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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 美國推特評"中國習近平出20億鎂抗疫"
時間 Tue May 19 11:35:12 2020
@tedcruz (美國共和黨議員泰德˙克魯茲)
We’ll credit that to their account. They only owe $9.98 trillion more. Plus
compensate for 315k lives taken away.
Ted get the math right. It's 9.998 Trillion more.
Drop in the bucket for this country.
Missing at least 3 zeros
This is like driving your car into someone’s living room and throwing them a
$20 bill for damages.
China’s Xi caused over $20 trillion in global damages. $2 billion doesn’t
cut it. It’s an insult to humanity. #coronavirus #COVID19
Billion? With a "B"? Was the "T" key broken?
Chinese President Xi meets with WHO after ruling out Taiwan ... says
agreement was based on number of bricks he could provide to the WHO staff
Gumbys | Monty Python Wiki | Fandom
Gumbys are a type of recurring character in Monty Python's Flying Circus, characterized by a very distinctive appearance. If a name was listed for the ...
Gumbys are a type of recurring character in Monty Python's Flying Circus, characterized by a very distinctive appearance. If a name was listed for the ...
They are responsible for at least $2 Trillion in global financial damage.
Globally more like 100 trillion
回樓上 全球的話100兆差不多
And how much does the US owe them in deficit dollars?
We ‘owe’ them a trillion, but they reneged on a trillion in debt in the
past. I’d say they ‘owe’ us three trillion from this crisis alone.
回樓上 我們"欠"他們一兆,但他們之前也反悔過一兆的債務。我會說他們光是這次危機就
The Mission is Great
That can be their down payment. They owe us a lot more.
F China #BuyAmerican
2 Whole Billion Dollars?
The CCP is the greatest force for evil in the world, bar none.
Cnn will praise him.
"I burned down your house, but here's $20 for a new mailbox."
Wonder why Taiwan is not invited to the WHO party..
Ummmmm no thanks China you tried to kill us all knowingly nothing can make
this up
嗯~~~不用了謝謝 中國你意圖把我們都幹掉 無可彌補
How cute!
Let’s just go to war with them
Theres no need to collect from #CCP.just Seize Every #CCP controlled asset.
their Dollars are already here.
WHO must be disbanded for good they are a threat to the whole world
WHO應該永久解散 他們是全球的威脅
Too little, too late.
Wuhan Coronavirus. Don't let them blame America for it.
They need to throw in Hong Kong & the Panama Canal as well...
That’s like 1 dollar per Chinese.
Sanction China make them pay! China virus!
Luckily for China, they have the backing of the American liberal media to
downplay their culpability.
They should wipe our debt away! That would be a start to paying us back!
Thanks for Standing up for the USA. #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied #FreeHongKong
#FreeTibet #KeepTaiwanFree
Is this bribery?
$2B can bury a lot of data
Get rid of China products and no business with them,make meds local.
$2 billion is a rounding error compared to what other nations have spent
fighting this virus. This is weak PR.
This is the joke right?
*sound of pocket change hitting piggy bank*
Ted Cruz
@tedcruzWe’ll credit that to their account. They only owe $9.98 trillion more. Plus compensate for 315k lives taken away.https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1262385197540130818 …
China pledges $2 billion to global coronavirus fight http://hill.cm/SwxdToG
@tedcruzWe’ll credit that to their account. They only owe $9.98 trillion more. Plus compensate for 315k lives taken away.https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1262385197540130818 …
China pledges $2 billion to global coronavirus fight http://hill.cm/SwxdToG
Meet the Press
@MeetThePressJUST IN: China's Xi announces $2B for coronavirus response as WHO faces calls for investigation
@MeetThePressJUST IN: China's Xi announces $2B for coronavirus response as WHO faces calls for investigation
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→ : 中國有錢有能力 China can help1F 05/19 11:35
噓 : 20億只是買狗飼料餵狗2F 05/19 11:36
推 : 美國鄉民酸也很夠力3F 05/19 11:37
→ flavorBZ …
噓 : 操你媽的中國畜牲5F 05/19 11:38
推 : 垃圾中國 八國聯軍打爆中國垃圾6F 05/19 11:38
推 : 中國會賠錢? 耍賴裝死就飽了7F 05/19 11:39
→ bom30433 …
推 : 鍵盤的T壞掉了9F 05/19 11:40
推 : 自己國家失業的韭菜不救?還有錢買名聲10F 05/19 11:41
推 : 零錢掉進小豬撲滿的聲音XD11F 05/19 11:42
※ 編輯: StillguestXD ( 新加坡), 05/19/2020 11:42:43噓 : 20億鎂要拿口罩去抵嗎XD12F 05/19 11:42
推 : 有錢大外宣 沒錢救韭菜 可年哪13F 05/19 11:44
推 : 笑死 沒人推?14F 05/19 11:44
推 : 我放火燒了你家,給你這20美元買個新郵箱。15F 05/19 11:44
推 : 賤畜支八毛16F 05/19 11:45
→ : 有梗==17F 05/19 11:45
推 : 爽 柯韓粉五毛氣哭18F 05/19 11:46
→ : 再推
→ : 再推
推 : 20億鎂就想打發 笑死 而且還把病毒甩鍋成是人類共同面20F 05/19 11:48
→ : 對的病毒
→ : 對的病毒
推 : 世界毒瘤支那賤畜22F 05/19 11:48
→ : 有夠垃圾23F 05/19 11:48
推 : 推24F 05/19 11:52
推 : 支八毛 NMSL25F 05/19 11:52
→ : 中共數字26F 05/19 11:53
推 : 達斯包帝的邪惡西斯帝國勢力籠罩全銀河27F 05/19 11:54
→ : 習近平說說而已啦 中国政府說要出錢 從來沒有做到過28F 05/19 11:57
推 : 形容不太好 應該像開車撞進你家 然後駕駛丟20元給副29F 05/19 12:01
→ : 駕處理
→ : 駕處理
推 : 很貼切啊 燒掉你家房子賠郵箱31F 05/19 12:02
推 : 另外20億會送到談黑狗的口袋裡32F 05/19 12:03
推 : 以為在看八卦鄉民開酸33F 05/19 12:08
推 : 中國,你明白的34F 05/19 12:08
推 : 八卦版真的被柯韓粉五毛搞爛了 這種文章上不去35F 05/19 12:09
推 : 大推翻譯 美國也看開了36F 05/19 12:10
推 : 然後韓粉瘋狂吹捧 笑死 好像20E是給他們37F 05/19 12:11
推 : 原來是20億買來的演講外宣啊38F 05/19 12:12
噓 : 貼些網友自爽文有啥用39F 05/19 12:14
→ : 不是說世界各國支持台灣?
