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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-23 00:28:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 derekhsu (華麗的天下無雙)
標題 [新聞] 臺灣COVID-19疫情爆發,可能破壞其成功故
時間 Sat May 22 22:10:10 2021

外交家雜誌 - 總部位於美國華盛頓的英文線上時事雜誌

Nick Aspinwall [https://thediplomat.com/authors/nick-aspinwall/]

Taiwan’s COVID-19 Spike Threatens to Unravel Its Success Story


While it’s not too late to turn the tide, Taiwan’s recent spike in
coronavirus cases has revealed flaws in the island’s internationally lauded
containment measures.


As countries around the world locked down in 2020, Taiwan shone as a beacon
of normalcy. Despite its geographical proximity to China, the island had
remarkable success in containing the coronavirus, recording zero locally
transmitted cases for an eight-month period between April and December and
avoiding business and school closures.


That’s all over now. Taiwan has recorded 1,824 domestic infections since May
14. Before that date, it had recorded a total of only 135 local infections.
The government has instituted a nationwide public mask mandate, along with
new restrictions on businesses and public gatherings.


“The outbreak is still at its peak,” Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said
at a Friday news conference.


Taiwan has faced both domestic and international pressure to respond to its
first true domestic COVID-19 outbreak. Taiwan’s government had touted its
success in combating the virus to help boost its international presence and
win support from new allies as it combats an increasingly belligerent Chinese
regime. The island’s semiconductor manufacturers are also being pressed to
ramp up production to combat a global chip shortage, an effort which has
already been exacerbated by Taiwan’s worst drought in decades.


Things began to unravel when an outbreak emerged in April at the Novotel
airport hotel at Taoyuan International Airport, which had been used to house
quarantining pilots. Taiwan last month reduced quarantine requirements for
non-vaccinated pilots to three days. But the hotel put some pilots and crew
members in a second building used to house domestic guests.


The city government of Taoyuan, where the hotel is located, said last week it
had received a public complaint in February that the Novotel was being “used


The virus eventually spread to the “tea houses” of Taipei’s Wanhua
district – adult entertainment venues that were frequented by infected
pilots and crew members. Chen Chien-jen, an epidemiologist and Taiwan’s
former vice president, told the BBC that contact tracing was made difficult
as people who tested positive were unwilling to declare they had visited the
tea houses.

場所。流行病學家、臺灣前副總統陳建仁(Chen Chien-jen)告訴英國廣播公司(BBC),由

Taiwan’s Control Yuan, a government ombudsman body, said Friday it would
look into the tea houses and investigate why authorities had not cracked down
on them. A sex worker advocacy group, meanwhile, urged the public to stop
discriminating against workers at the tea houses, saying they have long been
a part of the district’s economy and offer many services that are not
related to sex.


Taiwan has also come under scrutiny for its long-standing strategy of
administering few COVID-19 tests, even among those who show symptoms. This
helped create a sentiment that Taiwan would remain free from the virus as
long as it did not penetrate the country’s borders.


But locally transmitted cases of the virus are now continuing to increase and
have spread to several hospitals. Taiwan’s cabinet said Friday it had not yet
reached the criteria to institute a full lockdown, but some city mayors have
told their citizens to prepare for further restrictions on activity.


Taiwan has struggled to obtain vaccines, and the domestic rollout has been
slow. Chen, the health minister, urged the United States on Friday to provide
assistance in obtaining COVID-19 vaccines, which one Taiwanese diplomat in
New York has argued will help protect the island’s semiconductor industry.


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Taiwan’s COVID-19 Spike Threatens to Unravel Its Success Story – The Diplomat While it’s not too late to turn the tide, Taiwan’s recent spike in coronavirus cases has revealed flaws in the island’s internationally lauded contain ...




