※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-10 09:56:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 「拎娘咖好」英文要怎麼翻啊?
時間 Wed Feb 10 08:23:57 2021
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W8oUVCI (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1612916639.A.312.html
噓 : lin niang ka hao1F 02/10 08:24
噓 : your mother ka better2F 02/10 08:25
推 : ur mother is good3F 02/10 08:25
→ a0986188522 …
→ : your mom is better5F 02/10 08:25
→ : 一樓英文造紙很強6F 02/10 08:25
推 : 不直翻就是 what the fuck7F 02/10 08:25
推 : your mother's gone8F 02/10 08:25
推 : ikea9F 02/10 08:26
→ : is your mom ok?10F 02/10 08:27
推 : yr mother's pussy is good11F 02/10 08:27
噓 : costco12F 02/10 08:27
推 : cold hot balance13F 02/10 08:28
推 : how's ur mother14F 02/10 08:28
噓 : how is your mom ok?15F 02/10 08:31
噓 : yuo mom better17F 02/10 08:34
推 : your mother is better18F 02/10 08:35
推 : your dad is waiting
推 : your dad is waiting
推 : I would remember your mother.20F 02/10 08:44
→ : is your mon ok?21F 02/10 08:45
推 : 翻WTF也差太多 完全不一樣吧22F 02/10 08:46
→ : your mom fucks better23F 02/10 08:46
推 : your mother better24F 02/10 08:47
→ : your mom so hot25F 02/10 08:55
→ : 拎杯但你26F 02/10 09:00
推 : 造詣啦 紙你x27F 02/10 09:02
推 : 用法上接近Damn吧28F 02/10 09:09
推 : it's good to drink?29F 02/10 09:09
推 : motherfucker30F 02/10 09:12
→ : ur mom’s foot good31F 02/10 09:12
→ giaour …
推 : ur mom is so good33F 02/10 09:22
推 : wtf 不會差很多啊 都有責備對方的語氣34F 02/10 09:24
→ : your mother is good35F 02/10 09:25
推 : motherfucker36F 02/10 09:25
→ : i can teach you better37F 02/10 09:25
推 : lin nia car how38F 02/10 09:29
→ : WTF +139F 02/10 09:43
→ : 拎娘咖好勒 wtf r u doing40F 02/10 09:51
→ : Step mom help me41F 02/10 09:54
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 333