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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 美國警察再次用膝蓋壓制脖子 遭同僚制止
時間 Mon Jun 1 13:45:04 2020
就是因為有警察刻意用膝蓋壓制George Flyod的脖子,
Cop has his knee on a woman's neck even though there are 3 cops on her already. A different cop notices it and pulls him away. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Crowd shouts at a Seattle officer who put his knee on the neck an apprehended looter. Another officer listened & physically pulled his partner's knee off the neck. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Police in Erie PA kicking down a peaceful protestor : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
An alert about a 9pm curfew enforcement was sent to Atlanta residents at approximately 9:13pm. Police stopped them, broke the window to their car, tazed them, tackled them and arrested them. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Can’t even be on your porch currently : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
U.S. security forces hunt down journalists covering GeorgeFloyd protests. VICE reporter @MichaelAdams317 plea“I’m Press! Press! Press!” as he's thrown to the ground, beaten, and pepper-sprayed directly in the face.Share this Please this needs to be seen. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Chad Loder
@chadloderAli Veshi and his CNN crew come under fire from #Minneapolis police with tear gas and rubber bullets.
“There was absolutely no provocation. The police just drove up, split the crowd in two and started firing in both directions.”
@chadloderAli Veshi and his CNN crew come under fire from #Minneapolis police with tear gas and rubber bullets.
“There was absolutely no provocation. The police just drove up, split the crowd in two and started firing in both directions.”
Natasha Fatah
@NatashaFatah#GeorgeFloyd Protests: CBC in Minneapolis
#BREAKING The curfew is in effect but protesters are still out so police started tear gas and rubber bullets at them.
People have been hit including our colleague, CBC Senior Correspondent Susan Ormiston.
@NatashaFatah#GeorgeFloyd Protests: CBC in Minneapolis
#BREAKING The curfew is in effect but protesters are still out so police started tear gas and rubber bullets at them.
People have been hit including our colleague, CBC Senior Correspondent Susan Ormiston.
Sarah Belle Lin
@SarahBelleLinI was hit by the police by in the inner thighs. I am injured. I repeated my First Amendment rights. Oakland #GeorgeFloyd protest.
@SarahBelleLinI was hit by the police by in the inner thighs. I am injured. I repeated my First Amendment rights. Oakland #GeorgeFloyd protest.
Brian Stelter
@brianstelterA man with a video camera and a PRESS helmet runs after being hit by... something... apparently some sort of pellet fired by police
@brianstelterA man with a video camera and a PRESS helmet runs after being hit by... something... apparently some sort of pellet fired by police
Michael George
@MikeGeorgeCBSThis is the moment Minneapolis Police fired on our CBS News crew with rubber bullets. As you can see, no protesters anywhere near us- we all were wearing credentials and had cameras out. Our sound engineer was hit in the arm. #cbsnews
@MikeGeorgeCBSThis is the moment Minneapolis Police fired on our CBS News crew with rubber bullets. As you can see, no protesters anywhere near us- we all were wearing credentials and had cameras out. Our sound engineer was hit in the arm. #cbsnews
Good Morning America
@GMA"We're getting hit by tear gas!" Live coverage from field reporters from @ABC7 in Los Angeles as protests rage through the luxury stores of Rodeo Drive.
LIVE UPATES: http://gma.abc/2Al4ehI
@GMA"We're getting hit by tear gas!" Live coverage from field reporters from @ABC7 in Los Angeles as protests rage through the luxury stores of Rodeo Drive.
LIVE UPATES: http://gma.abc/2Al4ehI
Nurse working at the medical tent, treating people injured by security forces. : Regime military police opened fire on the medical tents, nurses, and beat/ arrested patients. Please share this, This NEEDS to be seen. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Cop pepper sprays a medic trying to help screaming woman : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Officer gets confronted by another officer for pushing a girl who was on her knees with her hands up. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Protesters hand rioter over to police : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
2020: when life imitates art : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
So anonymous said they’d be leaking the crimes that the police have commit too : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
Rifle Wielding Veterans Join Forces With Protestors. : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
I compiled all instances of unprovoked police violence against non-violent protestors (May 30 2020) : PublicFreakout
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. ...
