※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-21 21:40:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 推特"520國際祝賀&聲援台灣"合輯
時間 Thu May 21 20:50:13 2020
Rick Scott @SenRickScott (美國議員/兩屆州長,2498讚)
We've seen what happened to #HongKong under the “one country, two systems”
rule with Communist China. It doesn’t work - NO autonomy. #Taiwan is a great
ally & has been a leader during this pandemic. I stand with President Tsai in
her decision to reject this offer.
Marco Rubio @marcorubio (美國議員,3046讚)
The next few days will bring psychological & media efforts by #China’s
Communist Party to intimidate the people of #Taiwan. But they will fail.
Taiwan will not be scared into surrendering their liberty & America stands
with them #TaiwanIsNotPartOfChina
↖青天白日★Kyle Bass☆滿地紅↘ @Jkylebass (本業:反共大將軍/副業:華爾街傳奇/
Tsai delivered a devastating rebuke of the pro-China candidate in Taiwan’s
democratic elections in January. She will not stand for one country, two
systems. Taiwan has its independence! @AmbCuiTiankai @AmbLiuXiaoMing
@HuXijin_GT @globaltimesnews @SecPompeo
一國兩制。台灣擁有其獨立權!cc: 中共大使、環球時報、Pompeo
Secretary Pompeo @SecPompeo (美國國務卿,3.5萬讚)
Congratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on the commencement of your second-term
as Taiwan’s President. Taiwan’s vibrant democracy is an inspiration to the
region and the world. With President Tsai at the helm, our partnership with
Taiwan will continue to flourish.
Joe Biden @JoeBiden (美國總統候選人/前副總統,1萬讚)
Congratulations to Dr. @iingwen on the start of her second term. Taiwan’s
thriving democracy and response to COVID-19 are an example to the world.
America’s support for Taiwan must remain strong, principled, and bipartisan.
Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) @majorgauravarya (印度媒體人,6448讚)
If Taiwan refuses to blink, there is pretty much nothing that China can do
about it. Taiwan senses this. COVID-19 and the following deceit & cover up
has been China’s shame. The world is closing ranks. Any misadventure will
have serious repercussions.
Alexandre Krauss @AlexandreKrausz (歐盟政治顧問,3364讚)
One of the most vibrant and values driven democracies in the world has
formally empower for a second mandate its President. I salute and
congratulate Dr. @iingwen on the beginning of her second-term as #Taiwan’s
President and for leading the only Chinese #democracy!
Michael Cooper, MP @Cooper4SAE (加拿大議員,3062讚)
I am honoured to bring greetings at the inauguration of President Tsai
@iingwen as she embarks on her second term as President of #Taiwan. Here are
my remarks for today's inauguration ceremony. My warmest congratulations to
President Tsai
@Cooper4SAEI am honoured to bring greetings at the inauguration of President Tsai @iingwen as she embarks on her second term as President of #Taiwan. Here are my remarks for today's inauguration ceremony. My warmest congratulations to President Tsai
Andrew Scheer @AndrewScheer (加拿大議員/保守黨主席/官方反對黨主席,2817讚)
Congratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on her inauguration as Taiwan's President
today. Canada and Taiwan share a strong relationship based on a mutual
respect for democratic values and the rule of law. I wish her all the best as
she begins her second term.
Senator Ted Cruz @SenTedCruz (美國議員,2149讚)
Congratulations President Tsai on your second term. As I said when we met in
Taiwan last year, I have no doubt under your leadership, the ties between the
United States and #Taiwan will continue to deepen.
John Bolton @AmbJohnBolton (美國共和黨顧問,2063讚)
Congratulations to Tsai @iingwen as she begins her second term as President
of Taiwan. While facing daily threats from China & exclusion from the WHO,
Taiwan's model response to covid19 stands as an example to the world. Now is
the time to build closer ties with Taipei.
Carles Puigdemont @KRLS (歐盟議員/前加泰隆尼亞總統,1879讚)
Congratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文 @iingwen on the start of your new
term as President of Taiwan. We share with you and the Taiwanese people the
same values of freedom and democracy in the world
Pierre Paul-Hus @PierrePaulHus (加拿大議員,1875讚)
I congratulate Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen for her inauguration today and
for her leadership against the Chinese regime. #taiwan @MOFA_Taiwan
Lijian Zhao 趙立堅 @zlj517 (604讚)
On Pompeo’s congratulation to Tsai Ing-wen on her inauguration, we express
strong indignation and condemnation. China will take necessary
counter-measures, and the consequences will be borne by the US side.
