Russia warns Sweden & Finland of 'detrimental consequences' if they seek to join NATO
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Even as Russia continues its audacious invasion against Ukraine, it has now threatened Sweden and Finland and warned the two countries against joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). According to reports, Russian foreign ministry spokesperson avered that Sweden and Finland will face "detrimental consequences" if they join NATO. This comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin order the country's troops to invade its neighbor Ukraine.
Moscow to send a delegation for talks
As war rages on, Russian President Vladimir Putin is likely to send a delegation for talks with Kyiv, reported Russia's state-run media, Sputnik. According to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, a Russian diplomatic delegation, including the foreign ministry, defence and admin officials, could be sent to Minsk for talks with Ukraine. This comes shortly after Putin earlier rejected Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's offer for talks, demanding that Ukraine should surrender first.
Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov too held a press conference and said that his country is willing to negotiate if the Ukrainian Army lays down its weapons. During his press conference, Lavrov avered that his country 'tried to convince' Ukraine and its western partners through diplomatic channels. Lavrov further said Russia is willing to resume negotiation through diplomatic channels if Ukraine's army agrees to lay down arms.
Russia invades Ukraine
Weeks after amassing over 150,000 troops on Ukraine's borders, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a 'special military operation' in Ukraine's Donbas region. However, the Russian military later targeted Kyiv, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk with airstrikes and also deployed tanks towards Lviv from the Belarus-Ukraine border. In addition, Russia has also been attacking from the shores of Mariupol and Odesa and troops have taken over Chernobyl nuclear plant, while fighting rages on the outskirts of Kyiv.
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俄羅斯警告:要是瑞典和芬蘭加入北約 將做出「明顯回應」 - 國際 - 中時新聞網
俄羅斯外交部發言人瑪麗亞•扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)表示,莫斯科認為芬蘭和瑞典的「不結盟」,是確保北歐穩定的重要因素,要是北約組織拉攏這2國入夥,將打破這個穩定,俄羅斯一定會做出態度明顯的回應。俄羅斯衛 ...
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推 : 瘋子瘋起來 無人能黨1F 02/26 01:51
→ : 布丁失控了......2F 02/26 01:53
→ : 開戰啦,聖帝除了波蘭也要順便打芬蘭瑞典了3F 02/26 01:54
推 : 看吧 時間拖長就被看破了4F 02/26 01:54
推 : 布丁家住海邊嗎什麼都要管5F 02/26 01:54
→ : 大家看你北極熊 好像沒想像的強6F 02/26 01:54
推 : 印度的 是不是看看就好?7F 02/26 01:55
→ : 還好台灣隔壁只是個熊娃娃....聖帝真的狂8F 02/26 01:55
→ : 嗚嗚嗚 北約又要東擴了 普丁委屈的入侵吧9F 02/26 01:55
推 : 芬蘭也是我大俄羅斯神聖不可分割的一部份10F 02/26 01:55
→ : 這兩國聯手我是不看好普丁吞得下11F 02/26 01:56
推 : 不是啊,你都揮軍烏克蘭了,12F 02/26 01:57
→ : 芬蘭當然會怕你打他,
→ : 害怕被打的人尋求團體支援不是很正常嗎?
→ : 芬蘭當然會怕你打他,
→ : 害怕被打的人尋求團體支援不是很正常嗎?
→ : 痾 那他們應該加入北約 作為對俄國的報復行動15F 02/26 01:57
推 : 他是不是怪怪的啊??16F 02/26 01:57
推 : 是被勃列日涅夫還是史達林附身了喔……17F 02/26 01:58
推 : 乾你屁事啊 普丁18F 02/26 01:59
推 : 東歐那些國家就是看俄國硬肛車臣 才加入北約的19F 02/26 01:59
推 : 布丁是腦子被打到嗎?20F 02/26 02:00
推 : 美軍剛兩架B52來巡前線了 估計也是在回應俄國吧21F 02/26 02:00
→ : https://pse.is/3xamxs
→ : https://pse.is/3xamxs
推 : 沒想到普丁比拜登還要早出現老年痴呆症狀23F 02/26 02:01
→ : 我覺得是普丁被逼急了 烏克蘭閃電戰失敗 可能要當瘋24F 02/26 02:02
→ : 狗找機會下車?
→ : 狗找機會下車?
→ : 這是NATO負面行銷員26F 02/26 02:02
→ : 布丁是不是快被逼下台了27F 02/26 02:03
推 : 第三次世界大戰要開始了嗎?剩下西歐還在懵?30F 02/26 02:03
推 : 被底下的人捧上天就以為自己無敵31F 02/26 02:04
→ : 歷史就是不斷的重演
→ : 歷史就是不斷的重演
→ : ww3想太多,俄羅斯沒那麼多錢,除非被壓著打也算ww333F 02/26 02:04
推 : 普丁講的話別相信,真真假假,這陣子都在騙34F 02/26 02:04
→ : 美股大漲35F 02/26 02:04
→ : 他會不會搞到自己被推下台變成尼古拉二世36F 02/26 02:04
→ : 利空出盡37F 02/26 02:04
→ : 順便給老共一個亂搞的下場當範本38F 02/26 02:05
→ : 這不是在逼人加入嗎39F 02/26 02:05
→ : 還是補丁以為自己在玩紅色警戒2?做出尤里了40F 02/26 02:05
→ : 大蘇聯榮光41F 02/26 02:05
推 : B52去波蘭了喔?!42F 02/26 02:05
推 : 納粹德國是真的很有本錢囂張 俄羅斯那窮國力..43F 02/26 02:06
推 : 不可能WW3啦,現在誰敢跟俄國站同一邊44F 02/26 02:06
→ : 打個烏克蘭就2266還想學希特勒45F 02/26 02:06
推 : 誰跟他同一邊 不就一直送錢輸血的中國小兒XD46F 02/26 02:07
→ : 中國就算了 看看日本在東南亞怎麼橫掃英國的47F 02/26 02:07
推 : 台灣是40年前就被美國斷交+撤軍否認主權 所以還好48F 02/26 02:07
→ : 中國是能幫俄羅斯什麼 東亞病夫49F 02/26 02:08
推 : 芬蘭沒親俄勢力又是高度開發國家 普丁打下去會糗50F 02/26 02:08
推 : 我都不知道喜劇演員是誰了51F 02/26 02:08
推 : 中國會跟俄爹站一起的52F 02/26 02:09
推 : 他能講出這種話,我已經開始覺得俄羅斯很快要爆了53F 02/26 02:09
推 : 俄羅斯辦的到嗎??他們還有蘇聯時期留下來的強大嗎?54F 02/26 02:10
→ : 中國沒捅他一刀就不錯了55F 02/26 02:10
推 : 芬蘭冬之戰都忘了嗎?56F 02/26 02:10
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