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→ : 這是抗議派來的臥底吧1F 06/01 13:46
→ : 642F 06/01 13:47
推 : 今日香港 明日台灣3F 06/01 13:47
→ : 警用固定技4F 06/01 13:47
推 : 這是特戰不對用的方法吧XD5F 06/01 13:48
推 : 廢物覺青看到美國警察是怎麼做的了沒阿6F 06/01 13:48
推 : #icantjizz7F 06/01 13:48
推 : 啥?美國就說是臥底喔8F 06/01 13:48
推 : 乾 是不知道有攝影機膩9F 06/01 13:48
→ flavorBZ …
→ : 是說你的連結都不能看耶……11F 06/01 13:49
補上Reddit連結。推 : 這麼怕幹嘛,現行犯都不能壓制上銬了要警察怎麼逮捕兇惡罪12F 06/01 13:49
→ : 犯
→ : 犯
→ flavorBZ …
推 : 哇 太狂了吧16F 06/01 13:50
推 : 幹 這一定是警察學校教官教的裡技17F 06/01 13:50
推 : 有人說膝壓脖是正規手法 究竟事實是什麼?18F 06/01 13:52
推 : 退伍軍人好帥 反觀台灣一群垃圾米蟲19F 06/01 13:52
→ : 如果當時同僚有制止...就不會有暴動了...20F 06/01 13:53
→ : 奇怪又打不開的影片連結21F 06/01 13:53
推 : 今日美國 明日台灣22F 06/01 13:54
推 : 挖喔~~~23F 06/01 13:56
推 : 看影片那個護士是白人啊 為什麼也遭殃24F 06/01 13:56
→ : 幫黑人治療也不行?
→ : 幫黑人治療也不行?
推 : 犯人一直動於是就持續壓制是對的,但壓脖是錯的26F 06/01 13:56
推 : 用美國內部暴動牽制美國對外武力27F 06/01 13:57
推 : 跟香港警察差不多了28F 06/01 13:58
→ : 原來是香港啊!我還以為是美國呢!29F 06/01 13:59
推 : 影片中Y發現美警用膝蓋去壓制倒地的"犯人"好像很常見…30F 06/01 13:59
推 : 美式擒拿術31F 06/01 14:01
→ foolfighter …
推 : 站在門口被開槍真的活該33F 06/01 14:02
推 : 吱叭青會說美國民眾可以持槍,所以美警要狠一點34F 06/01 14:02
推 : 說,你誰派來的,爸爸國家沒這麼黑心的35F 06/01 14:03
推 : 對護士開槍,超狂36F 06/01 14:03
→ : 老實說在八卦板這麼綠的地方能比較,已經證明美國夠
→ : 搞笑了
→ : 老實說在八卦板這麼綠的地方能比較,已經證明美國夠
→ : 搞笑了
推 : 光復美國、時代革命、川普下台40F 06/01 14:04
推 : 有牌的黑道wwwwwwww41F 06/01 14:05
推 : 垃圾民主黨哈哈哈哈哈42F 06/01 14:06
推 :43F 06/01 14:07
推 : 最後一個影片3:45 那狗咬超久感覺痛死44F 06/01 14:10
→ : 我也覺得正規手法 感覺太熟練了45F 06/01 14:10
推 : 綠粉挺白警壓制白人?真的可憐哪46F 06/01 14:11
→ : 旁邊的警察還完全不動聲色 超扯47F 06/01 14:11
推 : 台灣發生過8+9被警察壓到爆肝的案件48F 06/01 14:12
→ : 所以五毛現在要改支持美國警察了嗎49F 06/01 14:13
推 : 比較常見的應該是膝蓋壓制頭。不過我猜會有黑警辯稱50F 06/01 14:13
→ : 怕壓頭太痛改成壓脖子
→ : 怕壓頭太痛改成壓脖子
→ : 還是把川普搞下台以後再支持52F 06/01 14:13
→ : 偏要用這招 智障逆53F 06/01 14:17
推 : 三普應該是沒G會了54F 06/01 14:17
推 : 在風頭上還想火上澆油啊55F 06/01 14:18
→ : 這些警察也沒比香港的黑警好56F 06/01 14:18
→ : 可悲下賤五毛很想被港警這樣壓直接講57F 06/01 14:18
