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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-12 16:52:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 fantazy00077 (Andy)
標題 [新聞] 美國佛州一隻海牛背上被刻「川普」字樣
時間 Tue Jan 12 14:22:04 2021



Florida manatee has 'TRUMP' etched into its side; officials seek information

Jan. 12, 2021, 8:45 AM CST
By Doha Madani

An investigation has been opened after a manatee in a Florida river had the wo
rd "TRUMP" written onto its side, officials said Monday.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wants to know who defaced the animal in the
 headwaters of the Homosassa River in Citrus County. The manatee did not appea
r to be hurt, the agency said, because it seemed that the word was etched into
 algae on its body.

The manatee enjoys protection in state and federal law. Manatees, often referr
ed to as sea cows, were on the endangered species list until 2017, when they w
ere downgraded to a threatened species because of increased population growth.

Manatees move slowly, which has made them vulnerable to fishing nets, motorboa
t engines and human interaction.

The creature comes under shields of the national Marine Mammal Protection Act
of 1972 and Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary A
ct of 1978. Federal conviction of harassing a manatee is punishable by a fine
of $50,000 and up to a year in prison, according to the Florida Fish and Wildl
ife Conservation Commission.

Florida manatee has 'TRUMP' etched into its side; officials seek information
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service investigators want to find those responsible for defacing a Florida manatee, which had "TRUMP" carved into its side. ...


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hebeisme5566: 蟑螂 :1F 01/12 14:22
lysing12: 真牛逼阿!親!2F 01/12 14:22
powyo: 4%幹的3F 01/12 14:22
WeGoStyle: 連海牛都堅定相信川普4F 01/12 14:22
s820912gmail: 五樓腳底板刻著我有愛滋5F 01/12 14:22
bill403777: 川粉+16F 01/12 14:23
lolic: 一定是柯粉7F 01/12 14:23
zxc2331189: 川粉不易外8F 01/12 14:23
nh60211as: 民主黨反串9F 01/12 14:23
alex00089: 情慾海牛!?10F 01/12 14:23
C8C8DHC: 4趴仔11F 01/12 14:23
happyalex: 美國版學運12F 01/12 14:24
none049: 怎麼看都是反串的吧?13F 01/12 14:24
taiwan08: 川普的牛14F 01/12 14:25
taiwan1789: 川蔡粉,還在崩15F 01/12 14:25
chunfo: 法輪功?16F 01/12 14:25
grayoasis: 情慾海牛 笑死17F 01/12 14:25
cck525: 最好找得到..18F 01/12 14:25
NgJovi: 如果有人在豬身上刻"柯文哲" 你覺得是柯粉做的嗎19F 01/12 14:25
Cger: 特朗普還我牛20F 01/12 14:25
ukif: 三墮牛21F 01/12 14:25
ps124125288: 情色海牛?專挑女記者嗎XD22F 01/12 14:25
venomsoul: 大紀元新唐人:自然界演化出皮膚花色暗示世界領導人23F 01/12 14:26
koromo1991: 人家天生的胎記啦24F 01/12 14:26
XXXXXXXXXGAY: 加油25F 01/12 14:26
sleeeve: 丁守攻是霓?26F 01/12 14:26
cookiey: 中文真好27F 01/12 14:27
kichyo: 美人魚28F 01/12 14:28
toolittle: 川粉真拉基29F 01/12 14:28
aal: 天子30F 01/12 14:29
cowboyz1105: 大紀元:大浮木?天父指示川普終獲勝選!31F 01/12 14:31
sunchen0201: 川粉,不意外。你看驕傲男孩多智障。32F 01/12 14:31
u155247: 川粉怎麼可能在圓圓胖胖的海牛身上刻川普,一定是SJW 反33F 01/12 14:32
u155247: 串
reexamor: 川普還我沒刺青的海牛35F 01/12 14:32
entsai: 好像蟑螂會做的事36F 01/12 14:35
bestrace: 拜粉恨到要刻我川37F 01/12 14:38
Colitas: 這是神蹟!38F 01/12 14:38
squeakywheel: 我是認為川粉想黑拜登去刻啦 還在那邊護航39F 01/12 14:39
demitri: 還我牛40F 01/12 14:40
TwoSeam5566: 馬英九還我牛41F 01/12 14:40
lidocaine: 白痴耶42F 01/12 14:47
yidayida: 看來世界各地的川粉都一樣是智障xdd43F 01/12 14:54
joe199277: 左膠反串44F 01/12 14:54
yeh67: 左膠白妖黑鬼=美國紅衛兵 會搞奧步 汙衊 嫁禍川粉 醜化川粉45F 01/12 14:56
yeh67: 進攻國會的根本是黑命貴 偽左膠 安提法=本質才是真惡法西斯
yeh67: 嫁禍 設局 陷害川粉 無知的人被引進 被射殺 獻祭共黨邪靈
yeh67: 請君入甕的文革 紅色恐怖 哀悼四天使
yeh67: 兩黨死愛錢的政客已經被共匪國 無法無天 撒錢包養了
yeh67: 滲透美國,從尼克森、卡特,美共建交後就開始布局三十年
yeh67: 布希家族也是親共代理人
yeh67: 鄧小平派留學生 外省黨國流亡後代的滲透 臥底 欺騙更高明
yeh67: 1978開放大陸市場走資本主義 吸美金 積極改革美國共黨化
yeh67: 反噬美帝
yeh67: 共匪國  本質是專制極權 更邪惡殘暴的紅色恐怖 法西斯主義
yeh67: 假左匪國 唯有死愛錢的錢鬼一家惡才是真實不虛的「惡習」
yeh67: 唯物史觀=貪婪無恥=死愛錢
yeh67: 比美帝更惡毒 更殘暴千萬倍的龍族妖帝 五千年邪惡暴政惡習
yeh67: 聖經啟示錄末世預言 邪惡的大紅龍 吞噬人類 毀壞精神文明
yeh67: 美式文革浩劫
yeh67: [新聞] 龍婆2021預言曝光!「一條猛龍控制人類」~~自由時報
yeh67: 支那暴龍 惡習難改
yeh67: 眾生難渡 吃銅吃鐵 吃錢吃血 無臭無洨 無臉無皮 必無好尾
yeh67: 挑戰因果定律 終將被宇宙看不見的力量 反噬自己=獻祭!
gargamel: 海牛要被封鎖勒65F 01/12 15:24
small91051: 樓上....66F 01/12 15:24
ccufcc: 應該是討厭川普的人刻的,跟刻在豬身上一樣意思67F 01/12 15:31
wilson3435: 要看海牛在美國文化有沒有跟台灣講豬一樣的貶意68F 01/12 15:44
wilson3435: 有貶意才比較可能是反串
ji394su33000: 說是刻的 其實好像是在海牛身上的海藻垢用手指寫字70F 01/12 16:45
ji394su33000: 看上去啦

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