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標題 [新聞] 睽違已久的太陽活動極大期即將回歸
時間 Sun Jun 25 14:22:32 2023

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By Harry Baker


10 signs the sun is gearing up for its explosive peak — the solar maximum


10 signs the sun is gearing up for its explosive peak — the solar maximum

By Harry Baker published about 23 hours ago

Some experts believe the upcoming solar maximum could be more active and
arrive sooner than previously expected. Here are 10 signs that they are right.

 太陽即將迎來爆發高峰——太陽活動極大期的 10 個跡象
哈里· 貝克發表大約 23 小時前

。這裡有 10 個跡象表明他們是對的。

Roughly every 11 years, the sun slowly transitions from solar minimum, when
our star is a smooth and calm ball of plasma, to solar maximum, when it
becomes a chaotic, fiery mass littered with dark, planet-size sunspots that
spew out solar storms.

During solar maximum, the likelihood of Earth being bombarded by these
stellar storms goes up dramatically. And such solar storms can mess with
radio signals, power infrastructure, space missions and satellites in
low-Earth orbit.

Scientists initially believed the next solar maximum would likely arrive
sometime in 2025 and that the peak in solar activity would be just as
underwhelming as the last, below-average solar maximum. But in an explosive
twist, experts revealed to Live Science that the solar maximum could likely
arrive sooner and be more powerful than previously forecast.

,噴出太陽風暴) 。


科學家們最初認為下一個太陽活動極大期可能會在 2025 年的某個時候到來,而太陽活動

>From rising sunspot numbers to bizarre plasma structures and enormous solar
storms, here are 10 signs the solar maximum is closer than you think.

Rising sunspot numbers

從不斷增加的太陽黑子數量到奇異的等離子體結構和巨大的太陽風暴,這裡有 10 個跡象


A time-lapse image of two major sunspot groups moving across the surface of
the sun between Dec. 2 and Dec. 27, 2022. (Image credit: nol nl
The main way scientists track solar cycle progression is by counting the
number of sunspots on our home star's surface. These dark patches are a sign
that the sun's magnetic field is getting tangled, which ramps up solar

But since the current solar cycle began, the number of visible sunspots on
the sun has far exceeded the number predicted by initial forecasts from
scientists at NASA and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA).

The observed number of sunspots has outpaced predictions for 27 months in a
row. The first major sunspot spike occurred in December 2022, when the sun
reached an eight-year sunspot peak. And in January 2023, scientists observed
more than twice as many sunspots as NASA and NOAA had predicted.


洋和大氣管理局(NOAA)科學家 最初預測的數量。

觀測到的太陽黑子數量已連續 27 個月超過預測。第一次重大太陽黑子峰值發生在 2022
年 12 月,當時太陽達到了八年來的太陽黑子峰值。2023 年 1 月,科學家觀測到的太陽
黑子數量是 NASA 和 NOAA 預測的兩倍多。

X-class flare frequency
A short video clip of a bright flash exploding from the sun's surface

A clip of an X-class solar flare erupting from the sun on Feb. 17 followed by
a 'solar tsunami' that is visible as a faint shockwave in the surrounding
region. (Image credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory)
Solar flares are bright flashes of light and radiation launched from
sunspots. Sometimes they're accompanied by enormous, magnetized clouds of
fast-moving particles, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The most
powerful solar flares are X-class flares, which are the least common type,
followed by M-class and C-class blasts: All three happen more often during a
solar maximum.

The number of X-class flares is on the rise. There have already been eight of
these enormous flares in 2023, including a surprise X-class flare from the
sun's far side in January, and another in February that launched a CME
directly at Earth, triggering radio blackouts. In comparison, there were only
seven X-class flares in the whole of 2022 and two in 2021.