→ : 這些黑人作亂根本幫川普催票好嗎58F 06/01 14:18
推 : 中共=暴政垃圾國家 美國=垃圾暴民該打59F 06/01 14:18
推 : 真的很故意60F 06/01 14:20
噓 : 帶風向61F 06/01 14:20
推 : 待在自己土地上也被開槍XDDDD62F 06/01 14:20
→ : 今日美國,明日台灣。63F 06/01 14:20
→ : 想到昨天還有一個號稱住西雅圖的說美警不像港警亂開槍64F 06/01 14:20
→ : 不知道看到這個影片怎麼想
→ : 不知道看到這個影片怎麼想
→ : 都多久了終於怕了,看來抗議到暴動還是有點成果66F 06/01 14:22
推 : 光復美國 時代革命 黑警死全家67F 06/01 14:22
→ lwamp …
推 : 你確定是幫川普催票嗎?怎麼我看很多人擔心川普因為這69F 06/01 14:23
→ : 樣失去連任機會啊?
→ : 樣失去連任機會啊?
→ : 攻擊護士那個真的爛到靠北,根本跟香港的在比誰下限低72F 06/01 14:24
推 : 誇張,好多喔73F 06/01 14:24
→ : 小粉紅支持美國警方嗎XD74F 06/01 14:25
推 : 不見得是正式SOP 但很可能是潛規則 當年NYPD出事也說鎖喉75F 06/01 14:27
噓 : 幹嘛讓這些暴民活著?76F 06/01 14:27
→ : 是SOP 但官方堅持否認 最後雖然沒坐牢但也丟工作(理論上77F 06/01 14:27
→ : 也很難找一般工作了 都出名了 大家都怕被鎖喉)
→ : 也很難找一般工作了 都出名了 大家都怕被鎖喉)
推 : CNN訪問一個前警校教官 他說是SOP 但是犯人被控制79F 06/01 14:29
→ : 以後就應該中止壓制
→ : 以後就應該中止壓制
推 : 米國黑警 v.s 香港黑警81F 06/01 14:30
推 : 低能智障:香港黑警比較可惡82F 06/01 14:31
推 : 如果是全國各地都有這種警察 肯定三普要負責83F 06/01 14:32
推 : 再壓死一個白人 一個黃種人 一個多性向變性人 一隻狗84F 06/01 14:33
→ : 大家就平等了 不用再吵了
→ : 大家就平等了 不用再吵了
→ : 哦哦哦86F 06/01 14:34
→ : 支那畜生都去死87F 06/01 14:34
推 : 2020歷史寫不完88F 06/01 14:34
推 : 這不是黑警 甚麼是黑警 反正吱障只會雙標89F 06/01 14:35
→ : 八毛應該想想,人家黑人多有尬子~小粉紅連屁都不敢放90F 06/01 14:35
推 : 昨日香港 今日美國 我都支持喔91F 06/01 14:37
推 : 暴力就是不對,少在那邊扯美國和香港,五毛悲哀92F 06/01 14:37
推 : 是暴徒還是抗議者?93F 06/01 14:38
推 : 小粉綠支持黑人都該被屠殺94F 06/01 14:39
推 : 打那個95F 06/01 14:40
推 : 推96F 06/01 14:43
推 : 這群低能警察是臥底嗎 幹這種智障事97F 06/01 14:47
推 : 有夠87 嫌被抗議的不夠嗎98F 06/01 14:49
推 : 想開開槍就開,想打人就打 想殺人就殺。自由的國度r99F 06/01 14:52
推 : 嚴厲執法是必要的 反觀台灣100F 06/01 14:56
推 : 但出事的往死裡壓 造成現在狀況102F 06/01 14:58
Police, experts condemn knee restraint used on George Floyd
Police, experts condemn knee restraint used on George Floyd | CP24.com
Police around the nation and law enforcement experts on Thursday broadly condemned the way George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody this w ...
