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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-01 17:42:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 nomorepipe (不管了啦)
標題 [新聞] 白宮外聖約翰教堂遭示威者縱火
時間 Mon Jun  1 15:46:18 2020

Washington post

Peter Hermann, Sarah Pulliam Bailey and
Michelle Boorstein

Fire set at historic St. John’s church during protests of George Floyd’s



A fire was set in the basement of historic St. John’s Episcopal Church,
across Lafayette Square from the White House, during demonstrations Sunday
night expressing outrage at the death of George Floyd in police custody,
police said.
位在白宮外Lafayette Square的聖約翰教堂在周日晚間遭示威者縱火

Although the protests were largely peaceful in the afternoon and evening,
small groups of people began setting fires and smashing windows once darkness

Shortly after 10 p.m., someone tore down the American flag that hangs outside
the butter-yellow church and appeared to toss the flag into a nearby fire. A
glass door or window was shattered.

A person sprayed graffiti: “The Devil is across [the] street.”
有人噴漆塗鴉: 惡魔就在對街

D.C. police said a small fire was deliberately set in the basement. Under
police escort, D.C. firefighters quickly extinguished it. Fire department
spokesman Vito Maggiolo said the blaze did not appear to cause any
significant damage.

“I guess God was on its side,” Maggiolo said. “It didn’t seem to have
spread very much.”
消防發言人表示: 「上帝在這守著,火勢沒有擴散很快」

The Right Rev. Mariann Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington,
said the fire was in the basement of the parish house, which holds offices
and the church’s nursery. No one from the church was in the building, she

“It’s heart-rending,” said the Rev. Robert W. Fisher, church rector. “
This is a very historic building.”
教會牧師表示: 這件事令人心碎,這是一座歷史悠久的建築。

St. John’s Episcopal Church was built in 1815 and its first service was Oct.
27, 1816. It’s often called the “church of the presidents.” According to
the church website, every president since James Madison has attended at least
one service there.
Pew 54 is considered the “President’s Pew,” reserved for the president’s
use when visiting the church.

Budde said she had stood outside the church earlier Sunday to participate in
the demonstrations, when people were handing out water bottles and protesting
in a civil manner.

“There are a lot of things to be heartbroken about, but obviously we wanted

the church to be a place of haven and safety,” she said.

Before his swearing-in ceremony, President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt
attended a service at St. John’s, setting a precedent that has been followed
by presidents ever since, including President Trump.
President Barack Obama did not formally join a church while he was in the
White House, but he attended St. John’s more than any other church during
his time in office.

Budde is from Minneapolis, the city where Floyd died last week when a police
officer trapped him on the asphalt by placing a knee on the back of his neck,
even after Floyd said he couldn’t breathe.
The bishop said she does not condone the destruction of property, but also
doesn’t want to lose sight of what the protests are calling for in the wake
of Floyd’s death: necessary change.

“It’s a building. No one’s life is gone, but we have work to do and we’ll
do it,” she said. “Cleaning up, rebuild and focus on the rebuilding of our
country which is more important.”
「這只是一棟建築物。 沒有人的生命消失,但是我們更重要、必須做且要做到的事--清

