※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-18 11:20:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 《經濟學人》為何台灣在國際上不被承認
時間 Mon May 18 00:18:18 2020
1.媒體來源:The Economist
The Economist
Despite its success in dealing with covid-19, Taiwan will be shunned by the
World Health Assembly
THERE IS an island 180km off the coast of China. Its democratically elected
leaders say they run a country called the Republic of China. To the Communist
government in Beijing the island is “Taiwan, China” or “Taiwan Province,
China”. International organisations, desperate not to offend either side,
struggle to name it at all—many opt for the deliberately ambiguous “Chinese
Taipei”, after its capital city. To most it is just “Taiwan”, a country
that in recent months has drawn attention for its exemplary handling of the
covid-19 pandemic.
距離中國沿岸180公里外有一個島嶼,它的民選領袖都說自己統治一個稱做Republic of
China的國家。對於北京的共產黨而言,這個島是「Taiwan, China」或「Taiwan
Province, China」。盡量不想得罪兩邊的國際組織們,也避免直接稱呼它——許多國際
組織使用故意模稜兩可的「Chinese Taipei」稱之,這是以它們的首都為名。但對於多數
組織使用故意模稜兩可的「Chinese Taipei」稱之,這是以它們的首都為名。但對於多數
The country has been preparing for such a crisis since the SARS epidemic of
2003. To combat the spread of covid-19, it has screened inbound air
passengers and used national databases and big data to identify those most at
risk of infection. Thanks to such measures and many others, Taiwan has
managed to suppress covid-19 without closing all schools, restaurants and
bars. This success has attracted sympathy in the West for Taiwan’s efforts
to secure observer status at the World Health Assembly, the annual
decision-making forum of the World Health Organisation (WHO), which starts on
May 18th.
Taiwan is not a member of the WHO. Between 2009 and 2016, when a
China-friendly government held power in Taiwan, it attended assembly meetings
as an observer. But since then it has been prevented from participating, at
China’s behest. America and New Zealand have backed its bid to attend this
year, but the assembly will only extend an invitation if a majority of the WHO
’s 194 members vote in favour on May 18th. Most countries will fall in line
with China’s demand that Taiwan be ignored because they do not challenge the
view of the government in Beijing that it alone represents China, and that
China includes Taiwan. In 1971 the UN voted to recognise that government as
China’s sole representative.
Taiwan’s woes stem from the unfinished business of the civil war that
brought the Communist Party to power in China in 1949 and forced the deposed
government of the Kuomintang (KMT) to flee to the island. The KMT continued
to maintain that the Republic of China still existed, and refused to
recognise the new People’s Republic of China led by the Communists. It did
accept that Taiwan was a province of China, but not of the People’s
Republic. In the 1990s, however, democracy began to take hold in Taiwan. This
gave greater voice to politicians who saw the island as a country in its own
right, with no lingering claims to the mainland. In 2000 an opposition party,
the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), won presidential elections for the
first time. The DPP’s assertion of Taiwan’s separate identity enraged
China, which responded by extending olive branches to the KMT—hence China’s
decision to allow Taiwan to attend World Health Assembly meetings during the
years when the KMT was back in power on the island.
KMT來台後,繼續宣稱Republic of China仍然存在而拒絕承認共產黨的People’s
Republic of China,KMT接受台灣是China的一省,但不是People’s Republic的。
With the DPP in control again, China is unwilling to make any such
concessions. Since 2016 it has been using carrots (large investments) and
sticks (such as restrictions on visits by Chinese tourists) to persuade Taiwan
’s few remaining diplomatic allies to switch sides. Seven countries have
done so, leaving only 15 that still recognise the Republic of China. The
holdouts include eSwatini, Nicaragua and the Vatican.
交國跳槽。目前已有7個國家跳槽,僅剩15個國家承認Republic of China。不願妥中國的國家包含了史瓦帝尼(eSwatini),尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua)與梵蒂岡(Vatican)。
In January 2020 Tsai Ing-wen of the DPP won another four-year term as
president, making a cross-strait thaw highly unlikely for the foreseeable
future. Ms Tsai is widely viewed in Taiwan as relatively cautious in her
handling of relations with China. But the government in Beijing remains
suspicious of her party’s pro-independence leanings. Adding to tensions is
the pro-Taiwan stance of senior officials in the administration of America’s
president, Donald Trump and the billions of dollars of arms sales to the
island that Mr Trump has approved.