The total number of X-class, M-class and C-class flares has also spiked: In
2021, there were around 400 of these flares; in 2021, there were around
2,200; and so far in 2023, there have already been around 1,500, according to


2 月 17 日,太陽爆發 X 級太陽耀斑的片段,隨後引發了“太陽海嘯”,在周圍地區可

化粒子云雲,稱為日冕物質拋射(CME)。最強大的太陽耀斑是 X 級耀斑,這是最不常見
的類型,其次是 M 級和 C 級爆炸:這三種耀斑在太陽活動極大期期間發生的頻率更高。

X級照明彈的數量正在增加。2023 年已經發生了 8 次巨大的耀斑,其中包括1 月份從太
陽遠端發生的令人驚訝的 X 級耀斑,以及 2 月份的另一次,它直接向地球發射了日冕物
質拋射,引發了無線電中斷。相比之下,2022 年全年只有 7 次 X 級耀斑,2021 年只

有 2 次。

2023 年,這一數字已達到約 1,500 個。

Geomagnetic storm bombardment
A blurry image of pink auroras on the horizon

Photographer Dakota Snider caught the auroras from his airplane window during
a G4 geomagnetic storm on March 24. (Image credit: Dakota Snider)
A geomagnetic storm is a disruption to Earth's magnetic field caused by CMEs
or solar wind bashing into the upper atmosphere. These storms often trigger
vibrant aurora displays.

Geomagnetic storms come in four classes, from the weakest, G1, up to the most
severe, G4. G3 and G4 storms can cause radio blackouts that blanket half of
the planet for several hours and cause problems for satellites in low-Earth

So far in 2023, two G3 storms and three G4 storms have bombarded Earth. For
context, there were only two G3 storms and no G4 storms in 2022 and only one
of each in 2021, according to SpaceWeatherLive.com.

One of the 2023 storms, which occurred on March 24, was the most powerful
geomagnetic storm to hit Earth in more than six years and triggered auroras
across more than 30 U.S. states, as well as unusual optical phenomena
including the aurora-like phenomena STEVE in the U.S. and a blood red arc,
known as a stable auroral red arc (SAR), in Denmark.


3 月 24 日,攝影師達科塔· 斯奈德 (Dakota Snider) 在 G4 地磁風暴期間從飛機窗口
捕捉到了極光。(圖片來源:達科塔· 斯奈德)


地磁風暴分為四級,從最弱的 G1 到最嚴重的 G4。G3 和 G4 風暴可能會導致無線電中斷

2023年至今,已有兩場G3風暴和三場G4風暴轟擊地球。根據 SpaceWeatherLive.com 的數
據,2022 年只有兩次 G3 風暴,沒有 G4 風暴,2021 年各只有一次 G3 風暴。

其中一場發生在 3 月 24 日的 2023 年風暴是六年多來襲擊地球的最強大的地磁風暴,
引發了美國 30 多個州的極光,以及不尋常的光學現象,包括史蒂夫在美國和丹麥的血紅

Thermosphere temperatures rising
Pink and green auroras shine above trees

Vibrant auroras shine during a geomagnetic storm. (Image credit: Shutterstock)
The increase in geomagnetic storms has also caused temperatures to sharply
climb in the thermosphere — the second highest layer in the atmosphere.

Molecules of gas in the thermosphere absorb a storm's excess energy, then
emit that energy as infrared radiation, cooling the thermosphere back down.
But this year, because the storms are coming back to back, the gas has not
had a chance to cool, experts told Live Science.

The thermosphere naturally warms and cools in conjunction with the solar
cycle. But the peak temperature, which occurred in March, was the highest for
almost 20 years. This is a strong sign that the current solar cycle is more
active than the previous one.

As the thermosphere warms it also expands, which can create additional drag
for satellites in low-Earth orbit and pull them out of position. That
increases the odds of satellites colliding or falling out of orbit during the
solar maximum.




