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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-28 16:21:10
看板 Gossiping
作者 Clooney5566 (西子灣喬治克隆尼)
標題 [新聞] 北部(越南)82例本土
時間 Thu Jan 28 15:21:57 2021

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82 Covid cases detected in Vietnam related to 2 people diagnosed with disease

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Vietnam has recorded the highest number of Covid-19 cases in a single day as
authorities found clusters of 82 patients related to the two diagnosed on
Thursday with the disease.
Of the 82 new patients, 72 work at Vietnam Poyun Electronics Co., Ltd. in Hai
Duong Province and 10 at Van Don International Airport in Quang Ninh Province,
both in northern Vietnam.

They had come into close contact with patients 1552 and 1553 that were
diagnosed on Thursday morning.

The former is a 34-year-old woman working for Vietnam Poyun and the latter is a
 31-year-old man who works at the airport.

The woman, a resident of Hung Dao Commune in Hai Duong Province's Chi Linh Town
, had come into close contact with a colleague who tested positive for the
virus upon arriving in Japan last week.

It is known who was infected first or by whom.

Hai Duong health authorities have begun contact tracing.

Van Don airport has been receiving repatriation flights with a number of people
 with Covid arriving on them.

The infected went to a local hospital after developing fever, cough and sore
throat, and tests showed later he had Covid.

The airport has been locked down.

Chairing an urgent government meeting, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc called
on Hai Duong and Quang Ninh provinces to swiftly track down everyone who came
into contact with the clusters and temporarily close their borders to prevent
people from leaving.

In two weeks Vietnamese will celebrate their biggest festival of the year, the
Lunar New Year, an occasion for family reunions that will see millions travel

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82 Covid cases detected in Vietnam related to 2 people diagnosed with disease - VnExpress International
Vietnam has recorded the highest number of Covid-19 cases in a single day as authorities found clusters of 82 patients related to the two diagnosed on ...


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昨天兩例 今天一驗整個電子工廠72例
台資電子廠 有沒有越南百萬台勞開始怕爆的八掛?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (越南)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W4cOPHk (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1611818521.A.46E.html
s820912gmail: 龍五1F 01/28 15:22
akway: 台灣輸了2F 01/28 15:22
bill403777: 又是北部3F 01/28 15:22
GOD5566: 柯屁不意外4F 01/28 15:22
moccabranco: 北部電子廠群聚5F 01/28 15:22
cloud520: 請給我一份翻譯蒟蒻6F 01/28 15:22
Yude0109: 越南是南部吧?7F 01/28 15:22
bigcho: 北部電子工廠 先說是不是台商8F 01/28 15:23



js52666: 你很故意XD9F 01/28 15:23
Dia149: 北部!而且還是外籍工!抹下去!10F 01/28 15:23
zxc2331189: 又是北部 顆屁11F 01/28 15:23
cynthia12708: 嗯?不是北越嗎?12F 01/28 15:23
suntw: 2020台北有阿北,北越沒阿北的差別13F 01/28 15:23
LinuxTsai: 柯市長,出來面對啊14F 01/28 15:23
iocal: 沒人噓未滿30字中文我屁眼任塞榴槤15F 01/28 15:24
Ashuya: 柯p不用負責嗎?16F 01/28 15:24
akway: 用北部又沒什麼問題 只是阿北玻璃心崩潰而已17F 01/28 15:24
※ 編輯: Clooney5566 ( 越南), 01/28/2021 15:26:14
zkow: 以前越南很強看來也不行了18F 01/28 15:25
j68345517: 北部不意外,你看現在南半球疫情也趨緩了19F 01/28 15:25
bakaka: 越南最新的危機就是跟中國太近20F 01/28 15:26
bakaka: 大
tchialen: 歡迎歸國22F 01/28 15:27
good5755: 沒1000例不用封23F 01/28 15:27
※ 編輯: Clooney5566 ( 越南), 01/28/2021 15:28:28
BaRanKa: 台資而已 有台人中嗎24F 01/28 15:28
swallow753: 蓋牌炸鍋了 藏不住25F 01/28 15:28
JackTheRippe: 推誠實 反觀某島一直創造新分類26F 01/28 15:28
netio: 北越的 不意外27F 01/28 15:28
menshuei: 台灣終於要彎道超車第一名了28F 01/28 15:29
menshuei: 台灣加油GOGOGO
cowaksor: 台商過年會不會回來玩30F 01/28 15:30
netio: 越南喜迎中國豬瘟和武漢肺炎31F 01/28 15:30
AllenHuang: 新聞標題是這樣子寫喔?32F 01/28 15:32
CZH0830: 當初越南鄉民不是很喜歡在國際新聞底下洗疫情控制優於台33F 01/28 15:32
CZH0830: 灣?
visviva: 啥小!?早上看2例,現在變82!?35F 01/28 15:32
G12134: 越南仔衛生習慣這麼差 不意外喇36F 01/28 15:36
ultraccs: 越南就靠圍堵 醫療不好 一下這麼多 大概也是鬆懈了37F 01/28 15:38
G12134: 他們總理開covid-19防堵會議照片一堆官員也是不戴口罩38F 01/28 15:39
G12134: 再不然就是戴口罩露鼻子...這很讓人擔心
BS85: 越共不可能多好啦。40F 01/28 15:39
alen0303: 越南人不是都很驕傲說防疫屌打臺灣嗎41F 01/28 15:41
kersihi: 北部XDDDDDDDDDDDD42F 01/28 15:43
scratch01: 聽說他第二43F 01/28 15:46
G12134: 上次他們峴港炸了就不太敢靠杯了喇44F 01/28 15:46
likeilike: 不是第二名嗎  柯柯45F 01/28 15:49
apple123773: 聽說拉 一堆中國人偷跑進去做工 才翻的...46F 01/28 15:49
apple123773: 阿說不出口 只能莫名其妙的就爆了
domon0525: 挖靠..2例變82例48F 01/28 15:50
imsk: 地球的北部49F 01/28 15:50
liorio: 看到北部嚇我一跳 檢舉50F 01/28 15:53
scratch01: 所以感染源是哪邊?51F 01/28 15:56
vacuesen: 匡列居家檢疫就好 還不必驗全部員工吧52F 01/28 15:58
vistas: 都是越南人 出手幹嘛這麼重  病毒:他是北越的53F 01/28 15:59
AppleApe: 看吧 北部炸了啊(?)54F 01/28 16:03
sugoi5566: 北越嗎55F 01/28 16:06
ralfeistein: 怎麼越南就這樣突然爆了56F 01/28 16:07
G12134: 還沒確定0號病例 要等一下57F 01/28 16:08
mocca000: 原來珀傈總部在台灣58F 01/28 16:09
judasprist: 你想怎樣59F 01/28 16:12

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 541 
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