So China is trying to step up pressure on other countries to freeze out
Taiwan. The WHO’s unwillingness even to talk about Taiwan’s successes in
fighting the pandemic is evidence that this is working.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
The Economist explains - Why Taiwan is not recognised on the international stage | The Economist explains | The Economist
Despite its success in dealing with covid-19, Taiwan will be shunned by the World Health Assembly ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UmMFFM8 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1589732303.A.588.html
推 : 野1F 05/18 00:19
→ : 野雞2F 05/18 00:19
→ : 自稱經濟學人就是專家了嗎~~~3F 05/18 00:19
推 : 野雞小報4F 05/18 00:20
→ : 樓下支援野雞雜誌5F 05/18 00:20
噓 : 野雞6F 05/18 00:20
→ : 野肛7F 05/18 00:20
→ Julian9x9x9 …
噓 : end9F 05/18 00:20
推 : 感覺沒寫完10F 05/18 00:21
→ : Bumbler11F 05/18 00:21
推 : 樓下realcn12F 05/18 00:21
推 : 經濟學人就舔共雜誌社13F 05/18 00:22
噓 : 廣西土人得了武漢肺炎嗎?14F 05/18 00:22
→ : 國家目標是終極統一,要承認什麼?15F 05/18 00:22
推 : 簡單講 除打壓外 還帶有China字眼的國名就是濫觴16F 05/18 00:22
推 : 廣西賤畜有確診嗎 出來喊一下17F 05/18 00:22
推 : 地方小報 野雞雜誌18F 05/18 00:23
→ : 執政黨支持國家統一,到底要承認什麼主權,嘻嘻19F 05/18 00:24
推 : 野雞雜誌20F 05/18 00:24
推 : realcn現在只敢在政黑出沒21F 05/18 00:24
推 : 獨立就是個假議題= =22F 05/18 00:24
噓 : 明明是獨立好機會結果執政黨開始賣檳榔23F 05/18 00:24
→ : 敘利亞反抗軍打這麼久也沒有要獨立,也是支持一個敘利亞24F 05/18 00:24
推 : 地方小野雞啊,6月6日大家出遊不要去投票25F 05/18 00:25
→ heci1941 …
推 : 內賊太多27F 05/18 00:27
推 : 中共經濟學人28F 05/18 00:27
推 : 野雞29F 05/18 00:29
推 : 推30F 05/18 00:33
→ : 有趣的留言32F 05/18 00:33
推 : 野雞雜誌33F 05/18 00:37
→ : ROC被承認了就會被打成台獨 當然不行34F 05/18 00:37
推 : 有股淡淡淡的哀傷35F 05/18 00:40
推 : 沒實力不要大小聲36F 05/18 00:40
推 : 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎37F 05/18 00:43
→ : 520見真章38F 05/18 00:43
推 : 野雞雜誌39F 05/18 00:46
→ : 大內宣40F 05/18 00:48
推 : 野雞雜誌,我也經濟學人,我權威嗎?41F 05/18 00:50
推 : 野雞雜誌,聽都沒聽過,有商周有名嗎?42F 05/18 00:52
推 : 結論:中華民國是亂源43F 05/18 00:53
推 : 我也經濟學人,我權威嗎?44F 05/18 00:54
推 : 什麼野雞雜誌45F 05/18 00:55
推 : 中毒太深 每次都讓我想到野雞雜誌46F 05/18 00:57
噓 : 蔡英文又不宣布獨立,可悲資進黨47F 05/18 01:01
推 : 為什麼國民黨用音譯 而不是Chinese national party48F 05/18 01:02
→ : 最好是獨立好機會 共和黨又不希望台灣獨立 兩黨都不希望49F 05/18 01:05
→ : 美國就只想遵守台灣關係法而已
→ : 美國就只想遵守台灣關係法而已
推 : 野雞雜誌51F 05/18 01:09
推 : realcn可能在八卦階段性任務完成了 交棒給下一個5毛團隊52F 05/18 01:12
