隱藏 ✕
※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-22 12:57:31
看板 HatePolitics
作者 antiyahoo (民族自強 港台獨立)
標題 [新聞] 華爾街日報向拜登開槍:必須交代與中國
時間 Thu Oct 22 11:42:02 2020


The Bidens and China Business - WSJ
The story won’t go away without explanation, even if the Veep wins. ...






Most of the media is ignoring the emails found in Hunter Biden’s laptop, but
that doesn’t mean they aren’t news. Joe Biden has an obligation to answer
questions about his son’s influence-peddling and his own financial dealings—
notably regarding China.

The New York Post last week obtainedthe contents of a laptop purported to
belong to Hunter. The Post has been transparent that it obtained its copy of
the hard drive from Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who says he received it from
the owner of a Delaware computer-repair shop, where it was abandoned in 2019.
Mr. Biden derides this as a “smear campaign,” while House Intelligence
Chair Adam Schiff calls it without evidence “Russian disinformation.”

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says the government has no
intelligence to support the disinformation claim. A repair-shop order from
April 2019 contains Hunter’s name and what appears to be his signature. The
shop owner supplied a subpoena showing the computer and hard drive were
seized by the FBI in December 2019. And the Biden campaign hasn’t said the
emails are phony.

The emails regarding Hunter’s business in Ukraine have been widely reported.
But as intriguing is a May 2017 email thread that includes a discussion about
“remuneration packages” for six people as part of a business deal with a
now-defunct Chinese energy titan, CEFC China Energy. The Chinese company was
international news a few years ago, after the U.S. government charged a
CEFC-funded organization with money laundering, and its CEO was detained by
Chinese authorities. CNN reported in 2018 that “at its height” CEFC was “
hard to distinguish” from the Chinese government.



幹他媽的4%仔 支那賤畜 五毛狗等為什麼一直在吹支那登會淫?
看看誰是下一個跳船 LOL
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FoRTuNaTeR: 擊敗登穩惹!大家快點去ParaNormal盤口歐印擊敗登呀!1F 10/22 11:43
siegfred: 拜登還在躲2F 10/22 11:43
scarofwind: 跳船囉3F 10/22 11:44
starport: 雖然瞌睡登還在睡 心得還是得寫喔4F 10/22 11:44
focoket12: 看來真的要崩盤了!5F 10/22 11:45
douge: 跳槽的媒體會越來越多  大家也是會看風向的6F 10/22 11:45
※ 編輯: antiyahoo ( 臺灣), 10/22/2020 11:45:37
Moratti: 拜登出來7F 10/22 11:45
sd09090: 睡到投票完穩上8F 10/22 11:45
sd09090: 沒必要理
Moratti: 現在等他 用什麼藉口推辯論10F 10/22 11:46
Robben: 跳船潮11F 10/22 11:48
s81048112: 不然查金流查到自己怎麼辦 嘻嘻12F 10/22 11:48
rbull: 媒體都說民調贏10% 造勢給人跑 自己在家翹腳等當總統13F 10/22 11:48
me410: 敗登跛腳了啦,他出來跑準死.14F 10/22 11:52
lovegensokyo: 跳船囉,是說推特這次敢封WSJ嗎15F 10/22 11:54
Molester5566: 躲登繼續賣冰淇淋16F 10/22 11:57
Molester5566: 買
elzohar: 看CNN跟紐時還能撐多久18F 10/22 12:00
orinsinal: 跳船啊19F 10/22 12:07
Cordierite: 左派內戰?20F 10/22 12:09
lostsky93: 民調之前是拜登碾壓16%之多,根本躺著選21F 10/22 12:09
cheetahspeed: 睏罷數票 賣岔22F 10/22 12:11
serval623: 聽說百靈果也在吹拜登23F 10/22 12:11
danielqwop: 感謝,已歐印24F 10/22 12:12
fragmentwing: 打友軍!?25F 10/22 12:15
thegame09305: 百靈果沒辦法,女左很恨川普早就恨到沒理智了26F 10/22 12:16
FoRTuNaTeR: 盡快歐印擊敗登呀!這麼穩!還不歐印?這像話嗎?27F 10/22 12:16
kcl0801: 川普這種口無遮攔的老白男本來就很難得到自認進步派女人28F 10/22 12:24
kcl0801: 的認同 而且凱莉就跟范大記者同掛的
elainakuo: 失智貪婪老頭也能吹 如果換一組候選人搭檔 再吹好嗎30F 10/22 12:29
Moratti: 凱莉如果早生10年 應該會跟大小S和SHE那掛很熟 一起當31F 10/22 12:30
Moratti: 馬迷
Moratti: 氣質就是相同
elainakuo: 拜登一樣是老白男思想 只是包裝的少失言 但內心的那些34F 10/22 12:30
elainakuo: 想法跟川普無異 一個偽君子 一個真小人
randylee: 重點是自認進步的…自以為36F 10/22 12:31
thegame09305: 一般人要開始改口,不要再稱左派為自由派或進步派37F 10/22 12:37
thegame09305: 躲登連YT評論都不敢開,FB TW 左媒 還幫忙掩蓋消息,
thegame09305: 還自由派咧 我操

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