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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-05 09:17:30
看板 Gossiping
作者 PrinceKanto (生田絵梨花は俺の嫁)
標題 [問卦] 「人帥真好 人醜性騷擾」英文翻譯怎麼翻
時間 Thu Feb  4 15:38:36 2021

打擱賀! 大家好~ Good afternoon~ 米納桑摳尼奇蛙~

阿諾捏,聽說PTT 八卦版鄉民,英文能力超強,多益905分以上比比皆是;



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W6wH-Pr (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1612424318.A.675.html
wemee:   172.64 33y 徵互摸互打 HIV+ OK1F 02/04 15:38
wolve: ULM2F 02/04 15:39
ymib: Costco3F 02/04 15:39
kent: Don't touch me!4F 02/04 15:39
bill403777: fat guys out!5F 02/04 15:39
derrick1220: 普利斯東踏取蜜6F 02/04 15:39
s37166117: metoo7F 02/04 15:40
jeff0025: 172.64 33y 徵互摸互打 HIV+ OK8F 02/04 15:40
AOA2: fat guy go die9F 02/04 15:40
A80211ab: Urgly to the hell10F 02/04 15:40
ilove640: fuck me or fuck you11F 02/04 15:40
weliem: Handsome is good , others dirty12F 02/04 15:41
Neil000: mine engilsh  teacher teach math13F 02/04 15:41
glion: Handsome guys only14F 02/04 15:41
v7q4: handsome fuck me, ugly don't touch me.15F 02/04 15:41
Joeng: ugly must die!!!16F 02/04 15:42
giaour: only you cannot touch me17F 02/04 15:43
odsan: 東踏取蜜18F 02/04 15:43
Doub1eK: Only You19F 02/04 15:44
hope951: Handsome is only you,ugly is 翁立友20F 02/04 15:44
vontseng: Handsome is men,Ugly is harassment.21F 02/04 15:44
henn066: Handsome is fine with me. Ugly...u motherfucker22F 02/04 15:46
broken119: only u out23F 02/04 15:46
xiemark: Dandy fucks. Fuck redneck.24F 02/04 15:46
ROYHOP: Ugly bad25F 02/04 15:46
finalranger: NMSL26F 02/04 15:46
icou: Handsome is only you,ugly is 翁立友   太過分了XDDDDD27F 02/04 15:47
abcd880201: 20樓XDDDD28F 02/04 15:48
kashima228: DCC29F 02/04 15:48
kashima228: 20樓笑死
ILYY: only you don’t touch me31F 02/04 15:49
kashima228: Only out , Handsome in33F 02/04 15:49
venomsoul: 20樓你這樣沒禮貌啦哈哈哈哈34F 02/04 15:50
kolsir: 20f ……好地獄啊 哈哈哈哈35F 02/04 15:51
STi2011: 20樓還押韻阿36F 02/04 15:51
jeff12280: pui pui37F 02/04 15:52
joey11121: Fucking or jail38F 02/04 15:52
kcclasaki: Twaiwan girls are easy except ugly men39F 02/04 15:52
kcclasaki: 20樓靠北 人家已經很受傷了你還這樣
joey11121: 20樓...41F 02/04 15:53
philae1112: Brad Pitt, not brother Ptter.43F 02/04 15:53
jnecoj: Ji Pai Girl44F 02/04 15:53
eDrifter: handesome ok, ugly fxck off45F 02/04 15:54
aimlin: handsome fucks in  ,ugly fucks out46F 02/04 15:55
fur: Fuck me if you're handsome. Sue you if you're ugly.47F 02/04 15:55
c07strange: 20樓100分48F 02/04 15:55
leechiungyi: handsome and richer fuck me, ugly don't touch49F 02/04 15:56
leechiungyi: me.
gju88888: 20樓得分51F 02/04 15:58
kuaiphoto: 20樓幾霸昏52F 02/04 15:58
leechiungyi: 你老師咧被20樓笑死53F 02/04 15:58
Zypern: 20樓一百分54F 02/04 15:59
cokepd: 東踏取蜜55F 02/04 16:00
kennken: 20F!!!XDDD56F 02/04 16:02
Allen0315:     Fuck me, Fuck you~~~  昨天就有推文正解了57F 02/04 16:05
neon666: white people fuck me  for free58F 02/04 16:05
sheepxo: 20F XDDDD59F 02/04 16:07
BHrabal: 20F 笑到內傷60F 02/04 16:13
GUNIT6968: ikea61F 02/04 16:15
HBK21: fuck me if you're handsome, else then fuck yourself62F 02/04 16:15
pandakill: Handsome is I am free tonight63F 02/04 16:16
pandakill: Ugly is get far away from me
eddie0853: Handsome is okay for a fuck. Only you I will fuck y65F 02/04 16:17
eddie0853: ou.
HcdEing: 20F,一百分。67F 02/04 16:22
wadadihaga: people handsome true good people ugly sexual haras69F 02/04 16:27
wadadihaga: sment
cphafa: 東榻取蜜!71F 02/04 16:28
atapu: he can,but you can’t.72F 02/04 16:42
rockho: He can but you can't73F 02/04 16:50
Aretimis7345: 20F  笑死人XDDD74F 02/04 16:50
monkeyyao: 克里絲 伊凡75F 02/04 16:51
tony5361627: 東踏取蜜76F 02/04 16:52
hw1: Only you77F 02/04 16:52
jfriendtw: englishit78F 02/04 16:59
CorkiN: 20樓滿分XD79F 02/04 17:03
rogerwang: good looking fuck, bad looking suck80F 02/04 17:03
ke1234sam: you ugly motherfuck go to fuck yourself81F 02/04 17:11
neverfriend: If you’re ugly don’t fucking lay your hands on82F 02/04 17:15
neverfriend: me
satllion: Handsome, fuck me! Ugly, fuck you!84F 02/04 17:17
timyen: Being handsome is a pass; being ugly is a mess85F 02/04 17:31
daye2012: money is everything86F 02/04 17:37
shamus2007: only you can't87F 02/04 17:45
brad001: 20樓 害我在捷運上笑出來 哭喔88F 02/04 17:48
st002650: 想必20樓一定是多益一千分大師XDDDD89F 02/04 17:50
tomwu770926: dont touch me90F 02/04 18:01
CTUST: Showmemoney91F 02/04 18:11
jaguarccu: handsome, sure ; ugly , sue92F 02/04 18:43
linbenjamin: 20樓 真的笑死93F 02/04 19:05
chris9527: 笑死94F 02/04 19:12
clw0812: v7q4大大 好直白 這個好95F 02/04 19:12
mukey: a joke about good look guy96F 02/04 19:14
kcryo0103: 20樓厲害了97F 02/04 19:41
DavidJam: 20樓太會翻98F 02/04 20:46
rabbit2233: 20樓的代名詞。高99F 02/04 21:21
scifinder: I want to dock the pussy!!100F 02/04 21:26
ladddddy: 笑爆101F 02/04 22:25
shi21: 20樓推一個102F 02/05 00:18
VirgilAeneid: The appearance justifies the deeds.103F 02/05 02:42
Missprincess: 20F滿分!104F 02/05 02:54

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 552 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2021-02-04 15:52:51 (台灣)
  02-04 15:52 TW
Handsome is me, ugly is you
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