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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-11-22 09:07:57
看板 HatePolitics
作者 kero2377 (顆顆)
標題 [討論] 我愛柯文哲
時間 Thu Nov 22 00:12:32 2018

一定要凍蒜 YAAAAA

柯粉不要擔心 不要焦躁 目前還頂得住

我Kero  一定是要出來信心喊話的!!

For The King 給我刷起來!!!!

但是阿 我真的很討厭阿多內 他根本是瘋狗 從辭立委之後就完全失控的砲打黨中央

金恐怖  根本強制要資源升級 這人太可怕了

所以我決定當天去他造勢晚會喊選總統  幫他加油 助陣!!

哀 我身為綠營的假中立高級廠工 黑龍的網軍 又身為韓粉  我也是感到很無奈

但是沒有關係  目標只有一個

For The King!!!!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1RzOFoxO (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1542816754.A.ED8.html
physheepy: Four the King!1F 11/22 00:13
formatted: Hold the door!!!!2F 11/22 00:13
every5201314: k大加油3F 11/22 00:13
KerryWood: For The King4F 11/22 00:13
tsubasawolfy: 阿多真的秀下限用5F 11/22 00:13
alptraum: For the king6F 11/22 00:13
MazdaRx7: 改變ing7F 11/22 00:13
talesb72232: For The Kin8F 11/22 00:13
kuninaka: For The King!!!!9F 11/22 00:13
formatted: May the 4th be with you10F 11/22 00:13
j3725622: For The King!!!!11F 11/22 00:13
moemoegogo: 加油12F 11/22 00:13
tania1210: 想知道目前的獵人是否安好13F 11/22 00:14
London2006: For the king!!!14F 11/22 00:14
lireha: 剛看完館長直播幫忙,我覺得也蠻有幫助的15F 11/22 00:14
我也覺得有 有觸及到一些沒觸及過的觀眾
tania1210: For the king16F 11/22 00:14
achiow: 4444417F 11/22 00:14
girl10319: K大不演了18F 11/22 00:14
micocub: 想知道中日跟養樂多戰況如何了19F 11/22 00:14
ottomawang: Four the King!20F 11/22 00:14
aglet: For The King ~ Hold the right door21F 11/22 00:14
lyyhtw: Four the king!!!!!!22F 11/22 00:14
jerry78424: 你的身分真多,三重間諜逆23F 11/22 00:14
moemoegogo: For the king!24F 11/22 00:14
Y1999: 選前各種不演了XDDDDDDD25F 11/22 00:14
ayubabbit: 姚文好像也沒有競選總部...1124應該找不到他吧..26F 11/22 00:14
BelleDaddy: For the king27F 11/22 00:14
dyadi:28F 11/22 00:14
yangitsuki: For the king29F 11/22 00:14
lireha: For the king30F 11/22 00:14
blackace: For the King !31F 11/22 00:14
thela: For The King!!!!32F 11/22 00:15
chucky: 加油加油33F 11/22 00:15
jt13: For The King!!!!34F 11/22 00:15
energy100203: 4 the king K大拍拍 不要理他們 QQQQQQ35F 11/22 00:15
anr2: 1125聲援姚文智選總統如何36F 11/22 00:15
mayday75816: For the king 還是要能催一票是一票 大家撐到最後37F 11/22 00:15
Y1999: For The King!!!!38F 11/22 00:15
tamecat: 4 the king39F 11/22 00:15
a5413eric: 1124去他競總叫他選總統= =40F 11/22 00:15
f124: 等破城就好了41F 11/22 00:15
Syoshinsya: For The King!42F 11/22 00:15
paul31788: For the King!43F 11/22 00:16
kakuosan: For the king44F 11/22 00:16
formatted: 選上了我請你ㄘ飯啦哈哈哈哈45F 11/22 00:16
a5413eric: For The King!46F 11/22 00:16
tsgd:       For the king  館長直播我認為助益很大 缺點只有連線47F 11/22 00:16
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 00:18:26
tsgd: 品質沒有很理想 其他沒缺點48F 11/22 00:16
gg889g8: For The King!!!!49F 11/22 00:16
sunnyge: 444444444 For The King!!!!!!50F 11/22 00:16
live1002: For the king!!! 希望上館長之後又贈加戰力51F 11/22 00:16
BBBighead: 4, the King!!!!!!!52F 11/22 00:16
ndmctsgh: 4 the King!!!53F 11/22 00:16
andy78782007: 最後兩天頂起來54F 11/22 00:16
Y1999: 阿館一定加分  只是加多少  還有時間不夠完全發酵55F 11/22 00:16