噓 : 不過大多數人選出的政府還是期望國家統一前的 嘻嘻53F 05/18 01:13
推 : 美國爸爸快來救我54F 05/18 01:17
→ : 沒簽名檔就是敗筆,不推55F 05/18 01:19
→ : 也就是讓路給更有成效的搞法56F 05/18 01:23
→ : 感想:領土是用嘴巴說了算嗎?57F 05/18 01:28
推 : 9.25毛:野雞雜誌58F 05/18 01:29
→ safelyfuck …
推 : 因為中共60F 05/18 01:38
噓 : 野雞雜誌61F 05/18 01:47
→ HwaSIn …
噓 : 夼西人跑哪去了 出院了嗎?63F 05/18 02:04
推 : 蔡政府加油,才四年就做很棒64F 05/18 02:05
推 : 推65F 05/18 02:06
推 : 國際嘴上說得好聽 其實現實得很66F 05/18 02:08
推 : 野雞雜誌67F 05/18 02:08
推 : 推68F 05/18 02:10
→ : 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎69F 05/18 02:11
噓 : 連職棒名稱、刪除"國家統一前"都不敢改,這個怎麼沒報導?70F 05/18 02:23
推 : 推71F 05/18 02:37
推 : 野雞雜誌72F 05/18 03:01
推 : 寫得不錯73F 05/18 03:16
推 : 金門/澎湖:不承認台灣可以承認我們呦~74F 05/18 03:45
→ : 就這樣沒了?我還以為有什麼深入分析...75F 05/18 04:21
推 : 唉喲,國際開始談法理了喔,我有預感支那戰敗民國快上海76F 05/18 04:22
→ : 牙法庭被幹死了喔
→ : 牙法庭被幹死了喔
推 : 你最後一句翻譯的很奇怪 改一下吧78F 05/18 05:32
推 : 中國就像公司小人一樣討厭79F 05/18 06:10
推 : @堆懶得思考 欺善怕惡的國家 讓台灣被孤立
推 : @堆懶得思考 欺善怕惡的國家 讓台灣被孤立
→ sonyabear …
推 : 野雞雜誌82F 05/18 06:19
推 : 台灣有所有的國家條件 距離獨立建國只差國際承認83F 05/18 06:41
推 : 這就是國際現實..84F 05/18 06:58
推 : 推 台灣要認清中國就是圍堵台灣的敵人85F 05/18 07:06
推 : 廣西土人realjp還活著嗎86F 05/18 07:10
→ qazsedcft …
推 : 台灣人就繼續自稱中華民國擁有台灣啊 這樣只是讓中國的內88F 05/18 07:23
→ : 戰延續到台灣而已
推 : 跟你說啦 台灣一切的亂源就是中華民國。啊我這樣講中華民
→ : 國份子又有出來崩潰了
→ : 戰延續到台灣而已
推 : 跟你說啦 台灣一切的亂源就是中華民國。啊我這樣講中華民
→ : 國份子又有出來崩潰了
推 : realcn:野雞雜誌92F 05/18 07:25
→ : 台灣人要認清 不敢建台灣國的後果…國際無法支持你94F 05/18 07:31
推 : 高調95F 05/18 07:34
噓 : 中華民國已經滅亡了,別在巴著這個名字96F 05/18 07:48
推 : 大致是客觀事實的簡介 沒有深入分析97F 05/18 07:54
推 : 野雞98F 05/18 08:23
噓 : 大數據分析找出感染源?笑死 不就前後封中國歐美、病99F 05/18 08:25
→ : 人自行就醫的,封歐美還不要不緊的慢慢拍
→ : 人自行就醫的,封歐美還不要不緊的慢慢拍
推 : 推101F 05/18 08:26
推 : 這什麼野雞小報啊齁齁齁102F 05/18 08:48
推 : realcn: 野雞...103F 05/18 09:05
推 : 野.......104F 05/18 09:12
→ : 野雞雜誌105F 05/18 09:21
推 : 野雞雜誌106F 05/18 09:29
推 : 野雞學人107F 05/18 09:55
推 : 噓 realcn : 野雞雜誌108F 05/18 09:57
推 : 野雞109F 05/18 10:05
推 : 台灣的國際處境真的艱辛,又有各種中資入侵操弄反間110F 05/18 10:19
→ : ,DPP內也存在路線歧異,要守護台灣真的很不容易..
→ : ,DPP內也存在路線歧異,要守護台灣真的很不容易..
推 : 國家統一不敢刪,沒救啊112F 05/18 10:26
→ : 原因大家都知道 就是各國都想舔人民幣113F 05/18 10:48
推 : 野114F 05/18 10:56
推 : 野雞雜誌115F 05/18 11:09
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1333
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4樓 時間: 2020-05-18 09:04:53 (台灣)
05-18 09:04 TW