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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-03-26 21:40:37
看板 HatePolitics
作者 oftisa (oo)
標題 Fw: [新聞] China's Worst Nightmare: A U.S. Milita
時間 Tue Mar 26 16:39:05 2019

※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1ScUKMbL ]

看板 Gossiping
作者 oftisa (oo)
標題 Re: [新聞] China's Worst Nightmare: A U.S. Milita
時間 Tue Mar 26 16:38:44 2019








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※ 引述《Pegasus170 (魯蛇肥宅台勞+前義務役)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: ※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報
: The National Interest
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: ※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章
: China's Worst Nightmare: A U.S. Military Presence on Taiwan?
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: ※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!
: Stratfor Worldview
: Security, Asia
: Could it happen?
: China's Worst Nightmare: A U.S. Military Presence on Taiwan?
: Enhanced security cooperation between Taiwan and the United States could
: easily expand as the pair work to balance against China's increased military
: presence in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. On Nov. 5, Taiwanese
: Defense Minister Yen Teh-fa told legislators that his government would
: consider allowing the U.S. Navy access to Taiping Island if Washington
: requested it. The remark is by no means conclusive, though Yen emphasized
: that the United States could be granted access for humanitarian or regional
: security operations if they aligned with Taiwan's interests.
: Allowing the United States access to the island would further challenge the
: status quo at a time when the U.S. Navy is stepping up its presence in the
: Taiwan Strait. Over the past few months, U.S. warships have twice passed
: through the Taiwan Strait in a possible attempt to standardize patrols there
: or even pave the way for an aircraft carrier group to transit through. And in
: October, a U.S. Navy research ship docked in Taiwan's southern port city of
: Kaohsiung for refueling. Moreover, Taiwanese media has speculated that U.S.
: vessels will dock in Taiwan as part of naval exercises that are expected to
: occur in the region this month. However, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
: John Richardson declined to confirm or deny such a possibility.
: Background
: Taiping, one of two islands Taiwan controls in the South China Sea, is the
: largest naturally occurring Spratly Island; 1.4 kilometers long and 400 meters
: wide (.87 miles and .25 miles, respectively). The island sits 1,600 kilometers
: away from Taiwan in the South China Sea Basin, and bears strategic importance
: as an ideal location from which to secure sea lanes and establish a presence
: in the disputed region. Thanks to its strategic location and resources -
: Taiping possesses ample fisheries and is the only one of the Spratly Islands
: with an indigenous supply of fresh water ? the island has served as an
: important logistics base.
: Why It Matters
: A U.S. military presence on Taiping Island or on Taiwan itself would be a
: serious provocation for China, which regards Taiwan as a wayward province and
: views U.S. relations with Taipei as a threat to Chinese sovereignty. Beijing
: has lodged stern protests against previous dockings and passages, and even
: threatened military action against Taiwan if a U.S. warship arrived in
: Kaohsiung. And China is also highly sensitive to the possibility that Taiwan
: will alter Taiping's status quo. Beijing and Taipei have largely overlapping
: maritime claims, and China is hoping Taiwan's control over Taiping will
: buttress its territorial claims in the South China Sea after Beijing attains
: its desired goal of reunifying Taiwan with mainland China. But while Beijing's
: hopes are high, its fears are equally strong that Taipei would be unable to
: defend Taiping against invasion or would allow Chinese rivals such as the
: United States or Vietnam greater access to Taiping Island.
: But while Beijing sees Taiwan through the lens of its plans in the South China
: Sea, Taipei views Chinese expansion as its greatest challenge. Taiwan has been
: working for years to expand its facilities, fortify its infrastructure and
: increase military exercises to counter China's expanding influence. Chinese
: military pressure against Taiwan has grown over the past two years, potentiall
: y
: spurring Taiwan's government to view cooperation with the United States as a
: convenient way to secure its control over Taiping and further prioritize its
: goal of countering China's military might in the Taiwan Strait. Unlike its
: predecessors, Taiwan's current government is less concerned with war legacies,
: and many Taiwanese citizens see little economic value in Taiping, prompting
: some scholars to even suggest leasing Taiping to the U.S military - an
: explosive move that would be certain to infuriate Beijing and escalate
: tensions.
: Access to Taiping would give the United States greater mobility in the South
: China Sea, as well as provide ammunition for rivals such as Vietnam or the
: Philippines to undermine Beijing's territorial claims. An agreement on U.S.
: access to the island is by no means finalized, but the perceived challenge
: would likely prompt China to increase its own military presence in the region
: and ramp up pressure against Taiwan. If that happens, the animosity between
: Chinese and U.S. forces in the region will intensify, and close encounters
: between their respective vessels - and even interceptions - can be expected to
: increase.
: U.S., Taiwan: Washington Ponders a Military Presence on a Taiwanese Island is
: republished with the permission of Stratfor Worldview, a geopolitical
: intelligence and advisory firm.
: Image: Reuters
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊
: https://news.yahoo.com/chinas-worst-nightmare-u-military-202800952.html
: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/chinas-worst-nightmare-us-military-pres
Blog | The National Interest
Debating the issues: China, Russia, Iran, National Security, Defense, War & Peace, International Relations & U.S. Politics. Realism is our guide. ...

