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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-01-17 20:56:44
看板 HatePolitics
作者 chungrew
標題 Re: [討論] 台灣總統蔡英文BBC專訪
時間 Fri Jan 17 15:05:25 2020


Host: How do you expect Beijing to react to your victory?

President Tsai: They should have a serious thought about the people's
expectations as they're expressed by the election result, and this is a very
strong message from the people of Taiwan, that is they don't like the idea of
being threatened all the time where we have successful democracy, we have
pretty descent economics. We deserve respect from China.

Host: You said after the result about your hope that there could be a return
to dialogue. What can you offer Beijing the "mights", in your view, open that

President Tsai: I think it's for the Chinese to have this preparedness to
face the reality, and that is the key. If they are not prepared to face the
reality, whatever we offer, it won't be satisfying to them.

Host: Why do you think that China was such an issue for voters?

President Tsai: Because over the last 3, more than 3 years, we've seen that
China has been intensifying its threats. They have also actions - the
military exercises, they have their military vessels, also aircraft cruising
around the island, and also, with the things happening in Hong Kong - People
get real sense of that, this threat is real and it's getting more and more

Host:  Your predecessor Ma Ying-jeou, was able to preserve Taiwanese
democracy while still building stronger ties with China economically and
culturally, at a small price, the continued ambiguity of the status of this
island. What's not to like about that approach?

President Tsai: But the situation has changed. And the ambiguity can no
longer serve the purpose that was intended to serve. So we're facing a very
different situation now.

Host: Without an expression of good faith on your side, and this is what your
critics said, that you are in a way of inviting China to reacting the way
that it is.

President Tsai: I have been rather reasonable in terms of managing our
relations with China, and we have refrained from doing things that may be
considered to "provocative to China." Despite that, there is so much
pressure to tell us that we should go further. But in the last more than 3
years, we have been telling China that maintaining the status quo remained to
be our policy. I think that is a very friendly gesture to China.

Host: Are you in principle, at least, in favor of the idea of former
Taiwanese Independence?

President Tsai: We don't have a need to declare ourselves an independent
State because we are an independent country already. We call ourselves The
Republic of China, Taiwan, and we do have Government, we have the military,
and we have elections.

Host: You spoke about the rising threat from China. How serious in your view,
is the risk of war today?

President Tsai: You can not exclude the possibility of a war at any time. But
the thing is you have to get yourself prepared and develop the ability to
defend on yourself. But in addition to this military preparedness, I mean,
what is more important is that you have to get international support for your

Host: Do you believe you would be able to stand up to military action?

President Tsai: I do think we have a pretty descent capability here. Invading
Taiwan is something that is going to be very costly for China.





      Taiwan (R.O.C.) 可以是正式名稱。



      身為知識藍的趙少康這樣說  讓我感到驚訝



      Taiwan (R.O.C.)已成為台灣2300萬人民的最大公約數。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1U8LovAQ (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1579244729.A.29A.html
ecat: 你認為自己是台灣人 大家就會認為你是台灣人1F 台灣 01/17 15:07
ecat: 現在藍營的問題是 還是很大一群人 聽到台
ecat: 灣就會跳腳 幾個腦袋清楚的想轉也轉不動
Moratti: 趙少康不爽可以參選下次總統4F 台灣 01/17 15:07
Moratti: 人家就是取得新民意 才跟中共講清楚
Moratti: 又不是對你趙少康講的
PunkGrass: 完全無法理解趙少康這種人是怎麼想的7F 台灣 01/17 15:08
※ 編輯: chungrew ( 臺灣), 01/17/2020 15:14:25
tavern: 趙少康到底是想被統還是統一別人啊8F 台灣 01/17 15:14
aladean: 話說 到底要不要承認中共政權?9F 台灣 01/17 15:19
seednet2: 還是老調 種花y民國在台灣10F 台灣 01/17 15:21
seednet2: 最後段暗示老美是老大警告中共不要亂來
seednet2: 但蔡還是不敢公開說法理台獨 擺明玩假球
seednet2: 知道自己說實際獨立老共不會怎樣
seednet2: 法理台獨是老共底線 不敢去碰
book8685: 國際也不認同法理台獨阿15F 台灣 01/17 15:28
book8685: 其實很久之前大家都知道實質獨立阿
book8685: 不然誰鳥過陳歐珀要求台美建交
a2005414: 真的有台灣人會自稱中國人嗎18F 台灣 01/17 15:35
geordie: 有啊,就新黨的那個19F 台灣 01/17 15:37
elainakuo: 台灣人現在是美屬台灣啦20F 台灣 01/17 15:49

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