熱層隨著太陽週期自然變暖和變冷。但 3 月份出現的最高氣溫是近 20 年來的最高溫度


Surprising solar eclipse image
A black and white image of the sun's corona peeking out from behind the moon
eclipsing the sun

A coronal mass ejection blasts out of the sun in the midst of a total solar
eclipse over Australia on Apr. 20, 2023. (Image credit: Petr Horálek, Josef
Kujal, Milan Hlavá

On April 20, a rare "hybrid eclipse" occurred in the sky above Australia,
which provided observers with a chance to look at the sun's corona, the
outermost part of the star's atmosphere, poking out from behind the moon in
the darkened sky.

During the eclipse, a group of photographers created a stunning composite
image composed of hundreds of shots of the event. Their image shows the
ghostly filaments of the corona, which were much larger than they expected.
This is another sign that the sun is closer to solar maximum than initially

To further highlight the sun's restless state, the star also happened to
belch out a large CME as the eclipse was taking place, which is clearly
visible in the image.


2023 年 4 月 20 日,澳大利亞上空發生日全食時,日冕物質從太陽中噴射出來。




Towering solar tornado
A fiery tornado sticks out from the sun

A gigantic "solar tornado" towered above the sun's surface between March 15
and March 18. (Image credit: NASA/SDO/composite by Steve Spaleta)
As the sun's magnetic field becomes more tangled and unstable, the star's
plasma also becomes less constrained to the surface and can often erupt
without warning.

In March, such plasma fueled a gigantic "solar tornado" the size of 14 Earths
stacked on top of each other that raged on the sun's surface for three days.
The spinning cone formed when a horseshoe-shaped loop of plasma got caught in
a rapidly rotating magnetic field.

At its peak, the fiery twister reached 111,000 miles (178,000 kilometers)
above the sun's surface, which is around double the average size of
previously observed solar tornados.


NASA/SDO/Steve Spaleta 合成)




Fiery plasma waterfall

A wall of falling plasma rains down onto the sun with a black background

A close-up image of an enormous wall of falling plasma, known as a polar
crown prominence, above the solar surface on March 9. (Image credit: Eduardo
Schaberger Poupeau)
Scientists recently spotted another unusual sight on the sun's surface: a
"plasma waterfall," also known as a polar crown prominence (PCP), which rose
above the surface of the sun on March 9 before raining plasma back onto the

PCPs are mini eruptions that get trapped by the sun's magnetic field and
pulled back toward the solar surface before they can escape into space. These
rare waterfalls only form near the sun's magnetic poles, where the star's
magnetic field is strongest.

At its peak, the PCP reached 62,000 miles (100,000 km) above the sun's
surface, which is the equivalent of eight Earths stacked on top of each other.



3 月 9 日,太陽表面上方的巨大等離子體牆(被稱為極冠日珥)的特寫圖像。(圖片來
源:Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau)

(PCP),它於 3 月 9 日昇到太陽表面上方,然後將等離子體雨滴回到恆星上。


在其巔峰時期,PCP 達到距太陽表面 62,000 英里(100,000 公里)的高度,相當於八個

Enormous polar vortex
A picture of the sun with a filament of plasma looped around its north pole
like a halo

A satellite image shows a looping filament of plasma breaking off of the sun
and forming a vortex around the star's north pole on Feb. 2. (Image credit:
NASA/ Solar Dynamics Observatory)
Continuing the trend of bizarre plasma phenomena, on Feb. 2, a gigantic halo
of rapidly rotating plasma, dubbed a "polar vortex," swirled around the sun's
north pole for around eight hours.

The never-before-seen vortex was created when a massive tentacle of plasma
snapped apart in the sun's atmosphere and fell back toward the sun, similar
to how a PCP forms. But scientists don't know exactly why the plasma stayed
above the sun's surface for so long.

At the time, experts noted that weird plasma events like this tend to happen
around a solar maximum.



衛星圖像顯示,2 月 2 日,一條環形等離子體絲從太陽中脫離出來,並在恆星北極周圍




Butterfly CME
A video clip of the butterfly-shaped plasma explosion.

