※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-03 19:58:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦]『 越想越不對勁 』的英文該怎麼翻
時間 Wed Feb 3 19:30:12 2021
安安 版上各位英文很強的大大們
『 越想越不對勁 』
希望幫忙解惑 謝謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W6eb6mk (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1612351814.A.C2E.html
推 : no pain, no gain1F 02/03 19:30
推 : IKEA2F 02/03 19:30
噓 : 5F is ugly3F 02/03 19:30
推 : I’m bitch4F 02/03 19:30
推 : WTF5F 02/03 19:30
→ : Mo too6F 02/03 19:30
推 : sit down please7F 02/03 19:30
推 : SHOW ME THE MONEY8F 02/03 19:30
推 : Women9F 02/03 19:30
推 : no ez10F 02/03 19:31
→ : may show gun more11F 02/03 19:31
推 : #metoo12F 02/03 19:31
→ : #metoo13F 02/03 19:31
推 : pussy14F 02/03 19:31
→ : give me money15F 02/03 19:31
→ : only you16F 02/03 19:31
推 : me too17F 02/03 19:31
推 : I want money18F 02/03 19:31
→ : I think only you touch me19F 02/03 19:31
→ : I need money.20F 02/03 19:31
推 : how do you turn this on21F 02/03 19:31
推 : more and more IKEA22F 02/03 19:32
推 : airplane cup table23F 02/03 19:32
推 : more think more no right24F 02/03 19:32
→ : Taiwan can help25F 02/03 19:32
→ : Vietnam think vietnam wrong.26F 02/03 19:32
推 : 台女no127F 02/03 19:32
→ : whosyourdaddy28F 02/03 19:32
→ : Omoeba omouhodo okashii29F 02/03 19:32
推 : 想いほど可笑しく想います。30F 02/03 19:32
推 : Costco31F 02/03 19:32
推 : Costco32F 02/03 19:32
→ : I think; therefore I feel bad33F 02/03 19:32
推 : happy before unhappy rightnow34F 02/03 19:33
推 : Only you don’t touch me 選我正解35F 02/03 19:33
→ : 更正: I tell a lie that only you touch my ass36F 02/03 19:33
→ : Shawn drinks gin37F 02/03 19:33
推 : show me the money38F 02/03 19:33
推 : Say my name39F 02/03 19:34
推 : mayday mayday mayday40F 02/03 19:34
推 : #metoo41F 02/03 19:34
推 : Dame dane, dame yo dame nano yo42F 02/03 19:34
→ : I feel weird.44F 02/03 19:34
推 : itamiwo kanjiro45F 02/03 19:35
推 : this is good shit !!!!!46F 02/03 19:36
推 : the more i think, the more metoo47F 02/03 19:36
推 : Sees gee kong48F 02/03 19:37
推 : as thinking deeper,doubt grow larger49F 02/03 19:37
→ : peko50F 02/03 19:39
→ : The more I think the thing goes worse51F 02/03 19:39
推 : shit52F 02/03 19:40
推 : getting fishy53F 02/03 19:40
→ : Are you handsome?54F 02/03 19:41
推 : Omoeba omouhodo okashii XDDDDDD55F 02/03 19:42
→ : wanted to me too56F 02/03 19:42
推 : Think too much57F 02/03 19:43
噓 : 不就咪兔58F 02/03 19:43
推 : I need more gold59F 02/03 19:44
推 : yu xian yu bu dua jin60F 02/03 19:44
→ : 只有49跟51樓是對的..61F 02/03 19:44
→ : money62F 02/03 19:45
推 : you are ugly63F 02/03 19:46
推 : #me too64F 02/03 19:46
推 : I need money65F 02/03 19:47
推 : Lawsuit66F 02/03 19:47
推 : second thought67F 02/03 19:48
推 : Show me the money.68F 02/03 19:49
→ : something weird69F 02/03 19:49
推 : think further, find something weird70F 02/03 19:49
推 : something doesn't feel right71F 02/03 19:49
推 : He can,you can't.72F 02/03 19:49
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 332
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