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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] FBI逮捕中共千人計畫教授
時間 Wed May 20 11:37:07 2020
1.媒體來源: CNN
2.記者署名: Josh Campbell, CNN
FBI arrests researcher for NASA who allegedly failed to report ties to China
FBI 逮捕一名為NASA提供研究的教授,無法交代與中國金錢關係。
Federal agents have arrested an Arkansas professor who allegedly failed to
disclose his ties to Chinese entities during the course of securing funding
for a NASA research project, the Justice Department announced.
Simon Saw-Teong Ang, 63, of Fayetteville, was arrested by FBI agents on
Friday and charged with wire fraud, according to a criminal complaint and
affidavit obtained by CNN.
FBI 逮捕阿肯色州大學教授 Simon Saw-Teong An, 63歲. 罪名是詐騙。他無法交代與
Authorities alleged Ang, an electrical engineering professor and researcher
at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (UA) since 1988, defrauded NASA
and the university "by failing to disclose that he held other positions at a
Chinese university and Chinese companies" in violation of conflict of
interest policies, according to an FBI special agent's affidavit in support
of the complaint.
"Ang made false statements and failed to report his outside employment to UA,
which enabled Ang to keep his UA job as well as obtain [US government]
research funding," according to the affidavit filed in US District Court for
the Western District of Arkansas.
當局表示 Ang 沒有據實報告他的外部工作故得以保持大學職位且繼續取得美國政府的研
As part of his research, authorities said Ang received several grants and
contracts from federal agencies, including NASA.
The affidavit states that, while working for the university, "Ang's close
ties to the Chinese government and employment with numerous Chinese companies
would have made him ineligible to receive grants issued by United States
government agencies."
CNN reached out Tuesday to an attorney representing Ang for comment. An
initial court appearance was held Monday.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Simon S. Ang: FBI arrests NASA researcher who allegedly failed to report ties to China - CNN
Federal agents have arrested an Arkansas professor who allegedly failed to disclose his ties to Chinese entities during the course of securing funding ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UnANfsc (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1589945833.A.DA6.html
→ : 全面啟動!1F 05/20 11:37
→ : 五樓的菊花也無法撇清和中共的關係2F 05/20 11:37
推 : 台灣會被掃到嗎?3F 05/20 11:38
推 : 不可能禁止啦,一堆EECS教授都中國人4F 05/20 11:38
→ foolfighter …
→ : 禁下去不就沒教授了6F 05/20 11:38
推 : FBI敢動手就是有證據了,中共真的毒瘤7F 05/20 11:38
→ : 歐盟也開始清老鼠屎了 中國想偷東西 沒們了8F 05/20 11:39
推 : 美國滲透成那樣了 台灣還在哪個階段啊9F 05/20 11:39
推 : 中天:賣卡席主義啦10F 05/20 11:39
→ : 哪部!11F 05/20 11:40
推 : 台灣也一堆 中原調查一下 高層應該很精彩12F 05/20 11:40
推 : 陽信也順變調查一下阿13F 05/20 11:41
→ : 間諜全部死刑14F 05/20 11:42
推 : 中國放在全世界各個國家的人就是到處偷 早就不意外15F 05/20 11:44
推 : 文西小妹大:美國麥卡錫主義掀起反華浪潮16F 05/20 11:44
→ : 美國這叫釣魚執法你懂不懂 呆子17F 05/20 11:48
→ : 你覺得這些人被FBI抓走後它們收中國的錢會怎麼處理
→ : 你覺得這些人被FBI抓走後它們收中國的錢會怎麼處理
推 : 台灣早該好好調查一次19F 05/20 11:49
推 : 笑死人,這接提供名單給美國抓人20F 05/20 11:50
推 : 反觀台灣21F 05/20 11:51

→ : 美國民主黨愛錢,還以為是在跟中國做生意。23F 05/20 11:54
推 : 被FBI抓 應該100%有問題ㄌ吧 美國人不是都超怕FBI的ㄇ24F 05/20 11:54
→ : 台灣國安單位是還在睡嗎?25F 05/20 11:58
推 : 人民幣真香26F 05/20 11:58
推 : 歐盟加把勁好嗎?27F 05/20 12:05
→ : 中國間諜28F 05/20 12:06
推 : (轉頭看台灣...)29F 05/20 12:08
推 : 自稱中國人和華人的通通都是同類 美國需要再次排華30F 05/20 12:08
推 : 早該做好了,差點被歐巴馬害死32F 05/20 12:09
推 : 沒操守33F 05/20 12:10
推 :34F 05/20 12:11
→ : 台灣也該清理內賊了把35F 05/20 12:12
推 : 每個月都可以看到千人計畫的教授被抓 嘻嘻36F 05/20 12:13
推 : 千人計畫(x) 千人間諜計畫(o)37F 05/20 12:14
推 : 一臉間諜樣,最好是教授38F 05/20 12:17
→ : 真牠媽低等支那人種 醜還小動作一堆39F 05/20 12:27
→ : 自己不誠實申報 當間諜被抓根本活該40F 05/20 12:30
推 : 爽41F 05/20 12:38
推 : 已經抓好幾個華裔了42F 05/20 12:44
→ : 反觀台灣43F 05/20 12:50
推 : 支持,支那賤畜只要當地毯給人踩就好,不需要地位44F 05/20 13:04
→ : 歐巴馬的坑…45F 05/20 13:15
→ : 五毛崩潰 中共不爽 武漢肺炎=中國特色之冠狀病毒46F 05/20 13:47
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