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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WgH36Df (Gossiping)
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flavorBZ: 笑話版收這笑話嗎1F 05/22 22:11
Lenney33: 中共同路人2F 05/22 22:11
davidex: 這什麼野雞報紙,膽敢批評我大DPP3F 05/22 22:11
flavorBZ: 台灣can help4F 05/22 22:11
Behind4: -_- 這種故事有什麼重要的.........5F 05/22 22:11
oidkk: 牛皮吹破了6F 05/22 22:11
PantheraLeo: 什麼野雞雜誌7F 05/22 22:11
就這個月我國衛福部長才投書Taiwan can help, 然後不到一個星期就變成
Taiwan need help...
Behind4: 打一場獨立戰爭不是更爽?8F 05/22 22:12
freeclouds: 國外都知道元凶是3+11 但敗類817都還護航范雲9F 05/22 22:12
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/22/2021 22:12:52
kll95: 謝謝民進黨棄守台灣10F 05/22 22:12
dWoWb: 謝謝你唱衰台灣11F 05/22 22:12
milk250: 又一家外媒中共同路人的認知作戰12F 05/22 22:13
clover1211: 之前國外爆發 臺灣這些人老是在那邊喊說臺灣可以幫忙13F 05/22 22:13
milk250: 3+11是不是要被國際笑死了14F 05/22 22:14
clover1211: 可以協助 現在就可以看看到底是不是有能耐是不是唬爛15F 05/22 22:14
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/22/2021 22:14:44
Grandslammmm: 笑死 直接打臉牙醫投書 完全不給面子16F 05/22 22:14
ricky525: 是不是中共藉由廣告費透過美國媒體發動認知作戰?17F 05/22 22:14
stvn2567: 從一開始騙口罩夠被戳破改推健康不用戴又被病例飆升再18F 05/22 22:15
stvn2567: 度戳破就沒成功過 只是跳針熬夜、刷龜苓膏、活在過去無
newstyle: 我們的總統是膨風水雞20F 05/22 22:15
Beee09: 丟臉21F 05/22 22:16
stvn2567: 限Loop 我沒看過扁馬時期的防疫中心有那麼飄、沉迷於造22F 05/22 22:16
stvn2567: 神運動當中(超前部署疫情後的歷史定位
SinShih: 所以萬華哪裡也是華航機師傳染過去的?24F 05/22 22:16
Gavatzky: 笑死 美國現在是在看戲嗎?25F 05/22 22:16
Gandalf: 認知作戰26F 05/22 22:17
sincere77: 又是哪家野雞雜誌27F 05/22 22:17
Sinreigensou: 借轉政黑28F 05/22 22:19
powderzhon: 真的是野雞雜誌了29F 05/22 22:19
EXZUSIC: 野雞雜誌30F 05/22 22:20
Boyzone: 就破功啦 還成功31F 05/22 22:21
devidevi: 哪家野雞雜誌32F 05/22 22:21
marktak: 野機小報33F 05/22 22:23
wahahajohn: 全世界都知道3+11還有諾富特是破口34F 05/22 22:23
wahahajohn: 就只有民進黨不知道
JazMaHoJo: 裝作不知道36F 05/22 22:25
FuySenk: 全世界都知道3+11就民進黨不知道 厲害了我的黨37F 05/22 22:26
nba999999999: 之前投書外媒大內宣 變成大笑話38F 05/22 22:27
nba999999999: 打錯 是大外宣變大笑話
TBOC: 野雞雜誌啦40F 05/22 22:28
rainin: 被民進黨自己搞破的 怨不得別人 也別叫人民背鍋41F 05/22 22:28
munichuihsin: 外媒都指名3+11和華航機師小頭管不住造成台灣防疫42F 05/22 22:28
munichuihsin: 缺口,民進黨政府還在裝死。
cosmite: 變成笑話了 然後3+11到現在誰道歉了嗎?44F 05/22 22:29
jason486: 真多野雞雜誌45F 05/22 22:29
DRAGON0324: 3+11讚讚 自主管理讚讚46F 05/22 22:30
shining504: 3+11真的是……唉47F 05/22 22:30
zzzzaaaa: 國際認證的之前台灣在吹噓XD48F 05/22 22:31
Ferrero0212: 外媒都知道3+11只有DPP絕口不提49F 05/22 22:32
TBOC: 3+11死不認錯50F 05/22 22:33
bigdollardai: 外媒都知道3+11 媒體還甩鍋萬華跟獅子王51F 05/22 22:33
endlesskarma: 全世界看好了52F 05/22 22:35
endlesskarma: 范雲3+11 一人毀全黨
mmx3259: 還不是一天到晚吹,有人得意忘形54F 05/22 22:36
sdbb: 偷偷問,是need"s" help還是need比較好?55F 05/22 22:36
sinana: 已經破壞了56F 05/22 22:37
gay7788: 3+11就源頭啊57F 05/22 22:38
Galm: 外媒認證的還在那邊狡辯還沒人出面扛責道歉58F 05/22 22:39
kangoroo: 原來是陳時中投書的喔 ,也太自滿了。這樣就不難理解目59F 05/22 22:40
kangoroo: 前為止他的言行了
sh008612: 全世界都知道中國是病毒起源,就中國不知道61F 05/22 22:42
kangoroo: 怎能自己打自己臉 會丟臉丟到國外去62F 05/22 22:42
sh008612: 全世界都知道台灣3+11是爆發起源,就垃圾綠共不知道63F 05/22 22:42
floatfaith: 寫得很清楚啊諾富特超級大破口...3+11 唉64F 05/22 22:44
yannjiunlin: 台灣從沒有防治新冠~只有圍堵武漢肺炎65F 05/22 22:44
z80101805: 認知作戰,本日最大笑話66F 05/22 22:50
mimicwpe: 投書立flag嗎XDDD67F 05/22 22:53
boss88893: 破壞  就破壞啊   有故事可活100歲????68F 05/22 22:55
wate5566: 諾富特 3+11 萬華茶室 疫苗不足 差不多都提到了==69F 05/22 22:56
sliverexile: Taiwan’s government had touted its70F 05/22 22:58
sliverexile: success...
diamond0326: 3+11 華航諾富特 機師 防疫破口再次被國際認證啦72F 05/22 23:08
picass0607: 有夠丟臉的73F 05/22 23:18
kissung: 3-1174F 05/22 23:23
WWIII: 潮水褪退了 才發現洨英跟牙匠沒穿褲子75F 05/22 23:37
earthuncuttv: 中共同路人報76F 05/22 23:40
ups: 3+11 表示:77F 05/22 23:42
miuccina: 敲鑼打鼓大外宣的下場78F 05/22 23:45

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 299 
作者 derekhsu 的最新發文:
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1樓 時間: 2021-05-22 22:37:04 (台灣)
+1 05-22 22:37 TW
變成笑話了 然後3+11到現在誰道歉了嗎?
2樓 時間: 2021-05-22 22:38:43 (台灣)
  05-22 22:38 TW
哪來的野雞中共同路人雜誌 !  阿忠部長投書的  阿 沒事
3樓 時間: 2021-05-22 22:47:14 (台灣)
+1    (編輯過) TW
吹噓+桃園破口 別人外國又不是台灣菸粉 不吃台灣價值大內宣,只看實際數據阿...可憐阿 全世界都知道破口連路經都寫完了,只有台灣還有群傻子繼續刷,自卑轉自大大概就是這群人吧
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