Police around the nation and law enforcement experts on Thursday broadly condemned the way George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody this w ...
But "no police academy that we know of teaches a police officer to use their
knee, to put it on their neck," said Chuck Wexler, executive director of the
Police Executive Research Forum, which researches and advises on police
practices. "That's just not taught because that can impact their breathing
and their carotid artery (a crucial vessel that supplies blood to the brain).
So when police look at that video, they are shocked that those tactics were
The move used to restrain George Floyd is discouraged by most police. Here's
The move used to restrain George Floyd is discouraged by most police. Here's why - CNN
Here's why the knee-to-neck maneuver used to hold George Floyd down was dangerous and egregious, according to law enforcement experts. ...
Here's why the knee-to-neck maneuver used to hold George Floyd down was dangerous and egregious, according to law enforcement experts. ...
In his book on use of force, Stoughton wrote, "Officers should avoid putting
their body weight on the subject's neck or head; the pressure of such a
position can fracture the hyoid bone or cervical spine, depending on the
position of the subject's head."
推 : 不會射警察?103F 06/01 14:58
推 : 開始惹 要帶風向帶去美國=中共 了105F 06/01 15:00
推 : 今日美國 明日台灣108F 06/01 15:04
推 : 有人發現美國警察跟香港一樣水準,不敢面對真相只好推109F 06/01 15:05
→ : 給網軍QQ
→ : 給網軍QQ
→ : 中和警很會踹頭跟嗆居民^_^111F 06/01 15:06
推 : 站在門口就被開槍..112F 06/01 15:07
推 : 太扯了吧…114F 06/01 15:11
→ : 那個破壞人行道是在衝三小 學中印來石頭大戰?115F 06/01 15:13
推 : 這一定是解放軍假扮的116F 06/01 15:16
推 : 真的是電影117F 06/01 15:16
→ : 翻譯 請收下我的膝蓋118F 06/01 15:19
推 : 下次直接開槍掃射比較快,壓什麼脖子119F 06/01 15:19
→ : 請黨指示現在要往哪邊倒120F 06/01 15:20
→ : 昨日香港,今日美國121F 06/01 15:24
推 : 撐黑人,集氣!122F 06/01 15:26
推 : 我在警察機關受訓的時候,台灣是有教這種壓制方式的喲,123F 06/01 15:26
→ : 少數可以一個人徹底壓制另一個人的方式
→ : 少數可以一個人徹底壓制另一個人的方式
噓 : 被受訓的圖笑死,一堆人被打臉125F 06/01 15:36
→ : 用習慣這招了吧,壓住就不可能動了126F 06/01 15:36
推 : 同僚:幹你娘,嫌眾怒惹的不夠多是不是127F 06/01 15:36
→ : 拼命帶風向美國警察暴行 > 中共128F 06/01 15:38
→ : 拿催淚彈噴人的黑警:對,不夠多129F 06/01 15:38
→ : 這種人就不說是什麼了,自己想130F 06/01 15:38
推 : 應該是SOP...所以才定調吸毒心臟病131F 06/01 15:38
→ : 港黑警對決美警132F 06/01 15:40
推 : 這種打靶應該都是瞄要害在打了不適合警隊該去特種部隊133F 06/01 15:41
推 : 恩至少他們同僚會阻止,代表美國警察會反省134F 06/01 15:42
推 : 名字遮起來我還以為是支那135F 06/01 15:43
推 : 真的超扯很多都非必要的136F 06/01 15:43
→ : 其實...他們迅速處分執法過當警察 撤職 移送法辦137F 06/01 15:43
推 : 今日美國 明日台灣138F 06/01 15:43
→ : 這種警察反省的事情在支那根本不會發生139F 06/01 15:44
噓 : 支那才不會這樣壓制,140F 06/01 15:44
→ : 直接警棍尻到爆血,香港沒看過?
