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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 西班牙朝沙灘噴漂白水「殺毒」 環團抗議
時間 Wed Apr 29 23:59:30 2020
Coronavirus: Outcry as Spanish beach sprayed with bleach
冠狀病毒:西班牙向海灘噴灑漂白劑 引起強烈抗議
Authorities in a Spanish coastal resort have apologised after spraying a
beach with bleach in an attempt to protect children from coronavirus.
Zahara de los Atunes, near Cadiz, used tractors to spray more than 2km (1.2
miles) of beach with a bleach solution a day before Spain allowed children
out of lockdown for the first time.
在 Cadiz 附近的 Zahara de los Atunes,在西班牙首次允許兒童於封城期間出門的前夕
,使用大型機具朝 2 公里長的海灘噴灑漂白水。
Environmentalists say the move caused "brutal damage" to the local ecosystem.
Spain has been badly affected by the coronavirus, with 23,800 deaths.
西班牙深受冠狀病毒的影響,已有 23,800 人死亡。
It recently announced a four-phase plan to lift its stringent lockdown
measures and return to a "new normality" by the end of June.
當局最近宣布了一項分成四個階段的計劃,逐漸鬆綁原本嚴格的封城措施,預計在 6 月
底恢復到「新的日常(new normality)」。
María Dolores Iglesias, who heads an environmental volunteer group in the
Cadiz region, said she had visited the beach at Zahara de los Atunes and seen
the damage for herself.
Cadiz 地區的環保志工小組負責人 María Dolores Iglesias 說,她去看了一下
Zahara de los Atunes 的海灘,親眼目睹了整塊地遭受的破壞。
She said the bleach "killed everything on the ground, nothing is seen, not
even insects".
The beach and its dunes are protected breeding and nesting places for
migratory birds and Ms Iglesias said she had seen at least one nest with eggs
destroyed by the tractors.
Iglesias 女士說,海灘及沙丘不但保護了候鳥,也提供了一個築巢的地方;她至少看到
"Bleach is used as a very powerful disinfectant, it is logical that it be
used to disinfect streets and asphalt, but here the damage has been brutal,"
she told Spanish media.
Ms Iglesias said that because of the lockdown, wildlife had been thriving on
the beach.
Iglesias 女士說,因為封城的關係,在海灘上的野生生物看起來活比以前還好。
"The beach has its own way of cleaning itself, it was not necessary," she
"They do not think that this is a living ecosystem, but a lot of land."
Local official Agustín Conejo admitted it was "a wrong move".
當地官員 Agustín Conejo 已經承認,這是「一個錯誤的舉動」。
"I admit that it was a mistake, it was done with the best intention," he said.
Mr Conejo said they had wanted to protect children who were coming to see the
sea after six weeks in confinement.
Conejo 先生說,他們只是想保護在歷經封城六個星期後,前來看海的孩子們。
The Andalusian regional government is now considering fining the local
The Andalusian regional government is now considering fining the local
authority for its action, El Pais newspaper reports.
據《El Pais》報導,Andalusian 地方政府目前正在考慮對這次的行動進行懲處。
Greenpeace in Spain drew a comparison with controversial statements by US
President Donald Trump, who suggested that injecting patients with
disinfectant might help treat coronavirus.
"Fumigating beaches in the middle of the breeding season for birds or the
development of the invertebrate network that will support coastal fishing...
is not one of Trump's ideas. It is happening in Zahara de los Atunes," it
護沿海的魚類...這不是川普的其中一個想法。但這實際發生在 Zahara de los Atunes」
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Coronavirus: Outcry as Spanish beach sprayed with bleach - BBC News
Environmentalists say a misguided attempt to protect residents has damaged a sensitive ecosystem. ...
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※ 編輯: rutw ( 臺灣), 04/30/2020 00:05:20
→ : 北妻1F 04/30 00:00
→ : 禁止進入海灘就不會有三小團體出來說話了吧2F 04/30 00:01
推 : 綠色恐怖組織得一分,這的確蠻白痴的…3F 04/30 00:01
噓 : 這些人的腦子…4F 04/30 00:05
推 : 難得推綠色恐怖組織5F 04/30 00:05
推 : 環團去死吧 生雞蛋無放雞屎有6F 04/30 00:05
推 : 海灘沒有人哪來的病毒給你滅阿 低能7F 04/30 00:06
→ : 北妻8F 04/30 00:07
推 : 海灘也無法讓病毒生存那麼久阿9F 04/30 00:21
→ : 陽光和海水會先殺死冠狀病毒,不需要漂白水。10F 04/30 00:24
→ : 海灘的強烈日曬就有劑量很高的紫外線 比消毒水還毒11F 04/30 00:29
推 : 夠北七12F 04/30 00:34
推 : 西班牙智障13F 04/30 00:37
推 : 這次環團是對的14F 04/30 00:52
推 : 有夠白痴的15F 04/30 00:55
推 : 是蠻腦殘的 太陽+海水 很強16F 04/30 00:58
推 : 腦殘無藥醫17F 04/30 01:04
推 : 智障...18F 04/30 01:45
推 : 北七...19F 04/30 02:34
推 : 好北七的政府 還要嘴硬自己立意是好的= =好好道歉20F 04/30 03:21
→ : 不會
→ : 不會
推 : 很多政府就是喜憨22F 04/30 04:06
推 : 智障23F 04/30 06:37
噓 : 沙灘?消毒?24F 04/30 07:47
推 : 歐洲到底要多低能25F 04/30 08:20
推 : 白人智商26F 04/30 08:42
推 : 陽光直曬的沙灘有多燙啊,最好病毒不會死XD27F 04/30 08:51
噓 : 好慘,沒想到21世紀的歐洲是如此低能28F 04/30 08:52
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 249
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