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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 研究證實鯊魚會儲存前任的精子!
時間 Wed Jan 6 22:22:18 2021
Niwa said sperm storage was relatively common in some insects, bats, turtles
and fish, but the new research was the first time it had been documented in
the species of deep sea sharks being studied.
"It might also be a strategy to reduce the need for more frequent mating
events. Shark mating can be very aggressive resulting in bite wounds to the
females,” Dutilloy said.
Sharks could also congregate in groups for mating where multiple males would
mate with a single female.
"It’s thought to be advantageous because it increases each male’s chances
of passing on their genes to the next generation."
“I have to say though looking for sperm inside a cell is like looking for a
needle in a haystack. It was incredibly exciting when I actually found it."
Dutilloy found sperm storage in three of the nine species she looked at it.
"It makes quite a lot of sense if our theories about the deep sea are true -
that species are found in low numbers and they’re quite spread out, so they
make the most of mating opportunities,” she said.
“我必須說,儘管在細胞內尋找精子就像在大海撈針中尋找針頭一樣。” 當我真正找到
If female sharks were unable to produce viable offspring when they mated,
they might store sperm to use when they started ovulating. Turtles went one
step further and could decide which sperm to use to fertilise their eggs.
https://imgur.com/cEVD0kE ---妖道七祖《攝一切魔根本瑜珈論/誓命問品第一》---
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[新聞] 女性體內會殘留過往男友的染色體 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
決定人類性別的染色體中,男性分別持有X及Y染色體,而女性則是 持有一對X染色體.這是現化遺傳學中的基本,但實際上卻有一部份 女性的血液及生殖細胞中帶有Y染色體, 從近年來的研究中得知, 這是一種被稱之
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噓 : 賤屄鯊魚不意外85F 01/07 10:32
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