※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-06 11:28:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 中國延遲讓專家進入調查 WHO表示失望
時間 Wed Jan 6 02:33:26 2021
WHO 'disappointed' at Chinese delays letting experts in
January 6, 2021, 1:36 am
GENEVA (AP) — The head of the World Health Organization said Tuesday that h
e is “disappointed” that Chinese officials haven't finalized permissions f
or the arrival of team of experts into China to examine origins of COVID-19.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in a rare critique of Beijing, said members of t
he international scientific team have begun over the last 24 hours to leave
from their home countries to China as part of an arrangement between WHO and
the Chinese government.
“Today, we learned that Chinese officials have not yet finalized the necess
ary permissions for the team’s arrival in China,” he told a news conferenc
e in Geneva.
“I’m very disappointed with this news, given that two members had already
begun their journeys and others were not able to travel at the last minute,
but had been in contact with senior Chinese officials,” he said.
Tedros said he had “made it clear” that the mission was a priority for the
U.N. health agency, and that he had been “assured that China is speeding u
p the internal procedures for the earliest possible deployment.”
"We are eager to get the mission underway as soon as possible,” he said.
The experts, drawn from around the world, are expected to visit the city of
Wuhan that is suspected as the place that the coronavirus first emerged over
a year ago.
WHO chief ‘disappointed’ at Chinese delays letting experts in | PBS NewsHour
The head of the World Health Organization said Tuesday that he is "disappointed" that Chinese officials haven't finalized permissions for the arrival ...
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推 : 翻譯:我要更多RMB1F 01/06 02:34
→ : 乳華 who不想混了?2F 01/06 02:35
推 : 這劇本還沒寫完嗎?3F 01/06 02:35
※ 編輯: robertchun ( 臺灣), 01/06/2021 02:35:52推 : 給我在檢查證據滅光沒4F 01/06 02:35
→ : 演了一年還沒演完 好累阿5F 01/06 02:37
推 : 譚:習大大該繳錢囉6F 01/06 02:41
推 : 歹戲拖棚7F 01/06 02:50
推 : 拖時間拖一年惹8F 01/06 02:51
推 : 想也知道 本來已經布置妥當讓尼哥譚帶人去看 沒想到強9F 01/06 03:01
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→ : 國又開始到處封城 當下這景況讓老外看到面子往哪擺
→ : 都一年了……哈欠11F 01/06 03:04
→ : 兩個別演了,都拖一年了,還要演戲裝的好像在刁難12F 01/06 03:15
→ : 譚:該繳年費了13F 01/06 03:26
推 : 那個黑人還會對中國失望喔14F 01/06 03:30
推 : 經過一年了要再續費嘍15F 01/06 05:33
推 : 狗吠主人?瘋了還是演戲?16F 01/06 06:30
推 : 尼哥譚對支那充滿了無限遐想17F 01/06 07:05
推 : 加快內部作業 是要內部作業什麼18F 01/06 07:09
推 : 請給我黃金19F 01/06 07:36
推 : 柯糞會崩潰不行20F 01/06 07:41
推 : 譚德賽在要年終啦21F 01/06 07:42
推 : 這也能扯到柯?一天沒罵柯全身奇癢難耐是不是?22F 01/06 07:49
推 : 現在是想查什麼?23F 01/06 07:58
推 : 劇本還沒寫好吧24F 01/06 07:59
推 : 一年了還在演25F 01/06 08:11
推 : 等等啦 場地還沒布置好26F 01/06 08:12
→ : 證據是有多少,給你一年清都沒清完27F 01/06 08:13
噓 : 錢沒繼續給 還不讓我查 是我也會失望28F 01/06 08:53
推 : 有笑有推29F 01/06 09:04
推 : 翻譯:WHO又缺錢了,中國你給的不夠30F 01/06 09:25
→ : $$$$$$$$31F 01/06 09:43
推 : 讓我們繼續檢討綠共和萊豬,叭叭~32F 01/06 10:06
→ : 五毛水準 中共日常33F 01/06 10:19
→ : 再裝啊34F 01/06 10:54
噓 : 幹你媽廢物who 跟共畜的爛戲還沒演完35F 01/06 11:02
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 308
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