→ : 不是說世界各國支持台灣?
推 : 始作俑者被邀請去開場,很諷刺41F 05/19 12:18
推 : 支那人有非洲兄弟支持就夠了42F 05/19 12:21
推 : 死豬不怕開水燙,炮再多沒用啊43F 05/19 12:25
推 : 世界趨勢就是反中!柯韓粉還在八卦忙著維穩44F 05/19 12:26
推 : too little, too late, 好像也是形容納粹空軍的Me 262來45F 05/19 12:34
→ : 得又晚少,無法扭轉戰局
→ : 得又晚少,無法扭轉戰局
推 : 20億是賄賂各國高層的 基層喝西北風吧47F 05/19 12:34
→ : *又晚又少48F 05/19 12:34
推 : 20億= =?當每個國家抗億成本是白痴嗎49F 05/19 12:41
推 : 支那畜生都去死50F 05/19 12:47
→ : 錢真的會進嗎51F 05/19 12:48
推 : Cnn剛好是磕頭動作耶(kowtow)52F 05/19 12:54
推 : 高調53F 05/19 13:05
推 : 差不多每個中國人只賠一美元 哈哈54F 05/19 13:13
推 : 20億真的會兌現嗎(中共的信用??55F 05/19 13:15
噓 : 這20億分贓下來最後真正能動用的大概剩100萬56F 05/19 13:20
推 : 美國人竟然認為那20億他們可以分到...想當然是給中國小57F 05/19 13:26
→ : 弟的,而且有條仵...
→ : 裡面有一大半是非洲的利息吧
→ : 弟的,而且有條仵...
→ : 裡面有一大半是非洲的利息吧
推 : 20億鎂真的很少60F 05/19 13:30
推 : 美國若知道中國人搶著割地賠償 作何感想61F 05/19 13:37
推 : 中國習近平出20億鎂抗疫x封口o62F 05/19 13:42
推 : 難得這篇推文沒出現蟑螂二字63F 05/19 13:51
推 : 支那誠信 實際拿出2000萬鎂就不錯了64F 05/19 14:00
推 : 20億只是從買一個彈到屎變成買十個彈到屎,說話更大聲囉65F 05/19 14:03
推 : 香港人看到那句拿巴拿馬運河和香港賠大概會高興到飛起來XD66F 05/19 14:11
推 : 殺光賤畜 血債血償67F 05/19 14:11
推 : 還蠻好笑的XDDD68F 05/19 14:48
推 : 笑了69F 05/19 15:18
→ : 20億 買狗糧?70F 05/19 15:58
→ foolfighter …
推 : 我還以為在看5ch72F 05/19 16:37
推 : 共產黨不倒 世界不會好73F 05/19 18:13
推 : 八毛還沒上班?74F 05/19 18:18
→ : 韓某mou的感覺75F 05/19 18:24
推 : 中國真的讓美國人很不爽 主要是救世主樣太7876F 05/19 20:34
推 : 笑死了XD77F 05/19 23:24
噓 : 中國丟零錢出來善後?有夠噁心78F 05/20 00:16
推 : 笑了80F 05/20 01:55
推 : 每個中國人只賠一美元真的靠腰81F 05/20 08:54
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 12 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4490
( ̄︶ ̄)b leon999su, Minyi, sin8143, Camelry, tarbo888, starship, Han_Sen, yhnmju, ayaya520, tetris2, klin1, zoohoods 共 12 個人 說讚!
3樓 時間: 2020-05-20 00:26:31 (台灣)
05-20 00:26 TW
歐美文明國家是講明文信用, 但這兩點在中國五千年文化沒有, 中國所謂的外辱基本上就是缺乏文明信用吃定歐美國家才引發被報復的戰爭, 如果你覺得中國現代化了應該學會文明信用那你就大錯特錯了, 都過五千年了還繼續幹同樣蠢事, 外辱同樣會發生, 中國文化就是如此...