ssd123698745: 剩兩天,大家撐住!!!!56F 11/22 00:16
ss835658: For the king57F 11/22 00:17
suzer: 集所有顏色於一身就白色啊XD58F 11/22 00:17
zergtide: 4 the King59F 11/22 00:17
moonsmile: 真的像瘋子一樣 推推60F 11/22 00:17
kizu1124: For the king61F 11/22 00:17
ssd123698745: 主要是沒有人想到館長這麼自制,他就是完全拋棄自己62F 11/22 00:17
lalight: For 艾爾63F 11/22 00:17
ssd123698745: 的風格把舞台做給柯了64F 11/22 00:17
今天的之漢 特別帥 我已經要去辦卡了==
jacklyl: 館長幫大忙65F 11/22 00:17
bencmwu: 4 the king66F 11/22 00:17
surfingbboy: 綠營知道姚文智完全失控了嗎 做何感想67F 11/22 00:17
能幹嘛 不怕死的人最大 不幫她全台選情一起炸 阿拉花瓜
Keng: For the king and honor !!!CHARGEEEEEEE!!!!!68F 11/22 00:18
n1m5w8tsarp: For the king!70F 11/22 00:18
amare1015: 4 The King  台北的選擇 444444444444444444444471F 11/22 00:18
ptt80357: 不演了不演了72F 11/22 00:18
kuninaka: 蔡英文今天還幫姚站台,誰知道他們想啥73F 11/22 00:18
Y1999: 我知道阿館是鐵粉  沒想到他能為愛犧牲這麼大XDDD74F 11/22 00:18
cblade: 推個75F 11/22 00:18
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 00:19:54
ssd123698745: 明天10分鐘7萬觀看的新聞又可以洗很久了,最後一天76F 11/22 00:18
a33132133: For the king!77F 11/22 00:18
KG2008: 台中柯粉 精神上支持 還剩2天要撐住啊78F 11/22 00:18
michaelch: 44444444 the King!!!!!!!!79F 11/22 00:18
formatted: 沒想到他能為愛犧牲這麼大XDDDDDDDD80F 11/22 00:18
ssd123698745: 就選前之夜阿北自己畫下句點吧81F 11/22 00:19
waxtin0605: Four the king82F 11/22 00:19
a22033166: For the king83F 11/22 00:19
bndan: Four the King! 這句 XD84F 11/22 00:19
eddiego: For The King85F 11/22 00:19
choujim: 444486F 11/22 00:19
markcup128: for the king87F 11/22 00:19
yeahhey: 4444444444444 the king88F 11/22 00:19
liveinhome: 4 the king89F 11/22 00:20
cowking520: For the King!90F 11/22 00:20
SnakeO: 444444444491F 11/22 00:20
hero720: 4444 還頂的住 是差多少啊 好毛92F 11/22 00:20
不要毛拉 開開心心投票就好 別那麼焦慮 答應我><
poplc: 希望韓可以當選  雖然他辯論真的很爛93F 11/22 00:20
wen010259: Four the King!94F 11/22 00:20
kin1028xx: For The King95F 11/22 00:20
sa080691: For The King!!!!96F 11/22 00:21
alloutof: 4 The King!97F 11/22 00:21
fu6ru8: Four the king98F 11/22 00:21
lifecode: For The King!99F 11/22 00:21
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 00:22:11
shiaobai: Four the king!!100F 11/22 00:21
changebob: For the king101F 11/22 00:21
hvariables: 等他落選後再去喊就好了102F 11/22 00:21
Wand: For the king!103F 11/22 00:21
flamevein: for the king104F 11/22 00:22
kkkyyy: 柯P加油105F 11/22 00:22
tubawang: 4 the King!106F 11/22 00:22
nike00000000: For The King107F 11/22 00:22
Zuki: Four the king108F 11/22 00:22
isanasanai: for the king!!!109F 11/22 00:22
wagasa: Four the King!110F 11/22 00:22
kolod546: K大覺得這些導迷這麼激進 是因為悶太久的關係嗎XD111F 11/22 00:23
dazzzlee: kero大辛苦了 被貼一堆標籤 XDDD112F 11/22 00:23
tmj2unjing: For the king113F 11/22 00:23
ILOVEHobr: For the king114F 11/22 00:23
longmok2500: For The King!!!115F 11/22 00:23
Nosztalgia: https://goo.gl/bdxRWm For the King!116F 11/22 00:23
Rhapsody-Emerald Sword - YouTube
I crossed the valleys the dust of midlands to search for the third key to open the gates Now I'm near the altar the secret inside As legend told my beloved s...