: en
: 5.備註:
: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
: 大家還記得這篇新聞吧:
: #1RueEFAc (Gossiping)
: 現在這篇是從那篇之後更新的分析延伸,直接點出太平島的價值跟越南及菲律賓如何看待
: .以下是本篇英文新聞綜合摘要跟分析:
: 實際上,長久以來,中國利用所謂”中華民國”對南中國海的主權宣示來合理化自己也可
: 以繼承同等權益,而當台灣這個”中華民國”獨佔太平島的同時,中國不但可以根據所謂
: ”繼承中華民國”這個觀點宣稱台灣政府這邊的所有領土權益,也可以利用太平島把其他
: 國家權益排除.當然,另一個綁死台灣台灣跟中國臍帶的,就是”福建省”金門縣跟連江
: 縣(馬祖).如果今天台灣讓美國軍方使用太平島,除了表示台灣自身的國家地位,也同
: 時將過去國民政府以來的南中國海十一段線/九段線宣稱給徹底揚棄.這等於把台灣跟中
: 國的領土臍帶給逐步割斷-另一個就是金馬,本來金馬都隸屬於”福建省”,如果拿掉”
: 福建省”,對台灣來說,等同切斷臍帶,直接把”中華民國是台灣”落實化,金馬不必經
: 過所謂的回歸/獨立處分,直接視為台灣這個國家的一分子.就跟台灣放棄南中國海全部
: 主權,而以一個不同國家的姿態只聲保東沙群島跟太平島主權.
: 同樣的,一旦美軍可以使用太平島,在延續上一段的內容下,等於直接打破中國透過吃”
: 中華民國”豆腐來宣稱南中國海的主權.這對菲律賓跟越南來說,不但歡迎也是一勞永逸
: 的解決方案.實際上這兩國並不是真心在乎太平島在台灣手上,而是中國利用台灣這個”
: 中華民國”來吃盡豆腐.一旦台灣自己割掉這個繼承1911版中華民國而轉變成
: 1950版中華民國,那中國跟台灣就是兩個分開的國家,兩邊都無權宣稱整片南中國海
: ,只能宣告自己佔領的礁岩島嶼.而身為唯一可以供應淡水且具有完整生態系的太平島,
: 也會在美國的監控影響之下.
: 另一個重點是,一旦美軍可以公開使用太平島,等於替美軍駐台掃除了形式障礙,讓未來
: 美軍可以光明正大在台美合作之下進駐台灣.雖然說中國絕對會生氣,但是因為這幾年中
: 國擴張的侵略意圖太過鮮明,美軍駐紮使用台灣下轄領土設施反而是最有效且便宜牽制中
: 國跟維護東亞及東南亞和平的手段.
: 此外,在台灣人眼中,太平島是一個幾乎毫無經濟價值的島嶼,所以讓美軍使用太平島對
: 台灣內部來說阻力非常的小,這也是最快合理化駐軍台灣的一條道路.
: 補充,說到美國人怎樣看中國以下這篇文章中的一個留言最貼切:
: https://tinyurl.com/y6dw3dwe
China says hopes world provides 'constructive' help to Venezuela
China hopes that the international community can provide "constructive" help to Venezuela based on respect for the country's sovereignty, the foreign  ...

: China has absolutely mastered the art of saying a lot without saying anything
: at
: 好了,本文摘要跟個人心得在此.希望各位看倌滿意.
: Have a Nice Weekend

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※ 轉錄者: oftisa (, 03/26/2019 16:39:05

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