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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-12 17:45:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 johnruby (柳丁)
標題 [新聞] 民調:台灣人認為中國不友善、傾向緩獨
時間 Sun Apr 12 17:09:10 2020

國家利益雜誌 National Interest

Russel Hsiao


Poll: People in Taiwan Feel China is Unfriendly, Prefer Independence, and
Favor Slower Pace of Cross-Strait Exchanges

The results of the newest government poll on public views toward China’s
unfriendliness continued a multi-year increase in the number of Taiwanese who
view China as unfriendly.



Against the backdrop of increasing numbers of Chinese military exercises
around Taiwan, political suppression in neighboring Hong Kong, and aggressive
obstruction of the island democracy’s international space amid the Wuhan
coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC)—
the cabinet level agency in charge of the country’s cross-Strait policy—
released its latest official opinion polls tracking Taiwanese public opinion
on several key cross-Strait issues. These polls are conducted periodically
and on average three times per year since 2010. In the first official poll
released since the island’s January 2020 presidential and legislative
elections, the latest series of results shows a dramatic increase in the
percentage of people who view China as “unfriendly” (不友善) towards the
Taiwanese government and its people. Amid an escalation of cross-Strait
tension over the past four years, the government agency’s March 2020 poll
indicates that the numbers of people on the island who think China is
unfriendly toward the Taiwan government and the public have risen to 76.6
percent and 61.5 percent, respectively. These figures represent significant
jumps of 7.2 percent and 6.9 percent from the previous poll conducted in
October 2019 and are the highest numbers in 10 years.


The results of the newest government poll on public views toward China’s
unfriendliness continued a multi-year increase in the number of Taiwanese who
view China as unfriendly. This upward trend began in 2016 following Tsai
Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) election as president and the commencement of Beijing’s
multifaceted pressure campaign to isolate the new administration. These
measures include poaching Taiwan’s diplomatic allies; military coercion;
economic coercion; excluding Taiwan from international organizations;
pressuring foreign corporations; pressuring Taiwan’s non-diplomatic allies;
economic incentives; political warfare; cyber espionage; and traditional
espionage. In the poll conducted in March 2016, two months after Tsai was
elected president for her first-term, the numbers were already high at 59.3
percent (government) and 50.6 percent (people), especially when compared to
the last poll taken during the Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) administration in
November 2015, with figures at 51.2 percent (government) and 46.9 percent


In addition to surveying people’s views on China’s unfriendliness, two
other polls track Taiwanese public opinion on issues such as the people’s
views on unification, independence, or maintaining the status quo (民眾對統一
、獨立或維持現狀的看法) and their views toward the pace of cross-Strait
exchanges (民眾對兩岸交流速度的看法).


In the poll on the public’s view towards unification versus independence,
the March 2020 polls show that 28.1 percent of Taiwanese nationals would
prefer to maintain the status quo and then decide on independence or
unification later (compared to 31.8 percent in March 2016), 26.7 percent
prefer to maintain the status quo and move towards independence (compared to
19.8 percent in March 2016), 23.6 percent prefer the status quo indefinitely
(compared to 26.5 percent in March 2016), 9.3 percent prefer independence
immediately (compared to 6.5 percent in March 2016), and 0.8 percent favor
unification immediately (compared to 1.1 percent in March 2016).


While the percentage of those favoring some form of status quo still
represents the clear majority at 84.4 percent—roughly equivalent to the 86.7
percent polled in March 2016 after Tsai Ing-wen won her first presidential
race—the percentage of those preferring to gradually move towards
independence has noticeably increased by 6.9 percent, while those who want
independence immediately has also increased by 2.8 percent. This shift in
public sentiment has occurred despite the Tsai administration’s repeated
emphasis on maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and Beijing’s
incessant pressure campaign since she was elected president. Therefore, the
increasing preference for independence seems correlated to Beijing’s
intensifying pressure campaign, as well as other events like the ongoing
civil unrest in Hong Kong, which are pushing more people in Taiwan toward
independence from China—even immediately if necessary.


