※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-18 17:21:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 「你怎麼不早說」英文要怎麼說
時間 Mon May 17 17:34:02 2021
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WeZYCTy (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621244044.A.77C.html
→ : Ikea1F 05/17 17:34
→ : you come from China2F 05/17 17:34
→ : not dpp3F 05/17 17:34
噓 : google很難?4F 05/17 17:34
推 : why not mention earlier sucker5F 05/17 17:34
→ : hakunamatata6F 05/17 17:34
推 : fuxk u7F 05/17 17:35
→ : 歪東優頭殼而李8F 05/17 17:35
→ : may song muai gong9F 05/17 17:35
→ : Why you didn't say that early?10F 05/17 17:35
推 : 難...打頭11F 05/17 17:35
噓 : why didn't you tell Jobs earlier?13F 05/17 17:35
→ : Why didn't you say it earlier?14F 05/17 17:35
→ : 空虛公子15F 05/17 17:35
→ : you why no morning talk16F 05/17 17:35
→ : U should have mentioned earlier17F 05/17 17:35
推 : you should have told me earlier18F 05/17 17:36
推 : u mother fucker19F 05/17 17:36
→ : Tell me earlier,Motherfucker!!20F 05/17 17:36
→ : shut up21F 05/17 17:36
→ : or suck my xxxx22F 05/17 17:36
→ : ALL IN TSMC23F 05/17 17:36
推 : How dare U24F 05/17 17:36
推 : Why didn't you say it earlier?26F 05/17 17:37
推 : You how no morning say.27F 05/17 17:37
推 : fucking shit you didn't said early28F 05/17 17:38
→ : WTF29F 05/17 17:38
→ : you why not early say30F 05/17 17:38
推 : ni zen me bu zao shuo31F 05/17 17:38
→ : SPEAK QUICKLY!32F 05/17 17:39
推 : We will do it just one time.See it carefully!33F 05/17 17:39
推 : ni ma che jun34F 05/17 17:39
推 : motherfucker35F 05/17 17:39
推 : why you no morning say36F 05/17 17:39
→ : 窩不知道37F 05/17 17:39
推 : 3 plus 1138F 05/17 17:41
推 : you why not early say39F 05/17 17:42
推 : All your fault40F 05/17 17:42
→ : you are john41F 05/17 17:42
→ : you how not early say42F 05/17 17:42
推 : not my business43F 05/17 17:45
推 : may show gun mo44F 05/17 17:45
推 : ko.p is better than me45F 05/17 17:46
推 : !@#$&*(46F 05/17 17:47
推 : You why not early say?47F 05/17 17:48
→ : WE CARE48F 05/17 17:48
→ : 只想到 Why didn’t you say so49F 05/17 17:49
推 : I am dpp50F 05/17 17:50
→ : Why not tell me earlier?51F 05/17 17:50
推 : It's all your fault!52F 05/17 17:51
推 : You should have told me this53F 05/17 17:51
→ : R u kidding me?ㄇㄉㄈㄎ54F 05/17 17:52
→ : Dpp55F 05/17 17:52
推 : you can say that again56F 05/17 18:01
推 : di da di da it is 14 o'clock57F 05/17 18:07
→ : why don't you tell me this time next year58F 05/17 18:09
推 : too late man 就可以59F 05/17 18:09
推 : shut up don't ask60F 05/17 18:15
推 : you why no early say61F 05/17 18:17
→ : fk u62F 05/17 18:19
→ : Fuck off63F 05/17 18:20
推 : costco64F 05/17 18:26
推 : u should kazagon65F 05/17 18:26
→ : You should say earlier,bitch.66F 05/17 18:29
→ : Why not talking in advanced67F 05/17 18:32
推 : You are KMTer68F 05/17 18:37
推 : Why didn't you say so?69F 05/17 18:40
推 : you should've said it70F 05/17 18:47
→ : 空虛公子是4ni71F 05/17 18:48
→ : nizemebuzausuo72F 05/17 18:49
→ : you should have told me73F 05/17 18:49
推 : YOU MOTHERFUCKER75F 05/17 19:05
推 : XD76F 05/17 19:17
→ : why don't you speak early?77F 05/17 19:32
推 : Why didn't you seiso? I'm seiso if I say so.78F 05/17 21:47
推 : stop fucking saying79F 05/17 22:25
推 : you don't say?80F 05/18 00:45
→ : : ?????81F 05/18 00:49
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 836
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