※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-07 21:18:40
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 美軍不告而別,惹怒阿富汗政府軍
時間 Tue Jul 6 21:37:00 2021
英國衛報 The Guardian
Peter Beaumont
Afghan anger over US’s sudden, silent Bagram departure
US forces shut off the Bagram airfield’s electricity supply and did not
notify the base’s senior Afghan officer when they departed on Friday,
prompting puzzlement and anger among Afghan soldiers there.
The airfield’s new commander, Gen Mir Asadullah Kohistani, only discovered
the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left, he said on
The fresh details of the American forces’ stealthy nighttime withdrawal from
the sprawling base near Kabul, where they had spent two decades, underlined
the uneasiness with which US forces sometimes regarded their Afghan partners.
“We [heard] some rumour that the Americans had left Bagram … and finally by
7am we understood that it was confirmed that they had already left”
Kohistani told Associated Press.
“We did not know of their timeline for departure. They did not tell us when
they left,” added the commander during a tour of the evacuated and
now-looted base for journalists.
Kohistani’s account appeared to contradict a statement issued last week by
the US that its forces had co-ordinated their departure from various bases
with Afghan leaders. In response to Kohistani’s account, US spokesman Col
Sonny Leggett referred back to the statement.
With 3,000 troops under his command, Kohistani’s forces are far smaller than
the US military presence at the base during its heyday when Bagram resembled
a small, if heavily militarised, town with its coffee shops, sports
facilities, fast food chains and even a cinema.
Commenting on the capabilities of Afghan forces in Bagram, who are expecting
to be attacked by a resurgent Taliban, he added: “You know, if we compare
ourselves with the Americans, it’s a big difference. But according to our
capabilities … we are trying to do the best and as much as possible secure
and serve all the people.”
Within 20 minutes of the US’s silent departure on Friday, the electricity
was shut down and the base was plunged into darkness, said Abdul Raouf, a
soldier of 10 years who has also served in Taliban strongholds of Helmand and
Kandahar provinces.
The sudden darkness was like a signal to the looters, he said. They entered
from the north, smashing through the first barrier, ransacking buildings,
loading anything that was not nailed down into trucks.
“In one night they lost all the goodwill of 20 years by leaving the way they
did, in the night, without telling the Afghan soldiers who were outside
patrolling the area,” another Afghan soldier told AP.
The new details of last week’s secretive withdrawal under cover of darkness
came as Afghan authorities deployed hundreds of commandos and pro-government
militiamen on Tuesday to counter the Taliban’s blistering offensive in the
north, a day after more than 1,000 government troops fled into neighbouring
Fighting has raged across several provinces, but the insurgents have focused
primarily on carrying out a devastating campaign across the northern
countryside, seizing dozens of districts in the past two months.
“We are planning to launch a big offensive to retake the lost territories
from the enemy,” Fawad Aman, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, told
AFP. “Our forces are being organised on the ground for this operation.”
Troops and pro-government militiamen were deployed in the northern provinces
of Takhar and Badakhshan where the Taliban have captured swathes of territory
at lighting speed, often without any fighting.
The US announced on Friday it had completely vacated its biggest airfield in
the country in advance of a final withdrawal that the Pentagon says will be
completed by the end of August.
The statement said the handover of the many bases had been in process soon
after President Joe Biden’s mid-April announcement that the US was
withdrawing the last of its forces.
Before the Afghan army could take control of the airfield about an hour’s
drive from the Afghan capital, Kabul, it was invaded by a small army of
looters, who ransacked barracks and storage tents before being evicted,
according to Afghan military officials.
Kohistani insisted the Afghan forces could hold on to the heavily fortified
base despite a string of Taliban victories on the battlefield. The airfield
also includes a prison with about 5,000 prisoners, many of them allegedly
The militants’ latest surge comes as the last US and Nato forces pull out of
the country. As of last week, most Nato soldiers had already quietly left.
The last US soldiers are likely to remain until an agreement to protect the
Kabul airport, which is expected to be undertaken by Turkey, is completed.
Meanwhile, in northern Afghanistan, district after district has fallen to the
Taliban. In just the last two days, hundreds of Afghan soldiers fled across
the border into Tajikistan rather than fight the insurgents. “In battle it
is sometimes one step forward and some steps back,” said Kohistani.
The general said the Afghan military was changing its strategy to focus on
the strategic districts. He insisted they would retake them in the coming
days without saying how that would be accomplished.
Kohistani said the US left behind 3.5m objects, all itemised by the departing
military. They include tens of thousands of water bottles, energy drinks and
military ready-made meals.
They also include thousands of civilian vehicles, many of them without keys
to start them, and hundreds of armoured vehicles. Kohistani said the US also
left behind small weapons and the ammunition for them, but the departing
troops took heavy weapons with them
The Afghan soldiers who wandered through the base that had once housed as
many as 100,000 US troops were deeply critical of how they had left Bagram,
going in the night without telling the Afghan soldiers who were patrolling
the perimeter.
On Monday, three days after the US departure, Afghan soldiers were still
collecting piles of rubbish that included empty water bottles, cans and empty
energy drinks left behind by the looters.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Afghan anger over US’s sudden, silent Bagram departure | Afghanistan | The Guardian
Military officials say troops turned off power and slipped away without notifying new commander ...
Military officials say troops turned off power and slipped away without notifying new commander ...