In the polling done on the public’s view on the pace of cross-Strait
exchanges, the March 2020 poll indicates that 45.1 percent feel the current
pace is just right, 26.6 percent think that the pace is too slow, 15.4
percent do not know, and 12.9 percent feel that it is too fast. By
comparison, the March 2016 poll also showed 45.1 percent felt the pace was
then also just right, but 21 percent felt it was too slow, 12.4 percent don’
t know, and 21.5 percent felt that it was too fast at the time.
Interestingly, people who held the view that cross-Strait exchanges were “
too slow” experienced a huge spike following Tsai’s election, jumping to a
high of 45 percent in June 2017, plateauing, and then dropping precipitously
from August 2018 from 42.9 percent to the current 26.6 percent. The cause of
this rise and fall may be attributed to the political shock of the abrupt
halt of cross-Strait exchanges in June 2016, which was followed by General
Secretary Xi Jinping’s hardening stance, increased Chinese military
provocations, the Hong Kong crisis, and the current Wuhan coronavirus


According to the Central News Agency of Taiwan, another poll also released
reportedly by MAC—which is not yet available on its website—showed that up
to 90 percent of the respondents disagreed with the PRC’s “one country, two
systems” (一國兩制) proposal, 90.5 percent opposed its threat of force
against Taiwan, and 91.5 percent did not agree with its suppression of Taiwan
’s diplomacy. Perhaps most importantly, all the polls seem to show that
mainstream public opinion in Taiwan is dead-set against the CCP ’s negative
attitude toward Taiwan. In another telling demonstration of the factors
shaping Taiwanese public sentiment, 91.6 percent objected to the Chinese
Communist Party’s (CCP) obstruction of Taiwan’s participation in the World
Health Organization (WHO) amid the pandemic. Additionally, 75.2 percent agree
that the government should call on the Beijing authorities to stop political
manipulation in Taiwan by the WHO and co-operate in dialogue.


Since CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed “Xi’s Five Points” (習五點
) of “Exploring Two-Systems – Taiwan Version” (探索兩制台灣方案) on
January 2, 2019 and introduced other hardline measures, polls show that the
percentage of respondents who oppose “one country, two systems” has
significantly risen from 75.4 percent to 90.0 percent. On a more recent
policy matter, 86.4 percent expressed support for President Tsai’s
declaration during her re-election victory speech on January 11, 2020 that
cross-Strait interactions should be promoted on the basis of “peace,
reciprocity, democracy, and dialogue” (和平、對等、民主、對話). Furthermore,
92.1 percent believe that the future of Taiwan and the development of
cross-Strait relations should be determined by Taiwan’s 23 million people in
order to maintain long-term stability.


Perhaps in anticipation of Beijing’s response to the release of the polling
data, the deputy chairman of MAC, Chen Ming-Chi (陳明祺), appealed to Beijing
authorities to “take a rational view of the Taiwan people’s response and
the key foundation of cross-Strait interaction proposed by President Tsai
Ing-wen, and to consider cooperating with Taiwan to deal with issues, health
and pandemic prevention, not political containment.”


Despite the CCP’s dual “soft-hard” approach of simultaneously trying to
woo Taiwanese people and businesses through various preferential economic
measures while intensifying its pressure campaign on the government, it is
clear that the enticements have not had the desired effects on Taiwanese
public opinion towards China. Perhaps one reason is that the constituencies
that actually benefit from these measures still represent a minority.
Moreover, as Taiwan’s younger generation becomes more civic-minded and
politically conscious, even those who may financially benefit will not
necessarily be enticed to favor PRC’s authoritarian political system. More
importantly, China’s continued saber-rattling tactics across the Taiwan
Strait, its response to the COVID-19 crisis, and its obstruction of Taiwan’s
entry into international institutions have clearly negatively influenced
Taiwan public opinion towards China. In this context, the emphasis of CCP
Politburo Standing Committee member Wang Yang’s (汪洋, b. 1955) statement at
the “2020 Taiwan Work Conference” earlier this year on raising the
effectiveness of these measures comes to mind. However, it remains to be seen
whether any innovative approaches to genuinely engage Taiwan will come of it,
as China continues to ramp up its military exercises around Taiwan while
attempting to isolate the island nation.


5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

Poll: People in Taiwan Feel China is Unfriendly, Prefer Independence, and Favor Slower Pace of Cross-Strait Exchanges | The National Interest
The results of the newest government poll on public views toward China’s unfriendliness continued a multi-year increase in the number of Taiwanese who ...


Poll: People in Taiwan Feel China is Unfriendly, Prefer Independence, and Favor Slower Pace of Cross-Strait Exchanges | The National Interest
The results of the newest government poll on public views toward China’s unfriendliness continued a multi-year increase in the number of Taiwanese who ...




