※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-18 10:07:12
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 圍著黑洞跳舞的恆星,證明愛因斯坦是對的
時間 Sat Apr 18 06:09:31 2020
Siliconrepublic INNOVATION
Colm Gorey
Star seen ‘dancing’ around supermassive black hole proves Einstein was right
Star seen ‘dancing’ around supermassive black hole proves Einstein was right
A star was seen orbiting a supermassive black hole in the way that Einstein’s general theory of relativity had predicted. ...
A star was seen orbiting a supermassive black hole in the way that
Einstein’s general theory of relativity had predicted.
The European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope
has revealed the first sighting of a star orbiting a supermassive
black hole in a rather unique way at the centre of the Milky Way.
This breakthrough, almost 30 years in the making, was predicted by
Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
ESO 超大望遠鏡揭露:在銀河系中心,首次觀察到一顆以相當獨特的軌跡繞著
Writing in Astronomy and Astrophysics, a team of researchers
described the star’s orbit as having a rosette shape, unlike the
ellipse shape as predicted by Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity.
研究團隊在<<天文學與天文物理學>> 寫道:這個恆星的軌跡不像是牛頓引力理論
預測的「橢圓形」;這個恆星軌跡是玫瑰(or 蓮葉)形狀。
Located 26,000 light years from the sun, Sagittarius A* and its
surrounding dense cluster of stars is described by ESO as being a
“unique laboratory for testing physics” in an otherwise
unexplored and extreme regime of gravity.
距離太陽約 26000 光年的人馬座A* 和周圍的星團在未知且極端的重力下,
被 ESO 形容是「檢驗物理學獨一無二的實驗室」
One of these stars, named S2, sweeps towards the supermassive
black hole and gets within 20bn km of it on the star’s closest
approach. Equivalent to 120 times the distance from Earth to the
sun, this makes it one of the closest stars ever found in orbit
around the black hole.
至今發現最靠近黑洞的其中一顆恆星 S2 掃向超級黑洞,S2 軌跡掃過最近的距離
在 200 億公里以內(約為地球到太陽的距離的 120倍)
4m times the mass of our sun
When S2 is at its closest approach to the black hole, it is
hurtling through space at 3pc of the speed of light, completing an
orbit once every 16 years. Using these latest figures, the
astronomers can predict that Sagittarius A* must have a mass 4m
times that of our sun.
當 S2 離黑洞最近時,會以光速衝出 3 單位(秒差距) 至太空,每 16 年完成繞行一次。
若用這些最新的資料,天文學家預測射手座的A* 至少比太陽重400萬倍。
The orbit of S2 makes it a significant outlier, as typically stars
and planets will move closer to and further away from the object
they are rotating around. However, S2’s orbit precesses, meaning
that the location of its closest point to the supermassive black
hole, change with each turn – resulting in the rosette shape.
S2 的玫瑰軌跡是一個顯著的異常值,一般來說,恆星跟行星的運行是靠近與遠離;
但是 S2 的軌跡顯示了當 S2 在最靠近超級黑洞時,每次的旋轉都會改變,最終
This effect, known as Schwarzschild precession, had never before
been measured for a star around a supermassive black hole.
這種效應(Schwarzschild precession)之前從來沒有對超級黑洞附近的恆星觀察過。
Over 27 years of observations of the S2 star, ESO’s instruments
made more than 330 measurements. Now, with the organisation’s
upcoming Extremely Large Telescope, the team believes it will be
possible to see even fainter stars orbiting the supermassive black
使用超過 330 方法、經過了 27 年的觀察。之後會有更厲害的望遠鏡問世,研究團隊
“If we are lucky, we might capture stars close enough that they
actually feel the rotation, the spin, of the black hole,” said
Andreas Eckart from Cologne University, one of the lead scientists
of the project. “That would be again a completely different
level of testing relativity.”
Cologne 大學的 Andreas Eckart 說:幸運的話,我們能很精確地捕捉到星體在黑洞旁
This simulation shows the orbits of stars very close to the
supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. Image:
ESO/L Calçada/spaceengine.org
Artist’s impression of S2’s orbit around the supermassive black
hole. Image: ESO/L Calçada
專家對繞著超級黑洞的 S2 軌跡的模擬
非本科,努力翻翻(就是不精準的意思啦 >w<)
來釣一下天文學大大,玫瑰型的軌跡 484 暨黑洞照的最新進展(?)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (愛爾蘭)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UcYaX0d (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1587161377.A.027.html
推 : 夜觀星象可以治療武漢肺炎嗎?1F 04/18 06:12
推 : 有沒有東西能證明愛因斯坦是錯的 不然這幾年看到的都是證2F 04/18 06:12
→ : 嗯嗯 跟我想的差不多3F 04/18 06:13
→ : 明他領先時代好幾個檔次4F 04/18 06:13
推 : 有啊,他不是不承認量子效應5F 04/18 06:15
推 : 量子力學方面輸很大6F 04/18 06:16
推 : 完全看不懂7F 04/18 06:18
→ : 看起來比較像不規則螺旋 它的軌跡週期跟半長軸一直在變 代8F 04/18 06:32
→ : 表黑洞質量一直在增加
→ : 表黑洞質量一直在增加
推 : 最後一段是說藉由觀察附近的星體能探究黑洞的自旋自轉吧10F 04/18 06:38
→ : 恩恩 跟我夢到的一樣11F 04/18 06:42
推 : 他下半輩子幾乎都是錯的阿12F 04/18 06:44
推 : 辛苦了 跟我想的差不多13F 04/18 06:47
推 : 太神啦!14F 04/18 06:53
推 : 牛頓又證明英國研究可信度15F 04/18 06:56
→ : 愛因斯坦是不承認量子的機率解釋 他自己的光電效應就16F 04/18 07:00
→ : 是沿用普朗克能量量子化的假設
→ : 是沿用普朗克能量量子化的假設
推 : 參考系不一樣,月球的軌道從太陽來看也是走螺旋18F 04/18 07:06
推 : 連結打不開19F 04/18 07:16
推 : 住在這上面每年的十二星座都完全不一樣,可能天天水逆(20F 04/18 07:28
→ : 誤)
→ : 誤)
→ : 嗯嗯我也這麼想22F 04/18 07:29
推 : 跟我想的差不多欸23F 04/18 07:33
→ : 三單位是什麼 三天文單位吧24F 04/18 07:34
推 : 辛苦了 跟我想的差不多25F 04/18 07:35
推 : 喔原來是秒差 不要括號在後面啊26F 04/18 07:36
推 : 嗯嗯我也這麼認為的27F 04/18 07:44
噓 : 光是量子力學裡面ㄉ量子傳輸方面愛因斯坦就輸到脫褲子ㄌ28F 04/18 07:50
→ : 好嗎,不懂別亂說
→ : 好嗎,不懂別亂說
推 : 定律就是拿來打破的壓30F 04/18 07:56
推 : 好漂亮31F 04/18 08:31
→ : 跟我之前推測的差不多 加油32F 04/18 08:31
→ : 量子力學方面愛因斯坦就錯很多,但相對論到目前都沒33F 04/18 08:35
→ : 有錯,可是相對論跟現在的量子力學不相容
→ : 有錯,可是相對論跟現在的量子力學不相容
推 : wow35F 04/18 08:56
推 : 螺旋丸?36F 04/18 09:01
推 : 謝謝翻37F 04/18 09:21
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