→ : 直接警棍尻到爆血,香港沒看過?
推 : 高調142F 06/01 15:45
→ : 今日美國,明日台灣?143F 06/01 15:46
→ : 美國公開要侵略台灣?腦子裝X?
→ : 美國公開要侵略台灣?腦子裝X?
噓 : 先進國家 反觀145F 06/01 15:47
推 : 那個騎馬把人踹倒的警察是黑人ㄟ 我很好奇如果他被暴民146F 06/01 15:48
推 : 自由美利堅 槍戰美一天147F 06/01 15:49
→ : 打死 接下來劇情會怎麼演XDD148F 06/01 15:49
噓 : 好想被圖片女警壓制149F 06/01 15:52
→ : 這真的怕抱 米國一堆內鬼在搗亂啊150F 06/01 15:53
推 : 說個笑話 美國最有人權151F 06/01 15:54
推 : 美國當然有人權 暴民在中國就死定了152F 06/01 15:56
推 : 敲磚那個比較好笑,香港這樣做不都沒事153F 06/01 15:58
推 : 就標準示威, 殺了又怎樣的意思.154F 06/01 16:00
推 : 美國警察的公權力高度問題終於出事了吼155F 06/01 16:00
→ : 像台灣警察學學
→ : 像台灣警察學學
推 : 美國香港行政區157F 06/01 16:05
→ : 香港黑警一定照壓,才不理什麼制止158F 06/01 16:05
推 : 被女黑警罵的白警好窩囊www159F 06/01 16:06
推 : 難怪綠共愈來愈誇張 原來是跟舔美舔出來的160F 06/01 16:08
推 : 英粉:那些是中國買通的黑警,不要被騙了161F 06/01 16:17
噓 : 要不要開一篇暴民幹壞事的162F 06/01 16:20
噓 : 覺青快出來啊163F 06/01 16:23
→ lain2002 …
※ 編輯: EvilisGood ( 臺灣), 06/01/2020 16:27:14
推 : 美國警察都無腦嗎= =? 風頭上還敢亂搞165F 06/01 16:26
推 : 美國警察香港化166F 06/01 16:27
→ : 明明就是講美國警察暴力行徑167F 06/01 16:30
→ : 一堆被害妄想症以為要藉此抵銷香港警察的罪行
→ : 一堆被害妄想症以為要藉此抵銷香港警察的罪行
推 : 風頭上還這樣搞,智障是不是169F 06/01 16:31
推 : 5毛:不管拉都是警察 偷換概念一下反正文盲170F 06/01 16:40
→ : 用香港警察來幫美國警察護航真可笑,水準都快追上了還171F 06/01 16:45
→ : 想凹?
→ : 想凹?