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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UajgvfF (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1586682553.A.A4F.html
Leesanity: 讀1F 04/12 17:09
htcz: [url=https://imgur.com/NTTVypN]https://i.imgur.com/NTTVypN.jpg[/url]2F 04/12 17:10
KangSuat: 可是5百多萬票打臉這報導3F 04/12 17:10

呵呵  啊你是看完了膩 還是直接end

Julian9x9x9: 「勿謂言之不預!」 怕4F 04/12 17:10
jack168168tw: 還有人會覺得中國友善喔...5F 04/12 17:10
zx5412396318: 說真的 我高中以前並不討厭 中國6F 04/12 17:10
Golbeza: 事實就是不友善阿 香港西藏新疆還看不夠嗎7F 04/12 17:10
peterwu4: 不如說這是符合美國利益的期待的方向吧8F 04/12 17:10
zx5412396318: 過了10年,現在挺不喜歡9F 04/12 17:11
simplewish: 維尼台獨推手不意外10F 04/12 17:12
syk1104: 有嗎?看八卦以為我們希望被武統耶11F 04/12 17:12
darkbrigher: 八卦就一堆白蟑自己舔共還希望大家一起舔阿12F 04/12 17:14
wilson3435: 八掛看起來想被武統是哪個世界...13F 04/12 17:14
moon131: 五百多萬是一月的事,早就大消風了。深藍的親友們最近都14F 04/12 17:15
moon131: 說政府做的很好。
scoop: 大外宣16F 04/12 17:16
moon131: 這次疫情,改變全世界,也改變了台灣。17F 04/12 17:16
simplewish: 要看中共的內宣發文 三通那時的確在洗友台文 包子時代18F 04/12 17:16
simplewish: 就天天仇台 包子就紅衛兵出身沒啥好說
elainakuo: 今年當台灣人更有歸屬感 覺得驕傲20F 04/12 17:18
treefrog: 以前真的沒什麼感覺,現在覺得支那是在亂搞什麼21F 04/12 17:18
linyap: 不是台灣太強 是共產黨太廢22F 04/12 17:21
gwenwoo:  KMT沒有用啦23F 04/12 17:23
decorum: 如果總統大選是今天投票 蔡英文一定會再多至少150萬票24F 04/12 17:24
mtyk10100: 台獨教父習維尼25F 04/12 17:24
sorabird: 看看疫情過後會不會有類似戰後的世界秩序重組26F 04/12 17:24
※ 編輯: johnruby ( 臺灣), 04/12/2020 17:25:56
tanakataro: 看中國人和藍營整天在那唱 方艙醫院真神奇 真是夠了27F 04/12 17:25
decorum: 武漢肺炎讓老共的噁心嘴臉徹底現形28F 04/12 17:26
Willier: 那兩個噓的早就是黑名單 不用跟他們計較29F 04/12 17:29
martinshih: 有0.8%要立即統一啊 大約是18.4萬人30F 04/12 17:31
martinshih: 這些人扯後腿就夠了
audi1005: 所以才說大陸根本不想真的統一32F 04/12 17:34
achiyeng: 偉哉 習大大果然是台獨教父33F 04/12 17:35
nowitzki0207: 離中國遠的少在那GGYY34F 04/12 17:37

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1514 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b a0987789369, Chiaan, sin8143 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p zerou86 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2020-04-12 17:53:42 (台灣)
  04-12 17:53 TW
因為中國人是雜種本質 中國人是畜牲本性 而且中國人身上有帶著武漢肺炎
2樓 時間: 2020-04-12 18:05:31 (台灣)
  04-12 18:05 TW
3樓 時間: 2020-04-12 18:17:01 (台灣)
  04-12 18:17 TW
然後40歲啃蝕父母終生俸去反年改 買不起房和父母擠國宅…開那麼多隻…很辛苦
4樓 時間: 2020-04-12 18:31:46 (台灣)
  04-12 18:31 TW
5樓 時間: 2020-04-12 18:36:38 (南非)
  04-12 18:36 ZA
6樓 時間: 2020-04-12 18:41:31 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
disp舔的不是紅共,一堆跪舔綠共,都是在舔共  笑死
7樓 時間: 2020-04-12 18:55:59 (台灣)
  04-12 18:55 TW
8樓 時間: 2020-04-12 19:07:31 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
「維持現狀(16年3月數字為26.5%),9.3%偏好立即獨立(16年3月數字為6.5%),0.8%偏好 立即統一(16年3月數字為1.1%)」
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