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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-03-07 09:20:42
看板 HatePolitics
作者 DCHC (純愛基本教義派♥ )
標題 Fw: [新聞] 藍營天王爭相拉攏 韓國瑜:2020目前不在
時間 Wed Mar  6 23:03:20 2019

※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1SV-4jJ_ ]

看板 Gossiping
作者 DCHC (純愛基本教義派♥ )
標題 Re: [新聞] 藍營天王爭相拉攏 韓國瑜:2020目前不在
時間 Wed Mar  6 23:03:04 2019








Remarks by Vice President Pence at the National Association of Manufacturers
Board of Directors Meeting | Scottsdale, Arizona
The Phoenician
Scottsdale, Arizona

12:20 P.M. MST

As I said this weekend at another gathering, it is remarkable to think that
as we gather here today, leading Democrats are openly advocating an economic
system that has impoverished millions around the world.



Under the guise of what’s called Medicare for All or the Green New Deal,
Democrats in Washington, D.C. and in the national debate are embracing the
same tired economic theories that impoverished nations and has stifled the
liberties of millions over the past century.  That system is socialism.



What they’re actually offering is just more of the same: more taxes, more
spending, more government, and less freedom.



I’ve said before; I’ll say it again: It was freedom, not socialism, that
gave us the most prosperous economy in the history of the world.

我之前說過; 我再說一遍:自由,而不是社會主義,給了我們世界歷史上最繁榮的經濟。


It was freedom, not socialism, that ended slavery, won two world wars, and
stands today as a beacon of hope for all the world.



It was freedom, not socialism, that is moving us beyond the prejudices of the
past to create a more perfect union and extend the blessings of liberty to
every American.



It was freedom, not socialism, that gave us the highest quality of life, the
cleanest environment on Earth, and improved the health and wellbeing of
millions around the world.



The truth is, what Medicare for All really means is quality healthcare for
none.  And the only thing green about the Green New Deal is how much green it
’s going to cost all of us if they ever actually pass it into law.

事實是,Medicare for All的真實意義是一無所有的醫療品質。關於綠色新政的唯一綠


The truth is, Margaret Thatcher has it right: “The trouble with Socialism is
[you] eventually…run out of other people’s money.”



The truth is, we want to make poor people richer, and they want to make rich
people poorer.  We want to make poverty more rare, and they want to make
poverty more comfortable.  I mean, that really is the choice that we face
today.  For all the progress that we have made over the last two years, as we
look at the days ahead and I look at this gathering of extraordinary business
leaders and job creators from all across the country, I hope you’ll see that
choice before us, as well.  It is a debate between freedom and socialism; a
debate between personal responsibility and government dependence.


之間的爭論; 個人責任與政府依賴之間的爭論。


The President said it well in his State of the Union Address.  In his words,
“America was founded on liberty and independence, and not [on] government
coercion, domination, and control.”



And so, I say, the moment America becomes a socialist country is the moment
America ceases to be America.



So I say to all the leaders gathered here today, for the sake of our economy
and our jobs, for the sake of all the hardworking people that are living the
American Dream, working in great companies like yours, or aspiring to work
with you and work in your enterprises freedom; for all of those that have a
dream and want to live it out; and for the sake of our freedom: Let’s say no
to socialism.  Let’s say yes to freedom and prosperity and the pro-growth
agenda that we know will make America strong.

; 所有那些有夢想並希望活出來的人; 為了我們的自由:讓我們對社會主義說不。讓我們


And I promise you — I promise you the President and I are going to keep
fighting — keep fighting for all the things that you’ve supported over the
last two years that have revived American manufacturing and are reviving this

而且我向你保證 - 我向你保證總統和我將繼續戰鬥 - 繼續為你在過去兩年中支持的所有


But the truth is, it’s going to take all of us in the days ahead.  So I want
to encourage each one of you to do your part.  Keep promoting pro-growth
policies, pro-jobs policies in Washington, D.C. and all around the country.
 And promote the policies that you know are going to not only make your
company stronger but make our states and our nation stronger.



By that I mean talk to your employees.  Talk to your workers.  Go meet with
people in the cafeteria.  Talk about the larger issues of the day.  Talk
about how we’ve been able to roll back taxes and regulation; how we’ve been
able to fight for free and fair and reciprocal trade in ways that are
contributing to their livelihood and the opportunities that they and their
family have.

談談我們如何能夠推翻稅收和監管; 我們如何能夠以有助於他們的生計和他們及其家人所


Tell them how we’ve been rolling back the heavy hand of government so that
your company can innovate, give them job security, and create more
opportunities for more people in the community in the years ahead.



I mean, tell them how we’re putting Washington, D.C. back to work for them.
 And tell them that we’re going to keep fighting for each and every one of



Talk to your suppliers as well.  Talk to your business associates.  Send out
an email.  I mean, the truth of the matter is, those of us who serve in
public office — whether it be the President, whether it be the Governor,
whether it be Linda McMahon, or this Vice President — we can only do so
much.  You’re the leaders in your communities and your state and all across
this nation.  And we want to encourage you today to let your voice be heard.

是,我們這些在公職任職的人 - 無論是總統,無論是政務官,無論是Linda McMahon,
還是這位副總統 - 我們只能這麼做。你是社區,國家和整個國家的領導者。


On all these major issues, just know that sending an editorial to your local
paper, sitting down for a local interview, talking to your employees, or
speaking at a local Rotary Club makes the difference all across this country.
 And we encourage you to let your voice be heard.



And I truly do believe that with your continued support, with President
Donald Trump in the White House, with support all across this country for
policies that are making American manufacturing and American economy strong,
and with God’s help, we will make this country more prosperous than we could
ever possibly imagine.  We will make this country safer than it’s ever been
before.  And to borrow a phrase, we will make America great again.



Thank you all very much.  God bless you.  (Applause.)  And God bless the
United States of America.  It’s an honor to be with you.



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: DCHC (, 03/06/2019 23:03:20
※ 編輯: DCHC (, 03/06/2019 23:05:09
ccachen: 林國慶在龍捲風 模擬朱會韓的說詞差點笑到抽筋 XD1F 03/06 23:05
a7v333: 他說什麼?2F 03/06 23:09
a7v333: 沒看電視,好奇
ccachen: 反正林桑的講法蠻有理的 他是假設朱先講挺韓選2020 因為4F 03/06 23:13
ccachen: 他民調高,然後再看韓怎回  但林桑講的蠻幽默的 說他是
ccachen: 朱一定這樣先問韓 以退為進的問法 XD

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