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→ : 不告而別 不告而別1F 台灣 07/06 21:37
推 : 跟韓戰一模一樣2F 台灣 07/06 21:37
→ : 越戰
→ : 越戰
→ : 衛道人士最喜歡的反戰4F 台灣 07/06 21:37
推 : 保護費繳了嗎 靠北三小5F 台灣 07/06 21:37
推 : 自立自強6F 台灣 07/06 21:38
推 : 事後不理7F 台灣 07/06 21:38
推 : 笑死8F 台灣 07/06 21:39
推 : 高歌離席!走囉!9F 台灣 07/06 21:39
推 : 高歌離席10F 台灣 07/06 21:39
→ : 政府軍 -> 掌權的軍閥(O)11F 台灣 07/06 21:41
→ : 又在射後不理了12F 台灣 07/06 21:41
※ 編輯: loveve5566 ( 臺灣), 07/06/2021 21:44:32
→ : 阿富汗保護費沒繳.13F 台灣 07/06 21:44
推 : 美國摧毀然後重建國家的獲利模式 沒賺頭了14F 德國 07/06 21:45
→ : 沒賺頭當然撤 誰管你去死
→ : 沒賺頭當然撤 誰管你去死
→ : 美軍這撤退 很好奇他們是有其他地方要顧了嗎16F 台灣 07/06 21:47
推 : 本來就沒賺頭 不然台灣保護費繳爽的?17F 台灣 07/06 21:48
推 : 應該是要來亞洲準備宰中國了18F 台灣 07/06 21:53
→ Kobelephants …
推 : 太靠杯了吧 我看塔利班又要接手了21F 台灣 07/06 21:56
推 : 扶不起的阿斗,幫政府軍那麼多年,22F 台灣 07/06 21:58
→ : 還那麼廢
→ : 還那麼廢
推 : 豆芽字看不懂,求譯24F 台灣 07/06 21:59
推 : 政府軍只不過是阿富汗境內的軍閥而已25F 台灣 07/06 21:59
推 : 美國佔領前阿富汗本來主要就由塔利26F 台灣 07/06 21:59
→ : 班統治,至於是怎麼樣的統治,看追
→ : 風箏的孩子就知道了,只能說,美國
→ : 給了阿富汗二十年的美夢和機會,但
→ : 夢終究要醒的,我只同情那裡的女孩
→ : ,又要回到惡夢一樣的生活了
→ : 班統治,至於是怎麼樣的統治,看追
→ : 風箏的孩子就知道了,只能說,美國
→ : 給了阿富汗二十年的美夢和機會,但
→ : 夢終究要醒的,我只同情那裡的女孩
→ : ,又要回到惡夢一樣的生活了
→ yycbr …
推 : 跟末期南越一樣 政府只拿錢貪污腐敗33F 台灣 07/06 22:00
→ : 等北越打進南越首都高官權貴都搭機流亡
→ : 國外享福了
→ : 等北越打進南越首都高官權貴都搭機流亡
→ : 國外享福了
噓 : who cares 爛泥扶不上牆 真的不用怪別人36F 台灣 07/06 22:02
→ : 政府軍就廢物啊==37F 台灣 07/06 22:02
→ : 很扯的是當時的南越總理阮文紹跟權貴38F 台灣 07/06 22:04
→ : 都是滿嘴民主自由催眠百姓XD
→ : 都是滿嘴民主自由催眠百姓XD
→ : 小英應該要協助阿富汗人來台定居40F 台灣 07/06 22:04
→ : 然後南越狂抱美國大腿跟現在DPP差不多41F 台灣 07/06 22:05
推 : 我不認為摧毀塔利班這樣的政權有什42F 台灣 07/06 22:08
→ : 麼問題,但二十年建立不起穩固的民
→ : 主,軍隊也還是廢到看到塔利班就逃
→ : 跑(最新消息是一千政府軍直接逃到
→ : 塔吉克),只能說這個國家或許還不
→ : 適合民主自由
→ : 麼問題,但二十年建立不起穩固的民
→ : 主,軍隊也還是廢到看到塔利班就逃
→ : 跑(最新消息是一千政府軍直接逃到
→ : 塔吉克),只能說這個國家或許還不
→ : 適合民主自由
推 : 南越2nd48F 台灣 07/06 22:14
→ : 隨手關水電好習慣49F 台灣 07/06 22:23
推 : 氣炸又能怎麼樣,美軍撤離之後說不定50F 台灣 07/06 22:27
→ : 撐不到一年
→ : 撐不到一年
推 : 就一堆廢材以為能變第二日本 沒救52F 台灣 07/06 22:31
→ : 當一個國家保母 美國不是蠢蛋
→ : 當一個國家保母 美國不是蠢蛋
推 : 美國真香 塔利班臭爆54F 台灣 07/06 22:35
→ : 氣什麼55F 台灣 07/06 23:07
推 : 南越第二56F 台灣 07/06 23:15
→ : 犧牲台灣的時候也不會留情的啦57F 台灣 07/06 23:35
→ : 到底是要相信大陸還是美國? 笑死
→ : 到底是要相信大陸還是美國? 笑死
→ : 大陸有東西能信啊?59F 台灣 07/06 23:39
推 : 美國的盟友可真不好當60F 台灣 07/06 23:43
推 : 政府軍超廢61F 台灣 07/07 00:36
噓 : 什麼也叫不告而別 幫你推翻塔利班62F 台灣 07/07 08:17
→ : 政權還陪著打游擊二十年 撤軍計畫
→ : 都預告好多次了
→ : 政權還陪著打游擊二十年 撤軍計畫
→ : 都預告好多次了
噓 : 幫你打二十年了,自己不爭氣還在廢話。65F 台灣 07/07 09:30
推 : 跟塔利班合作搶阿富汗嗎XD66F 台灣 07/07 10:35
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 671
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