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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-14 18:45:08
看板 HatePolitics
作者 wupaul (捷派陣線聯盟)
標題 Re: [討論] 已攻陷作票伺服器公司? - 德國法蘭克福
時間 Sat Nov 14 16:55:42 2020

※ 引述《wupaul (捷派陣線聯盟)》之銘言:


感覺是另一個系統! 很有趣


78 million registered voters across the U.S. benefit from Scytl secure
election technology during the 2020 General Election

78 million voters from more than 800 U.S. counties in states including
Colorado, Georgia, New Jersey, California, and Texas benefited from Scytl
secure election solutions.

Scytl award-winning technologies – including Online Election Worker
Training, Online Voter Education, Election Night Reporting, and eBallot
Delivery – helped election offices across the U.S. simplify their 2020
General Election and increase security, transparency, efficiency, and access
to important election information before, during, and after the election.

2020 General Election by the numbers:

Award-winning Election Night Reporting provides secure real-time Election
Night results that are user-friendly, ADA compliant, and easily shared by
voters, media, and candidates.

Consolidated election results for 7 states

Local results for 95 counties in 17 states

Impacted more than 48 million registered voters

可以自行google paragon scytl  4天前的網頁,然後點頁庫存檔!

滿有趣的,不知道會不會是浮木! XD

畢竟有那麼多國家都發現有問題,不知道會不會拿來當作法律戰的工具! LOL


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VhvkHmC (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1605344145.A.C0C.html
a0986188522: 看起來越來越毛1F 11/14 16:56
miler22020: 菸糞輸不起 菸糞急了!2F 11/14 16:57
RodrigueZ810: 浮木那麼多 是要我抓哪一根啦幹3F 11/14 16:58
vn509942: 現實比小說還精彩4F 11/14 16:59
amothia: 真的是看好戲5F 11/14 17:00
brennen: 這劇本好強6F 11/14 17:01
douge: 然後這些東西在server被抄之後 都只剩下備份存檔的資料7F 11/14 17:01
ggirls: 沒包括PA,MI, WI ,可惡8F 11/14 17:01
linad: 真的像在看電影@@9F 11/14 17:01
douge: 有人在偷偷刪掉網路痕跡10F 11/14 17:01
whitenoise: #FightBack11F 11/14 17:01
rumor3456: 我們家婆婆好厲害 大正妹12F 11/14 17:04
castjane: 選舉公平公正很重要13F 11/14 17:06
mxr: 厲害14F 11/14 17:07
ggirls: 會不會最後是網路賭盤…15F 11/14 17:10
rogudan: 電影都是民主黨在編的16F 11/14 17:11
scorpio0920: 犭孟17F 11/14 17:12
ShockG: 所以是這次弄的太誇張了,讓其他共和黨員本來切割後來也跳18F 11/14 17:14
ShockG: 進來?
ben1013: 可以用waybackmaction撈看看20F 11/14 17:15
soulivee: 真的變實境網路劇,全球大搜索21F 11/14 17:18
randylee: 無法想像…說真的22F 11/14 17:20
satosi011: 浮木方舟23F 11/14 17:21
lion198: 並不一定要有那三州,只要打到選舉有舞弊定案,就很強了24F 11/14 17:23
guess0805055: 今天選的是川普 不然我看其他共和黨員早吞下去講敗25F 11/14 17:27
guess0805055: 選感言了
mimikillua: 快被浮木壓死了 QQ27F 11/14 17:29
stocktonty: 怎麼會難以想像 跟中國扯上關係的事物有作弊很奇怪嗎28F 11/14 17:29
me410: 說我唬爛的出來吠啊!29F 11/14 17:38
Brenda0918: 看的不是很懂 有白話文嗎30F 11/14 17:39
dvdr2001: 水很深31F 11/14 17:40
Szss: 網路上不去了,表示應該被查了沒錯。32F 11/14 17:58
DrGun: 要看到底是不是浮木很簡單~ 川普陣營直接po出抄那間德國公33F 11/14 18:00
DrGun: 司的實況影片,就像歐巴馬當初放出坐鎮指揮中心抓賓拉登的
DrGun: 照片一樣,保證浮木馬上升級成航空母艦!
Szss: 喬治亞要開始手動驗票了36F 11/14 18:06
goetze: 喬治亞要驗票是因為差距在法定範圍內好嗎?37F 11/14 18:09
PunkGrass: 看不懂 有人能幫忙翻譯一下嗎38F 11/14 18:12
Giablo: 被丟到海裡的那個是不是真的賓拉登都不知道勒39F 11/14 18:14
Giablo: 整隊海豹都被賣掉了
qphone: 等到下禮拜四後可能就底定了41F 11/14 18:22
parissky01: USS Donald J. Trump CVN-8242F 11/14 18:27

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