can0802: 4 the King117F 11/22 00:23
outdowave: 創作一堆假風向文 辛苦了118F 11/22 00:24
peachteagif: For The King!!119F 11/22 00:24
VieriKing: 頭銜也太長了XD120F 11/22 00:24
zxcelephant: 阿多今天炮打自己人QQ121F 11/22 00:24
choco1202: 有沒有獵人近況透露一下XD122F 11/22 00:24
這個很敏感 但我在公開版面上現在一率宣稱韓大勝 阿如果想聽假的可以寄信給我
我不一定會回 除非你4女森 嘻嘻
kyokozenki: 4 The King!123F 11/22 00:24
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 00:26:43
onlythecomet: Four The King!!!124F 11/22 00:25
jak79125: 444 the king!125F 11/22 00:25
bnbn0012300: for the kinggggggggggggggggggg126F 11/22 00:25
dongkee: For The King!!!!127F 11/22 00:25
greatyang: four the king128F 11/22 00:25
globekiller: 4 the King129F 11/22 00:25
warchiefdodo: 找館長找對了   for the kinggggggggggggggggggg130F 11/22 00:25
a80563: 只有阿北最重要!!!!131F 11/22 00:25
OverRed: Four the King!132F 11/22 00:25
h777: Four the King!!!!133F 11/22 00:25
Snowman: may the 4th four the king134F 11/22 00:26
K951753: 否了 KING!!!!!!!!!135F 11/22 00:26
sally109220: 4 the king!!136F 11/22 00:26
mao0906: Four the King!137F 11/22 00:27
loki94y: 我愛黎明 我愛黎明 我愛黎明 我愛黎明 我愛黎明 我愛黎明138F 11/22 00:27
a631097: 拚投票率了139F 11/22 00:27
probably: 4 the King140F 11/22 00:27
formatted: 齁!kero抓到惹141F 11/22 00:27
Wayne75: k大,不懂為何蔡英文還要站台142F 11/22 00:28
姚瘋起來 總統都怕 屌吧
stroy: For the king!!!143F 11/22 00:28
girl10319: 有人偷把妹?144F 11/22 00:28
難八萬 是柯P渴望擁有的
ErROrGG: Four the king!!!!!145F 11/22 00:28
jskblack: Four the King!146F 11/22 00:28
ilaya: 4 the king!!!! 今天也可以安心睡覺了感謝K大QQ147F 11/22 00:29
Borges: 4444444148F 11/22 00:29
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 00:30:57
kelven0813: FOUR The King!!149F 11/22 00:30
purplewind: 4 THE KING150F 11/22 00:30
beanseven: 44444444444151F 11/22 00:30
snap007: For the King152F 11/22 00:31
Kershaw0817: 444444444444444444444 我愛柯館長153F 11/22 00:31
maysslayers: Four the king 還是要持續催票!!!154F 11/22 00:31
joe10337: Kero今天有說臺北第五戰區啊155F 11/22 00:32
biguncle30: 好緊張~156F 11/22 00:32
joe10337: 台中第三 新北第六戰區157F 11/22 00:32
cccon1ine: Four the King! Four the King!158F 11/22 00:32
intj8028: For the king!159F 11/22 00:32
funwing: For the King!160F 11/22 00:32
funwing: 44444444
toshism: For the king!162F 11/22 00:32
Darkzero18: Four the king!!163F 11/22 00:33
rodcky: For the king!!!!!!164F 11/22 00:33
heha751019: four the King,  for the future165F 11/22 00:33
paul007: 4 the King!166F 11/22 00:33
omega72: 來者通撕167F 11/22 00:33
remix780317: 4444444444ever king!!!!!!168F 11/22 00:33
xictpooo: 4 the King169F 11/22 00:34
dfltw: For the king!!!170F 11/22 00:34
SDuncan: For the king!171F 11/22 00:34
shakila1226: For the king!172F 11/22 00:35
hellomellow: For The King!!!!!!173F 11/22 00:35
wuchao: Four the king!!!!!174F 11/22 00:35
xyyx0524: 三粉合一 4  the King175F 11/22 00:35
sspider0829: 相反吧...阿多腦真的不好176F 11/22 00:36
taikonkimo: For The King!!177F 11/22 00:36
ellis6990: For the king ! !178F 11/22 00:36
zsincerity: 4 the King179F 11/22 00:36
Timothy0225: For the King!180F 11/22 00:37
XindeX: Fuck the Fucking! 唉 果然像韓導直銷大會 醒醒 好嗎181F 11/22 00:38
zebra7: 加油!182F 11/22 00:38
XindeX: 你們不害羞 我都害臊了183F 11/22 00:38
cc001225: 感謝K大我還沒夾起來就跟我分享XDDD184F 11/22 00:38
harvester: For the king185F 11/22 00:38
didder: Four The King186F 11/22 00:38
ohmama100: 我也愛阿北187F 11/22 00:38
jailong: For the king!!!!!188F 11/22 00:39
tania1210: 我也想知道啊啊,你快變大家的睡眠指標惹189F 11/22 00:39
XindeX: 44444444444444444444韓導選票死死死死死死死死死死爽爽爽190F 11/22 00:39
dweabybnye: 守住城門!191F 11/22 00:39
qilar: 靠盃 被你一講我也想去喊算宗痛192F 11/22 00:39
leo28: 希望是真的啊!真的挺為阿伯擔心的193F 11/22 00:39
oopsspoo: For the king!!!!!194F 11/22 00:40
a9507016: 我是覺得姚這樣也會讓外縣市選情爆炸就是了....195F 11/22 00:40
z010529: For the king!196F 11/22 00:41
FuwafuwaCAT: 4444197F 11/22 00:41
eereer12325: 鏡頭轉到皇族198F 11/22 00:42
s4511981: 想問問怎麼應徵廠工199F 11/22 00:42
你先製造一堆假數字 然後發布不利風向的消息在版上 你就可以變廠工了 跟你分享