Spokesperson發言人辦公室 @MFA_China (384讚)
On Pompeo’s congratulation to Tsai Ing-wen on her inauguration, we express
strong indignation and condemnation. China will take necessary
@marcorubioThe next few days will bring psychological & media efforts by #China’s Communist Party to intimidate the people of #Taiwan. But they will fail.
Taiwan will not be scared into surrendering their liberty & America stands with them
@JoeBidenCongratulations to Dr. @iingwen on the start of her second term. Taiwan’s thriving democracy and response to COVID-19 are an example to the world. America’s support for Taiwan must remain strong, principled, and bipartisan.https://twitter.com/iingwen/status/1262907613852979202 …
2020 inauguration activities are underway in Taiwan, so please join me as I take the oath of office, deliver my inaugural address, & greet friends & allies from around the globe.https://twitter.com/i/moments/1262903951126454273 …
@SecPompeoCongratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on the commencement of your second-term as Taiwan’s President. Taiwan’s vibrant democracy is an inspiration to the region and the world. With President Tsai at the helm, our partnership with Taiwan will continue to flourish.
@majorgauravaryaIf Taiwan refuses to blink, there is pretty much nothing that China can do about it. Taiwan senses this.
COVID-19 and the following deceit & cover up has been China’s shame. The world is closing ranks. Any misadventure will have serious repercussions.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-t...Anthem&utm_source=facebook …
@AmbJohnBoltonCongratulations to Tsai @iingwen as she begins her second term as President of Taiwan. While facing daily threats from China & exclusion from the WHO, Taiwan's model response to covid19 stands as an example to the world. Now is the time to build closer ties with Taipei.
@JkylebassCongratulations to President Tsai on her inauguration for her second term. Tsai delivered a devastating rebuke of the pro-China candidate in Taiwan’s democratic elections in January. She will not stand for one country, two systems. Taiwan has its independence! @AmbCuiTiankaihttps://twitter.com/secpompeo/status/1262724419513966598 …
Congratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on the commencement of your second-term as Taiwan’s President. Taiwan’s vibrant democracy is an inspiration to the region and the world. With President Tsai at the helm, our partnership with Taiwan will continue to flourish.
@SenRickScottWe've seen what happened to #HongKong under the “one country, two systems” rule with Communist China. It doesn’t work - NO autonomy.
#Taiwan is a great ally & has been a leader during this pandemic. I stand with President Tsai in her decision to reject this offer.https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1263070232790413314 …
Taiwan cannot accept becoming part of China under its 'one country, two systems' offer of autonomy , President Tsai Ing-wen said https://reut.rs/2XcZp1z
@SenTedCruzCongratulations President Tsai on your second term. As I said when we met in Taiwan last year, I have no doubt under your leadership, the ties between the United States and #Taiwan will continue to deepen.
@KRLSCongratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文 @iingwen on the start of your new term as President of Taiwan. We share with you and the Taiwanese people the same values of freedom and democracy in the worldhttps://twitter.com/iingwen/status/1262976750289432577 …
I am honoured to once again take on the responsibility entrusted to me by the Taiwanese people as President. I know that no matter the challenges we may face, we will stand together in freedom, democracy, & solidarity. Full speech:
@AndrewScheerCongratulations to Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on her inauguration as Taiwan's President today. Canada and Taiwan share a strong relationship based on a mutual respect for democratic values and the rule of law. I wish her all the best as she begins her second term.
@PierrePaulHusI congratulate Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen for her inauguration today and for her leadership against the Chinese regime. #taiwan @MOFA_Taiwanhttps://www.reuters.com/article/us-t...al-participation-idUSKBN22V1PN …
@zlj517On Pompeo’s congratulation to Tsai Ing-wen on her inauguration, we express strong indignation and condemnation. China will take necessary counter-measures, and the consequences will be borne by the US side.
@MFA_ChinaOn Pompeo’s congratulation to Tsai Ing-wen on her inauguration, we express strong indignation and condemnation. China will take necessary counter-measures.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (新加坡)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Undabgr (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1590065445.A.AB5.html
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