A time-lapse of the butterfly CME's quickly-unfurling plasma wings. (Image
credit: NASA/Solar and Heliospheric Observatory)
The number of CMEs shooting out of the sun has increased alongside the rise
in the number of solar flares. But one of the most visually striking examples
was an enormous "butterfly" CME that erupted on March 10.

The "butterfly wings" appeared because the CME exploded on the sun's far
side, meaning a large proportion of the blast was out of view. As a result,
experts are unsure how powerful the blast really was.

Luckily, the CME was pointed away from Earth. However, experts predicted that
the cosmic cloud may have bashed into Mercury and potentially sheared off
dust and gas from the closest planet to the sun because of its weak magnetic


蝴蝶 CME 快速展開的等離子翅膀的延時拍攝。(圖片來源:NASA/太陽和日光層觀測站)

例子之一是3 月 10 日爆發的 巨大“蝴蝶”日冕物質拋射。



1 million-mile-long plasma plume
A massive plume of plasma stick out from the side of the sun

A false-color composite image of a coronal mass ejection, measuring around 1
million miles in length, firing away from the sun on Sept. 24, 2022. (Image
credit: Andrew McCarthy)
One of the earliest signs that solar activity was beginning to ramp up was a
gigantic plume of plasma that launched into space following a CME in
September 2022.

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy captured the plume in a stunningly detailed
composite image that merged hundreds of thousands of individual shots. The
enormous fiery column reached around 1 million miles (1.6 million km) above
the sun's surface and traveled at a speed of around 100,000 mph (161,000

"We'll see more of these as we head further into solar maximum," McCarthy
told Live Science at the time. The plasma plumes are also likely to get
"progressively larger," he added.


2022 年 9 月 24 日,日冕物質拋射的著色合成圖像,長度約為 100 萬英里,遠離太陽
。(圖片來源:安德魯· 麥卡錫)

太陽活動開始增強的最早跡象之一是2022 年 9 月日冕物質拋射後,一股巨大的等離子體

天體攝影師安德魯· 麥卡錫在一張極其詳細的合成圖像中捕捉到了羽流,該圖像融合了數


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10 signs the sun is gearing up for its explosive peak — the solar maximum | Live Science
[img=1200x1]https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/KnRzQP2QXT4638LyWimUQn-1200-80.jpg[/img]Some experts believe the upcoming solar maximum could be more active and arrive sooner than previously expected. Here are 10 signs that they are right ...





[問卦] 長野縣皆神山在為地磁翻轉暖機中? - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
STAV72 大概在半個世紀以前皆神山成功開機,歷時五年半成功完成對岡仁波齊神峰網的主伺服器登 入。 【松代群發地震】 山體跟波斯尼亞金字塔群一樣屬於非連續地質的獨立峰,被視為同一失落文明的建築工藝。 其異常堅固




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※ 作者: STAV72 2023-06-25 14:22:32
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dogbydog: 我先 柯粉翻車的10個證據1F 台灣 06/25 14:23
LinuxTsai: 講結論2F 台灣 06/25 14:24

※ 編輯: STAV72 ( 臺灣), 06/25/2023 14:24:45
yoshiringo: 會影響藍芽嗎(笑)3F 台灣 06/25 14:25
lunawalker: 好欸!4F 台灣 06/25 14:25
kingstongyu: 會干擾到無線通訊,快買票到北極看極5F 台灣 06/25 14:25
kingstongyu: 光
kingstongyu: 太陽能板會被風暴摧毀無法使用?!你當
kingstongyu: 是帶粒子的輻射?!
yafx4200p: 喔 隔一段時間 都警告9F 台灣 06/25 14:30
cccict: 能摧毀太陽能板人也不用想活啦10F 台灣 06/25 14:31
nekoares: 樓下說說看到底會怎樣?11F 台灣 06/25 14:34
magamanzero: 八卦是太陽能板太熱也會掛掉 www12F 台灣 06/25 14:35
magamanzero: 太陽能發電也很怕高溫!25℃是...
biorgan: 未來人要來打開網格了嗎?14F 台灣 06/25 14:41

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