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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-17 00:44:35
看板 Gossiping
作者 inmee (J)
標題 [問卦] 別龜! 的英文怎麼說?
時間 Sat May 16 00:01:24 2020




想跟他talk talk,但是只能打英文


別龜! 的英文怎麼說?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UlhpM2N (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1589558486.A.097.html
whiteadam: 跟他說 現在太危險1F 05/16 00:01
pure9502: fuck my ass2F 05/16 00:02
DogBe105: 鱉鬼3F 05/16 00:02
estupid: don't total4F 05/16 00:02
AK56: don't be a pussy5F 05/16 00:03
s13914080: Show me the turtle6F 05/16 00:03
GetMoney: costco7F 05/16 00:03
onichichi: fk camper8F 05/16 00:03
jokerming847: do not turtle9F 05/16 00:03
whyhoward: total 是甚麼啦哈哈10F 05/16 00:03
kairi5217: No kame11F 05/16 00:03
QBey: don't turtle12F 05/16 00:03
yggyygy: I love you13F 05/16 00:03
saiulbb: 印象是 dont nfk14F 05/16 00:04
tooeasy: NMSL15F 05/16 00:04
yuasa: Camper是正確的 你可以說you bloody camper16F 05/16 00:04
ice0101001: 現在是英文檢定嗎?17F 05/16 00:04
redDest: kame dame!19F 05/16 00:05
GGrunrundela: do not total20F 05/16 00:06
DRnebula: go to fight you fucking pussy21F 05/16 00:06
fp737: don't gu22F 05/16 00:06
makinoyui: tortue23F 05/16 00:06
candysagaboy: don't be a turtle head,you motherfuker24F 05/16 00:07
tokyoto: don't get cold feet25F 05/16 00:07
mig: 4樓給翻譯翻譯26F 05/16 00:08
Swater2: RUSH B!27F 05/16 00:08
jokerming847: 他都叫stupid了你們還想怎樣28F 05/16 00:08
JRSmith: chicken out29F 05/16 00:09
grant790110: NOOOOOOOOB30F 05/16 00:09
candysagaboy: get up and shoot the fucking gun31F 05/16 00:09
obdv: Taiwan Independence! 817! Stupid!32F 05/16 00:09
caeser900452: Stop camping.33F 05/16 00:10
maybe262: Kamehameha34F 05/16 00:10
bth060104: 以前打cs 龜都叫camp 紮營35F 05/16 00:10
clm6688: Don't camp noob36F 05/16 00:10
littleoldman: kamehameha37F 05/16 00:11
Kazetachinu: 長姿勢了38F 05/16 00:11
caesst85149: Betsukame39F 05/16 00:12
xing1007: camper = 龜狗, 龜兒子40F 05/16 00:13
cc02040326: camper41F 05/16 00:13
q09701023: 可以翻成膽小吧?小貓咪那種的42F 05/16 00:15
giaour: smallturtlehead43F 05/16 00:16
ilinOe0: 你以為他看到懂?打loser就好喇44F 05/16 00:18
jen1121: ikea45F 05/16 00:23
maple0425:  go ! shit!46F 05/16 00:23
Guren8000: 粗乃丸47F 05/16 00:27
cwind07: Are U lost your ball?48F 05/16 00:31
illegalmad: push49F 05/16 00:31
joke3547: don't hesitate! move on mtf!50F 05/16 00:33
gxuvi: SB51F 05/16 00:34
zxc8787: camper52F 05/16 00:37
qqqwsd: over my sexy body53F 05/16 00:38
icou: no turtle! no turtle!54F 05/16 00:40
alan1943: push foward  No camp plz55F 05/16 00:43
wadasiwa5566: 以前打cs都說camp56F 05/16 00:50
ryan0222: gu sun shout57F 05/16 00:51
DarenR: How dare you turtle58F 05/16 00:53
fox128309: don’t be a chicken shit59F 05/16 00:55
discosoul: mai go gu ar ho mo60F 05/16 00:57
weiweiya: man up61F 05/16 01:00
vinsmokesanj: 董比厄舖西62F 05/16 01:10
TEMPLE123: get out to fight63F 05/16 01:14
lulocke: Don`t camp noob64F 05/16 01:17
aries1985: Be a man!!!65F 05/16 01:20
burberry5566: dont be dpp66F 05/16 01:23
oneloveone: nb camper67F 05/16 01:27
tp6jom32ul3: dont scare68F 05/16 01:29
asd89501tw: don't be a little pussy69F 05/16 01:49
gonzagri: No. 5 kill my brother70F 05/16 01:58
rei196: don't turtle71F 05/16 02:08
kkevinhess1t: How are you72F 05/16 02:30
kkevinhess1t: I am fin thank you
gabimilktea: 20FF74F 05/16 02:34
shian70259: say my name75F 05/16 02:52
DreamingIris: don't be a coward76F 05/16 03:13
sjr500: don't be pussy77F 05/16 03:18
sgg25981393: stop camping78F 05/16 03:29
kumoking: Ninja glans too big79F 05/16 03:32
evermpeg2: camper無誤 動詞就camp80F 05/16 03:34
ahaha777: 就chicken啊81F 05/16 03:58
ahaha777: 還有一種口語化的 忘了怎麼說
ahaha777: 反正也是雞雞的意思
harryshenTHS: IKEA84F 05/16 04:45
kill78941: charge85F 05/16 05:39
j355187: noob86F 05/16 05:55
CrushQQ: 我也是玩戰車遊戲,認真 stop camping u fxcker87F 05/16 05:56
oaoa0123: 真的就是 turtle 啊88F 05/16 06:28
oaoa0123: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtling_(gameplay)
noname912301: 勿quait90F 05/16 06:51
organ63521: 懶骨頭的馬91F 05/16 07:31
northwater: camp dog92F 05/16 08:17
okhold10112: Rush B94F 05/16 08:48
st2913sbck: don’t be a 支那95F 05/16 09:14
Brinkley: ikea96F 05/16 10:20
c8dk4: come you apes, you wanna live forever97F 05/16 10:21
iComeInPeace: stop being a ninja turtle98F 05/16 11:05
x0003: ぐだぐだしない99F 05/16 11:50
n61208: 現在雅芙一堆陸服過來玩家........100F 05/16 14:53

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