pupu20317: four the king!200F 11/22 00:43
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 00:44:24
sexfree: 選總統這招太棒了,自爆201F 11/22 00:43
tiger8019622: For the King!202F 11/22 00:43
semvision: For The King!!!!203F 11/22 00:44
iloveayken: For the king204F 11/22 00:44
chris590: For the king205F 11/22 00:44
grana: For the king !!!!! Let the 4th be with youuuuu !206F 11/22 00:45
itachi0609: Four the king!207F 11/22 00:45
alexan920: 4 the king!208F 11/22 00:46
miya168: 好感動,加油!!!209F 11/22 00:48
amadda: For The King!!!!210F 11/22 00:48
gaeaking: For the king211F 11/22 00:48
amadda: 阿多真的惡心到無法用任何言語來形容212F 11/22 00:49
t52101t: Four the King!!!!!!!!213F 11/22 00:50
kaiwu: For the king!214F 11/22 00:50
reina07: Four the King215F 11/22 00:50
memalina: For The King216F 11/22 00:50
dayai: For the King~~!!217F 11/22 00:52
chudly: 支持218F 11/22 00:52
abc32521: For The King219F 11/22 00:53
taisam23: For The King                    1124投44444444444444220F 11/22 00:53
lagidog: 我愛馬英九221F 11/22 00:54
GORDON2037: Four The King! Four the Victory!!!!!!!222F 11/22 00:55
pp520: 44444444444444444 the king223F 11/22 00:55
glayvanish: for the king224F 11/22 00:56
chomolungma: 444444444444444444444444444444444444225F 11/22 00:56
Diedi731380: For the king226F 11/22 00:57
boonunu: For The King227F 11/22 00:57
redufo: 沒想到他能為愛犧牲這麼大+1 !!!!!!!228F 11/22 00:59
kasalai: 記得帶大聲公去喊,說不定阿多感動到暈厥229F 11/22 00:59
chyou2003: For The King!!!230F 11/22 00:59
herrowui: 拜託電爆蚊子丁丁231F 11/22 01:00
zebra7: For The King232F 11/22 01:01
ljxc: 想知道有沒有再拉近233F 11/22 01:01
libraayu: For The King !!!!!!234F 11/22 01:02
teras: ☎林北等週末看紅軍落選,南北網軍紅衛兵崩潰就4爽☎哈哈哈235F 11/22 01:02
s8229926: Fou the KING!!!!!!!!!236F 11/22 01:02
RLH: 我也愛柯P237F 11/22 01:03
ILYY: for the king!!238F 11/22 01:06
william7497: For The King!!!!239F 11/22 01:07
steel1131: 推!For the king!240F 11/22 01:08
chathamcat: For The King!241F 11/22 01:09
bigwhiteeat: ❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹❹242F 11/22 01:10
pony0205: 44444243F 11/22 01:10
mayday75816: 好擔心
阿信我幫你修掉 有點危險
flower6: 剛剛館長直播下面有禾馨婦產科醫生的相挺留言,開心!245F 11/22 01:13
ViktorGoogle: King in the north246F 11/22 01:13
※ 編輯: kero2377 (, 11/22/2018 01:15:10
ckain: FOR THE KING!!!247F 11/22 01:19
mayday75816: 謝謝kero大幫修 太焦慮了唉......248F 11/22 01:19
goodryoko: For the king249F 11/22 01:21
yamitis: Four The King!!!250F 11/22 01:23
jimmysts: Four the King!!251F 11/22 01:23
archon23: For The King !!!252F 11/22 01:25
andrew1357: For the king!!!!!!!有kero大的安慰我安心了不少QQ253F 11/22 01:25