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justice00s: 極右在幹嘛啊 還不上街跟那些左腦對抗1F 06/01 15:47
Behind4: 覺青:支那看到沒? 這就是米國拔拔的厲害2F 06/01 15:47
justice00s: KKK跟光頭黨之類的出來救國啊= =3F 06/01 15:47
ghgn: 左派一堆暴民 當出川普當選也一堆人出來作亂4F 06/01 15:47
jack34031: 放火搶劫的暴徒建議都槍斃5F 06/01 15:47
kgbrts: 這麼嚴重阿 燒教堂是大事耶他們是不是燒上癮了阿6F 06/01 15:48
yiersan: 這些87 根本幫川普助選7F 06/01 15:49
zxc17893: 爽8F 06/01 15:50
yiersan: 要知道 只要搖擺州老白鐵票穩住 基本上就連任了9F 06/01 15:50
gremon131: 訴求就是讓我作亂10F 06/01 15:50
delegate: 這一波亂完我覺得川普會連任 但連任當天晚上 左派暴民11F 06/01 15:51
delegate: 不知道又會怎麼鬧
Szss: 基督教都燒了,果然是一群豬隊友,撿到槍朝自己開。13F 06/01 15:51
yiersan: 燒教堂只會更鞏固這些有信仰的老白票14F 06/01 15:51
Szss: 這不止老白男,連黑人都信基督教啊~15F 06/01 15:53
iam0718: 雖然出事點是在XX黨的 但繼續鬧大 川普不好搞吧16F 06/01 15:53
Szss: 這一次得罪七成美國人啊~真不簡單啊~17F 06/01 15:55
Szss: 川普要是聰明的話,就是跑去那開記者會。
b05605019: 拍電影啊?19F 06/01 15:58
a0986188522: 左派暴民真的很狂...20F 06/01 15:58
belucky: 尼哥不意外21F 06/01 15:59
delegate: 還有一點要擔心的 左派暴民會不會干擾選舉/開票22F 06/01 15:59
a26893997: 低能 燒教堂是三小 耶穌會下來幫你們?23F 06/01 16:00
pimba17: 那個殺人條子真的要抓出來公祭...24F 06/01 16:01
pimba17: 明明不用鬧那麼大,
pimba17: 疫情還沒完耶
impact999: 示威者真的很棒 公然放火搶劫樣樣來27F 06/01 16:01
Szss: 越社會底層信教越虔誠28F 06/01 16:02
RadioMan: 不懂搶商家 燒教堂要幹嘛29F 06/01 16:02
Szss: "It’s a building!"  不!這是基督!30F 06/01 16:04
ken50104: 米國人低能起來也沒極限31F 06/01 16:04
ace4: 台灣失業率如果20 一樣也會大亂32F 06/01 16:06
lovexu3xu4: The war of 1812 ?33F 06/01 16:06
jones2011: 川普連任定了,這根本是挑戰美國國教34F 06/01 16:06
jones2011: 基本上可以認為是無神論v.s.基督教的宗教戰爭
leocean9816: 那些每次說只有暴政、沒有暴徒的人不見了,可憐哪!36F 06/01 16:08
AirPenguin: 又要把老白男的票逼出來了37F 06/01 16:09
goodtaste: X的智障38F 06/01 16:10
Szss: 這票估計至少35%以上,連黑人都有。39F 06/01 16:10
jones2011: 川普只要秉持特定論述就贏了40F 06/01 16:11
jones2011: 比如說,民主黨與爪牙、拜登、左派等異端
fransiceyho: 黑人竟然敢燒教堂 真的以為上帝是黑人嗎?42F 06/01 16:12
jones2011: 燒教堂這行為絕對是異端的行為,毋庸置疑43F 06/01 16:13
smallbrother: 哪個白痴敢在美國挑戰宗教…?44F 06/01 16:14
shadowfan: 這………45F 06/01 16:15
me410: 燒教堂的是智障,川普最佳助選員,川普接下來只要每周固定去46F 06/01 16:15
me410: 教堂,出來再來嘴他是美國傳統價值的守護者之類,左膠那群
SantaNM: 幫川普助選的智障 根本成不了大事48F 06/01 16:16
me410: 根本嘴不出來了49F 06/01 16:16
Szss: 在美國得罪基督教真的不用選。51F 06/01 16:18
zscst: Make America burning again52F 06/01 16:22
edwinrw: 耶穌你也敢燒?53F 06/01 16:23
magiteemo: 川普或成最大贏家 哈哈哈哈54F 06/01 16:24
faiya: 燒教堂……應該是有阿拉花瓜混在裡面吧55F 06/01 16:27
ggian123: Antifa真的低能56F 06/01 16:27
k44754: 挖操,教堂也敢亂喔@@57F 06/01 16:28
jones2011: 接下來會有一些很奇葩的宗教組織會冒出來了58F 06/01 16:29
k44754: 這種還是傳統大派教堂耶,不要命啦59F 06/01 16:29
jones2011: 以捍衛美國、憲法、民眾生命、宗教自由等名義60F 06/01 16:31
Syd: 燒教堂真的白痴 川普說你們恐怖組織真的沒錯XDDD61F 06/01 16:31
jones2011: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici62F 06/01 16:34
orze04: 這些瘋子下一步還想燒什麼63F 06/01 16:36
shadowfan: 本領覺得川普連任有點難,這下宗教票都拿到了,2020世64F 06/01 16:39
shadowfan: 界局勢讓人跟不上啊!
stlinman: 歐巴馬這次都不出來說句話嗎 ?66F 06/01 16:40
polo5615: 嗯67F 06/01 16:43
poqwmnzx25: 護駕 !。護駕!68F 06/01 16:44
ethan30213: 燒教堂燒國旗 這美國人?69F 06/01 16:47
Usaria: 前幾天還覺得川普幹話很多 我錯啦 這些暴民真的很可怕70F 06/01 16:56
neo5277: 全景封鎖71F 06/01 16:57
Vorukrus: 連教堂都燒 跟共產黨一個樣 看來背後是什麼很明顯 ㄏㄏ72F 06/01 16:59
dg7158: 這種時候好萊塢的大明星跟NBA的球星就一個個都閉嘴了73F 06/01 17:00
yuasa: haven是庇護所,不是天堂74F 06/01 17:05
aiglas0209: 只有好萊塢風向雞閉嘴好嗎!NBA不少黑人球星出來力挺75F 06/01 17:05
k1400: 扶清滅洋!扶清滅洋!扶清滅洋!76F 06/01 17:06
night957: 沒事,好萊塢巨星繼續挺77F 06/01 17:20
hgt: 美國紅衞兵啊,要無神論78F 06/01 17:26
garcia: 我書讀得少 自導自演的英文是什麼?79F 06/01 17:30
※ 編輯: nomorepipe ( 臺灣), 06/01/2020 17:38:27

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( ̄︶ ̄)b leon999su, clisan 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2020-06-01 16:45:52 (台灣)
+1 06-01 16:45 TW
蓄意攻擊這幾種地方 通常跟喪心病狂也相去不遠了
2樓 時間: 2020-06-01 16:47:13 (台灣)
  06-01 16:47 TW
3樓 時間: 2020-06-01 18:07:49 (台灣)
  06-01 18:07 TW
PELOSI : a beautiful sight to behold
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