※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-26 10:03:24
看板 HatePolitics
作者 標題 [轉錄] 拜登至選舉日不會再拉票
時間 Mon Oct 26 08:37:49 2020
Joe Biden’s Campaign Calls a Lid on In-Person Campaigning
Joe Biden's Campaign Calls a Lid on In-Person Campaigning
With nine days left before the 2020 election, former Vice President Joe Biden is off the campaign trail with no in-person events scheduled. ...
With nine days left before the 2020 election, former Vice President Joe Biden
is off the campaign trail without any in-person events scheduled.
On Sunday, Biden’s campaign called a “lid” on in-person campaigning for
the day. A “lid” usually also means the campaign will not conduct press
conferences or dispense press releases the remainder of the day. Biden’s
campaign clarified that this was not a “full lid” since the former vice
president would speak to supporters late-Sunday evening at a virtual “I will
vote” concert.
Given that the general election is slightly more than a week away, the news
of Biden’s “lid” elicited rebuke on social media from some reporters and
supporters of President Donald Trump.
More than a few were quick to note that the Democrat nominee’s schedule
stands in stark contrast to that of Trump, who has increased his travel in
recent weeks as the general election has kicked into gear. On Sunday alone,
Trump is scheduled to appear at a get out to vote rally in New Hampshire,
before traveling to neighboring Maine. Following that, Trump is scheduled to
return to the White House where he and the first family will host a Halloween
Despite having what some believe to be a “light” public schedule, Biden has
recently mocked Trump for appearing to struggle to walk down a ramp during a
commencement ceremony at West Point this year. The former vice president
repeated the attack last month when asked about his fitness to be
“I’m not the guy who can’t run up or down the platform, the ramp to get to
deliver a commencement speech in an academy,” Biden said.
星期日,拜登的競選活動在當天的親身競選活動中屬「無可奉告 (lid)」。 「無可奉告
(call a lid)」通常亦意味著,競選活動將當天不舉行任何新聞發布會或發佈新聞稿。
will vote」音樂會上與支持者講話。
(call a lid)」通常亦意味著,競選活動將當天不舉行任何新聞發布會或發佈新聞稿。
will vote」音樂會上與支持者講話。
鑑於距離大選只剩約一星期的時間,拜登的「無可奉告 」消息引起了一些記者和川普支
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VbXfW4D (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1603672672.A.10D.html
→ : 韓導? 在家睡覺?1F 10/26 08:38
→ : 很穩 果然有+16的風範2F 10/26 08:38
→ : 躲登3F 10/26 08:39
推 : 靠BLM跟掰媒是吧4F 10/26 08:39
→ : 打算裝死到底,讓媒體去封鎖不利消息5F 10/26 08:39
推 : 穩贏的沒必要這麼辛苦6F 10/26 08:39
推 : 穩了 超穩的那種7F 10/26 08:39
推 : 笑死 美國人竟然會挺這種縮頭烏龜色老頭8F 10/26 08:39
推 : 為什這樣要被譴責9F 10/26 08:39
→ : 笑死10F 10/26 08:39
→ : 穩到躺著選11F 10/26 08:41
→ : 一毛不拔 回家睡覺12F 10/26 08:41
推 : 怕被問到孫女吧13F 10/26 08:41
推 : 電郵門筆電門,完全不敢回應14F 10/26 08:43
→ : 躲躲藏藏只會讓人覺得有鬼15F 10/26 08:44
→ : 真的沒醜聞就應該理直氣壯地站出來大聲
→ : 真的沒醜聞就應該理直氣壯地站出來大聲
推 : 得民調得褥瘡 韓總先知17F 10/26 08:46
→ : Biden贏定了,在家睡覺等著當總統18F 10/26 08:46
推 : 參眾議員候選人叫苦不迭19F 10/26 08:47
推 : article says for the day...amd its just a Sunday20F 10/26 08:47
推 : 韓導上身喔 真的超穩的21F 10/26 08:48
→ : 幹比韓國瑜更屌22F 10/26 08:50
推 : 穩了 我登必勝23F 10/26 08:54
推 : 天天吃汕頭火鍋!24F 10/26 08:54
推 : 拜登團隊這招是高招啊 除了降低失智登失言機率以外 假25F 10/26 08:55
→ : 裝自己不回應了讓川普陣營鬆懈把消息全放光這樣就可以
→ : 編故事澄清了 如川普陣營害怕不放光消息忍到最後才放
→ : 照美國鄉村的傳播速度 忍到最後的後果就是很多人根本
→ : 不知道拜登幹過什麼壞事
→ : 裝自己不回應了讓川普陣營鬆懈把消息全放光這樣就可以
→ : 編故事澄清了 如川普陣營害怕不放光消息忍到最後才放
→ : 照美國鄉村的傳播速度 忍到最後的後果就是很多人根本
→ : 不知道拜登幹過什麼壞事
推 : 不能再說話了,下次怕是要說出擊潰拜登啦30F 10/26 09:00
推 : 穩了31F 10/26 09:04
推 : 笑死 台灣又領先了32F 10/26 09:08
→ : 贏那麼多,不如把時間拿來預訂汕頭火鍋33F 10/26 09:10
推 : 10/26~11/3 連續九天都吃汕頭火鍋34F 10/26 09:13
推 : 拜登又再偷學韓導的步數了35F 10/26 09:13
推 : 最輕鬆總統選舉 都不用造勢耶36F 10/26 09:18
推 : 穩惹37F 10/26 09:22
推 : 美國人如果能容忍這麼不勤勞的人當選總統...恩,國家精38F 10/26 09:26
→ : 神已亡
→ : 神已亡
→ : 拜登連吃9天汕頭火鍋會腦中風吧?然後賀錦麗就篡位40F 10/26 09:31
→ : 是在家睡覺嗎41F 10/26 09:32
推 : +21 躺著迎接美國總統寶座42F 10/26 09:39
推 : 這種也有人挺XD 還分析得頭頭是道43F 10/26 09:42
→ : 贏定了當然在家躺著等當選44F 10/26 09:52
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