extrachaos: 阿伯加油254F 11/22 01:25
KomachiO: For the king !4 the KING!!255F 11/22 01:26
LIONDOGs: For The King!!!!256F 11/22 01:30
shinny1206: 禮拜六我想去阿多陣營喊酸宗痛 然後帶風向喊都是dpp錯257F 11/22 01:32
ASDF0714: For the king !!!!!!!!!!!!!y258F 11/22 01:38
poiwu: Four The King.....44444444444444259F 11/22 01:38
guike: 444444444260F 11/22 01:38
lcw33242976: 4444444444444444261F 11/22 01:49
lcw33242976: 今天看直播館長感覺真的是超級柯粉,連髒話也不說了
aina: For the king263F 11/22 01:50
kor525: For the king264F 11/22 01:52
pilifonbao: 可以透露更多細節嗎?我好擔心啊,站內信亦可265F 11/22 01:53
Infinite76: 頂住!!!!!!!266F 11/22 01:55
alway3501: 4 the king267F 11/22 01:56
umum29: For the King !! 4444444!!268F 11/22 01:57
wildli0422: 44444444,For the king269F 11/22 02:04
wildli0422: 大家還是要去投票阿阿阿
trasia: For the king271F 11/22 02:05
tatamishiau: For the King~~~~272F 11/22 02:09
tatamishiau: 大家不能鬆懈,繼續幫柯P多拉票
qq68: 4 the king274F 11/22 02:25
glen: For The King!275F 11/22 02:26
chiehJ: 444444444276F 11/22 02:37
kayu: Kkkkkkk277F 11/22 02:43
vutery8980: 4 the king278F 11/22 03:08
cleliza: For the King!!!!!279F 11/22 03:18
dafo: 4 the king280F 11/22 03:22
aiguo: 阿北一定要上,沒上我會哭281F 11/22 03:27
poolo: For The King!282F 11/22 03:32
judy2r3: For the king283F 11/22 03:34
weboau: For the King!!!!284F 11/22 03:52
kobe7610: For The King!285F 11/22 03:53
fakino: The King in the North!286F 11/22 04:05
just30lover: Four the King!287F 11/22 04:22
MermaidFA: 4 the king 4444444刷起來288F 11/22 04:25
finger99: four the king289F 11/22 05:07
hanslins: For the king290F 11/22 05:19
ligand: May the 4th be with you291F 11/22 05:24
henrydai: For the King !292F 11/22 06:25
celine1234: 4 the King!!!293F 11/22 06:35
celine1234: 阿館為愛犧牲的樣子比他的肌肉還man
genaro:295F 11/22 06:49
hsyumi1026: 柯文哲已經守護我們四年,這一次換我們守護他296F 11/22 06:59
washltz: FOR THE KING!297F 11/22 07:05
Chilloutt: 叫你阿公阿嬤外公外婆爸爸媽媽親朋好友投給他!298F 11/22 07:31
CountDracula: For The King!!299F 11/22 07:31
howhowhaha: 444444444300F 11/22 07:38
sc6003pc: 4 the king!44444444301F 11/22 07:48
Aquatics: For the king    4444444302F 11/22 07:54
nckuff: 我也愛 推推推推推303F 11/22 07:58
Crazyfire: For the king of the North304F 11/22 08:01
archer67: TeanKP305F 11/22 08:12
ludwickfan: Four the King!306F 11/22 08:13
Royalwarrior: 4 the king307F 11/22 08:22
HsiangFly: 4 the king308F 11/22 08:30
sythen: For the king!!!309F 11/22 08:33
dadidi: For the King 目前我只相信你的連載 保持信心310F 11/22 08:43
jun1229: 4 the king! 館長根本就是龍母帶龍來燒異鬼311F 11/22 08:47
sulog: For The King312F 11/22 09:03

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