推 : 沒4兒沒4兒 繼續跪舔白人屌 抗議94垃圾暴民173F 06/01 16:45
→ : 只看顏色沒有是非,一樣的事情美國警察就被推文覺青各174F 06/01 16:46
→ : 種「至少」來護航
→ : 種「至少」來護航
推 : 仇黑警和仇黑人概念相同 綠覺青的異想世界176F 06/01 16:47
推 : 沒教過用膝蓋 每個都用膝蓋 太神啦177F 06/01 16:49
推 : 敲磚那個感覺因為是白人才被大家抓 影片中好像有人喊f178F 06/01 16:52
→ : uck u white people
→ : uck u white people
推 : 覺青邏輯 黑警=黑人 都有個黑字180F 06/01 16:52
推 : 美國警察是不是把香港警察的作為當成圭臬?181F 06/01 16:54
推 : 今日美國,明日台灣182F 06/01 16:58
推 : 中美一家親183F 06/01 17:10
→ : 反觀港警184F 06/01 17:24
推 : 一樓笑死 香港都假暴民 美國都假警察185F 06/01 17:35
噓 : 出現在抗議場合 漠視自己同伴砸打搶 在說自己理性抗爭186F 06/01 17:42
→ : 拍警察暴力畫面再出來靠北
→ : 拍警察暴力畫面再出來靠北
推 : 就都別抓,大家相安無事188F 06/01 17:52
→ : 自由的美國,愛怎樣隨他們去
→ : 自由的美國,愛怎樣隨他們去
推 : 膝壓脖真的是正規手法...190F 06/01 17:54
推 : 看看美國抗議活動會不會變成罷免川普活動192F 06/01 18:00
推 : 壓脖子本來就正規手法 原理之一正是阻止血流到大腦193F 06/01 18:01
→ : 讓壓制對象缺氧難以反抗 只是不能用太久
→ : 弄死黑人那個壓10分鐘的根本有病 讓正規手法以後沒人敢用
→ : 讓壓制對象缺氧難以反抗 只是不能用太久
→ : 弄死黑人那個壓10分鐘的根本有病 讓正規手法以後沒人敢用
推 : 所以壓到十分鐘是否可以認定有殺人意圖?196F 06/01 18:06
推 : 白人的智商真的頗低w 還是是故意的197F 06/01 18:06
推 : 菸糞的最愛,咦,那菸糞應該很愛當初大腸花的打頭198F 06/01 18:15
→ : 警察啊
→ : 幾分鐘就會致死的手法是正規手法,太棒了,不愧是
→ : 警察啊
→ : 幾分鐘就會致死的手法是正規手法,太棒了,不愧是
推 : 今日美國 明日台灣! 啊幹.沒票可蹭,美國爸爸您繼續202F 06/01 18:18
→ : 有些行徑怎麼跟港警一樣?203F 06/01 18:20
推 : 遮起來我還以為在香港.....QQ204F 06/01 18:24
推 : 這招這麼好用嗎205F 06/01 18:34
推 : 原來今日香港 明日美國206F 06/01 18:42
推 : 真以為在香港207F 06/01 18:46
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2500
作者 EvilisGood 的最新發文:
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- 日前傳出一支影片, 可以看到紐約警察在逮捕犯人的過程中, 起用了一隻機器狗, 上頭還安裝了攝影機。 這隻由Boston Dynamics出產的機器狗售價75000美金, 攝影機又多加了30000美金 …26F 20推 1噓
- 如今證實, 不小心開槍殺人的女警是Kim Potter, 從警生涯二十五年的資深警官。 除此之外, 她還是當地警察工會的理事長, 並曾在2019年警察槍殺Kobe Dimock-Heisler案中, …9F 7推
- 事發影片,血腥慎入: 明尼蘇達警方在臨檢一名黑人嫌犯時, 因嫌犯不停掙扎, 女警試圖拿出電擊槍阻止對方逃脫, 卻不小心拿出了手槍而不自覺, 最後開槍誤射殺死了嫌犯。 在影片中可以聽到, 其他警察高喊要 …365F 217推 33噓
- 根據Samba TV統計, 有220萬戶在首週收看了《查克史奈德之正義聯盟》, 但你只要看了五分鐘就會被列為已收看。 但真正看完整整四小時電影的人, 實際上只有80萬戶, 意思是在所有點閱《查克史奈 …63F 31推 1噓
7樓 時間: 2020-06-01 22:15:30 (台灣)
06-01 22:15 TW